Maria One who dares to dream ![]() Female Human, Inarta Chiet born on the 2nd day of summer the year 494, 19 Lives and has always lived in Wind Reach Concept Personality :: Maria is a girl with a gentle, kind nature. She isn't very loud and most likely it is not her voice you will be hearing when in a large group. She tends to be introverted and gravitates towards small groups of people that she knows or books. Because of her introverted nature, it can be difficult to get close to Maria. However, it is possible. Once you break through her shy, quiet shell you will find a girl who knows how to let go, have fun, and be brave. She has manners, but she will (if you know her that is) chat your ear off and probably won't give you very many words in edge-wise. Internally, Maria is very emotional. She never really shows on the outside how she is feeling for she has become quite good at keeping herself composed, but she is always feeling something and probably thinking about things way more than they should be thought about. Along with this, I will tell you that the girl is extremely hard headed and very firm with what she believes in and never holds back when someone goes against those beliefs. Ok well maybe if they are in a higher caste than she is, then she will shut up. Well her mouth will shut, her thoughts will not. Normally a very submissive girl, Maria doesn't question authority. She does what she is told, gets the job done and that's that. However, she hates being blindly led through anything. If the person telling her what to do or where to go doesn't know a thing about what he/she is talking about, then Maria has no intention of following. She will sooner take control of the situation before being led by someone who is incompetent. Now let us get back to Maria's softer side, shall we? Maria is a dreamer. Sometimes you can find her simply sitting with her chin on her knees staring off at nothing. In reality when found like this, she is either in deep thought or dreaming about what her life would/will be like when/if she becomes a Endal. That is her life long dream. To bond with a Wind Eagle. She spends her time staring up at the sky wishing she could be up there flying with all the others. It's the dream that has yet to be fulfilled So in the end Maria, is sweet, smart, overly innocent, a dreamer, has the ability to be funny when she wants to, can be hard headed, follows the rules and (usually) doesn't question them (unless she knows they are wrong), and is for the most part a very pleasant person to be around. Ethics :: Maria feels that everyone should be treated equally. From the lowest Drudge to the highest Endal. She herself tries very hard to treat everyone she come in contact with with the respect they deserve, but it doesn't always turn out that way. She falls short of her own standards many times, but she believes that just trying is better then treating people like everyone else does. When it comes to killing and harming another person, Maria says that only in the case that the other person is harming or threatening to murder someone else do they deserve such harsh actions against them. Likes :: Being around other people like herself, learning how to do new and interesting things, silence, books, writing, music, practicing and using her archery skills, and many other things. (that I may or may not take the time to list sometime in the future) Dislikes :: Noisy people, being afraid when she knows it is silly to be, being led by one who knows not where or what he is doing, what she believes are unjust actions, and many other things that I may list later ... Or not. Dreams :: I have mentioned before that Maria is a bit of a dreamer. While most of her dreams are private and only known by her or others that are extremely close to her, one dream that she doesn't mind sharing is that ever since she was a little girl she has wanted to bond with an Eagle and become a Endal. Many a times she has imagined what her eagle will look like and how their bonding story will go. She truly does believe that this dream will come true one day, but only time will tell if she is correct. Post Creation ~ Because as time goes on people change. They grow and can sometimes change completely from what they were before just because of one event in their lives. So as Maria grows it is more than likely that her personality will grow and change with her. So this section is TBA and will be filled, changed, and frequently added to as I role play little miss Maria here. Appearance Maria stands at about five feet seven inches. Her weight is unknown, even to her. She has a lean, thin figure, but she isn't sickly skinny looking. She is probably about average. Her skin is pale with a slight bronze tint to it. She doesn't tan well, but she doesn't burn either. She just kind of always stays the same, maybe getting a shade or so darker in the season that she is out in the sun more. Maria'a hair is a fairly bright, feiry red color. It falls in a long, thick, slightly curly mane about her head and looks unkept most of the time, even though she spends time every morning brushing it out. Just over her right eyebrow she has some bangs that swoop over her forehead. Her eyes are a bright clear blue that look rather dazziling when the sun decides to hit them in just the right way. These blue eyes are then from with thick eyelashes that make them pop even more. Maria has no marks on her body that really stand out, however, she does have a light spray of freckles across her nose that you can see if you look close enough. Other then that and a few scattered freckles that find themselves here and there on her body, the only other marks on her are scars from some of the many accidents she has had while learning some of her different skills. Differences between Maria and her model :: The model has pierced ears, Maria does not Maria's hair is longer and is curled at the bottom Maria's bangs are side bangs, not just straight across the forhead ones Extras None |