Radris released a sigh as he saw Kavala retreat to the sea, diving in so that he would not be able to follow. “Fine, go chumming for sharks with blood on the water.” Radris muttered under his breath.
He slowly began turning as before his gaze floated over to Sorian as he spoke his words of advice. His eyes slowly rolled, looking at Sorian. “Guess what has two thumbs and doesn’t give a petching shyke?” Radris said before pointing both of his thumbs towards himself. “Name’s Radris, I’m sure it’s a pleasure to meet me.”
Radris then began making his way down the beach, his feet plunging deeply into the sand before kicking it up into the air with another step. He soon rounded the corner that led to the steep hill which would take him to Sanctuary. It would only take a short chime to reach the doors, navigating his way into Kavala’s work area, his eyes narrowing as he began searching through. “Where is it then?” Radris muttered under his breath.
“What are you doing?” Hatot suddenly echoed into Radris’ mind.
“What? How long you been awake for?” Radris then echoed back to Hatot.
“Long enough. Things were going smoothly enough until you petched things up in the end, as usual.” Hatot replied. Letting a slow sigh. “You do have a way of doing that.”
“Yeah, eat shyke and make out with a dung beetle.” Radris echoed as his right hand clinked through the various bottles that lined the shelves of her office. “The women around here are too moody. What was the stuff she used to numb our leg with called? Iodine, is that it?”
“I’ve no idea. She never mentioned what it was called.” Hatot answered, his voice echoing in Radris’ head. “So you just want to numb it then?”
“It’s easier to stitch up my arm when it’s numb.” Radris said as he popped the cap to the bottle, setting down along the table before grabbing a clean cloth.
“What? Stitch yourself? That’s sort of….stupid. Even for you?” Hatot echoed in reply.
“Yeah, well the lady is continuing her dip, and I’m tired of feeling the squishy walls of flesh rubbing each other every time I move my arm.” Radris claimed as he began soaking the cloth with the Iodine.
“You’re being stubborn.” Hatot pointed out, observing through Radris’ eyes.
“Yeah, I’m known for that.” Radris said before pressing the cloth up against the torn flesh of his left arm. The instant the soaked cloth touch his wound, the intense burn of the disinfectant shot through his arm like a wave of fire as Radris growled, almost screamed out in pain. The odd thing was, is that he heard Hatot’s voice echo out in a anguished scream within his head. “Oh, keep it down you little blue baby.”
“Why am I feeling the pain?” Hatot said, echoing out gasps of breath in grunted voice.
“You ain’t keeping me locked up anymore?” Radris echoed back, breathing out hisses as he suddenly threw the rag across the room. “You always fled, leaving me to deal with the pain. You ain’t running from me anymore, which means you ain’t running from the pain either. Looks like we’re going to have to do this without the numb though, cause I ain’t picking blindly at the bottles no more.”
“I think that best. You’ll likely infect us with something your next pick.” Hatot replied as he watched Radris pull a needle and thread from a drawer. “Wasn’t the needle she used curved, and the thread a little thinner?”
“Semantics.” Radris said as he took the needle and thread with him out into the kitchen. “I’ve watched her do this before. I can handle it.”
“I don’t think that was the word you were wanted to use.” Hatot said, letting out a sigh as he felt his end of the pain ebb away. “And I really think you should say sorry and let her do this.”
“What, you ain’t going to apologize for me?” Radris said with a chuckle.
“I’ve grown tired of doing so. Everyone knows it carries a hollow meaning, coming from me, and it makes me seem like I’m defending you for your actions. Which I shouldn’t have been.” Hatot replied before he saw Radris pull a bottle of wine from Kavala’s cabinets. “Oh, that will help you with sewing our flesh up.”
“No, you shouldn’t have. I’m an ass, and I make no apologies for that. People don’t like it, they can just steer clear of me.” Radris said as he tipped the bottle back with his head, taking long full draws as what remained in the bottle was quickly being drained down into the pits of his stomach. “Just because I can’t numb my arm totally, doesn’t mean I can’t dull it none.”
Radris soon tossed the empty bottle into the open yard as it clinked along the ground a few yards before finally coming a spinning stop. He soon sat down, his body slumping into hunch over the table as his large fingers began fumbling with the needle and thread, trying desperately to slip the end of the thread through the eye of the needle before the slow spinning in his head that had started increased in speed. “This is a bad idea.” Hatot said as he watched Radris thread the needle on his fifth attempt.
“Yeaaaaah, it‘s pretty neat.” Radris said aloud, appearing to any onlookers that he was talking to himself. His voice was already becoming lazy, his eye matching it slightly as they remained half closed. Radris then stretched his left arm out in front of him, looking over the claw marks left behind by Mao’s paw.
The needle was slowly hovered over the first of three claws gouges. With drunken vision and hands not entirely suited for the purpose, Radris pierced the needle through the flesh of his arm. His teeth gritted together as he hissed out slightly as a sting rolled over the area, mingling with the dull pain already there from wound itself. Hatot’s grunts of pain echoed in Radris’ head as he did so, making the first stitch. “I think you’re threading a little deep.” Hatot echoed in their mind.
“Shuddup, you’re distracting me.” Radris said as he continued down the line of the first claw mark, the stitches crooked and spaced unevenly as he continued to go down. He eventually sighed, slumping back as the excess thread and needle hung from his arm as he let out a slow chuckle. “There, finished with the first one. Don’t think I have the thread to finish the others right now though. What do you think of that?”
“Well, you stitched your arm about five inches past where the claw mark ends.” Hatot finally said, grumbling over the shared pain.
Radris slowly looked down to his arm, noticing the extra threads in his arm that lined undamaged flesh. “Okay, maybe the wine wasn’t such a good idea.” Radris echoed back, just slumping into his chair at that point, grumbling to himself.