It came to me much a kin to a bull smashing in through the door of a china shop. You can watch it coming through the window, the moment of blurring as you think that by some strange power it will change its course at the last minute, before the resounding crash of splintering wood and fragile Porcelain comes crashing to the ground. It cannot be stopped, it cannot be slowed, maybe redirected for a time but soon enough it will come no matter the odds. For the name of that bull is Life, and Life waits for no one.
Which leads me to my point.
For the last few weeks I have spent a majority of my time rinsing and repeating, job applications, interviews, refreshing the email inbox for a glimmer of hope that I got what I need (which, by the way, I did not), while simultaneously staring into the mirror with the realisation of above. Life does not wait, nor does time. It will gobble up and swallow and spit out whatever it chooses to as and when it wants to - for that is life. Yet, sometimes life also points that it is also time to move on. When enough is enough and no more can be achieved at present, one has to allow themselves to let go and get on with life.
I suppose what I'm trying to say is that I'm tying up my Fallon stuff and vacating Mizahar for a while. I say this as I look at her, scratch my head and go "yeah, this is an alright place to leave her. Yeah, she'll be fine here and I can pick her up again if desired" - emphasis on the
if. I do not see this as a permanent vacating, nor do I see this as the end. I see this merely as the placing down of priorities and accepting the hard truth.
Life cannot and will not wait for anyone.
So, while I spend the next week clearing out my "work desk" and bringing things to a close I say only this; thank you for the adventure, thank you for the words, thank you for the time, drop a line if you need me in the next week, good luck, stay merry, learn to dance in the rain, so long, and thanks for all the fish.
-BSc Jen/Fallon, and The Bear.