Timestamp: 2nd of Summer, 510 AV - Dawn
Location: Beach Beneath Sanctuary
Purpose: Social Introductions
Status: Open
Kavala had asked both Kelvics separately (since Dyrid had only been here a single night) to meet her on the beach at dawn. So after the feeding was done for the morning, and the sky behind the facility was starting to lighten, Kavala made her way down on the beach. She was concerned but very very interested in the two kelvics she knew meeting each other and seeing how they got along. She'd brought along a large blanket for the sand, a clam tube, a small shovel, and a basket she could fill with seafood in order to make everyone lunch later.
Kavala still limped, but her ankle was bound in a homemade leather brace, and if she took it off and soaked it in seawater or swam, it would help the joint heal all that faster.
Sanctuary perched up on a large hill - a clifftop really - where the shelf of the Cyphrus grassland slammed into the Suvan Sea. A road lead off the shelf and down a steep hill to the beach. To the south was the city of Riverfall proper, along with its port. Between them was nothing but an endless strip of sand and a whole lot of gulls pecking about trying to find the remains of whatever the sea had chosen to offer them tossed up upon the sand that night.
It was a peaceful morning, threatening to break clear and full of the promise of a warm day. She'd even go swimming if the meeting went well. Kavala hoped it would. She knew there was a heavy urge to bond among both of the kelvics, but if they did not get along or if there was not a protectiveness via Dyrid of Flick or an acceptance via Flick of Dryid, it would never work. And the blatant truth was that neither of them were a good age to actually form a solid bond and keep growing intellectually. Kavala wanted the best for both of them. She wanted them to be smart and independent, with a will of their own. She didn't want slaves, though sadly that's what they'd both been bred to be. Flick had inner wounds that needed to heal. So too did Dyrid, of what little Kavala knew of him. Both wore scars. One internally, one very externally. They could help each other, and help Kavala tremendously. But unless they could work as a team and got along, there'd never be anything but strife in the compound.
And no matter how much she'd fought it, Dryid carrying her home ... even their first hug... she'd felt links forming effortlessly and almost instantly... much like the ones she was already forming with Flick. But Flick needed a males attention too, and soon she'd want physical love as well. Kavala couldn't give her that, but a male Kelvic could. It might have been too early to think of such things, but Kavala was a realist and one that often looked towards the future. If Flick had a companion that was cautious and sensible, someone she shared a mutual bond with to Kavala, then a whole new world might open up for the Fennec... one that would keep her home and safe. For Kavala knew Flick wanted to roam, but she also knew the world would eat her alive. It almost had Dryid, and he could teach her easily enough about how important it was to find a safe harbor and shelter to weather out life's storms.
And so as she arrived at the beach, Kavala spread the blanket out just above the surf and laid all her gear off to one side. She'd given Dyrid a stall for the night, among the horses, because she knew once they'd returned it would be late enough everyone would be asleep. Kavala often slept with both her sister Akela and Flick, so a stranger - especially one that might sleep as a tiger - joining them would be a bit much until introductions. Sometimes, Hatot stayed as well, adding even another dimension to the mix.
So, introductions were in order. Then, and only then if it was safe for everyone's sanity, could Dryid move upstairs with everyone else - the whole family. It was odd, in a way, because Kavala's life was an incredible blend of cultural diversity. Konti, Kelvic, Akalak, and all that flavored with a Drykas upbringing that was heavily reflected in the decorations of her upstairs home. And if Akela ever decided to bring home someone she truly cared for... yet another dimension would be added. Dyrid had no true idea what he was really getting into helping the injured Konti out he'd found wandering the grasslands.
And so.. she quietly waited for the pair to show up, knowing this meeting was important to both their futures.