by Xarl on February 15th, 2013, 12:17 am
Xarl listened politely as both men warned him to be cautious with speaking about his magical abilities. He really didn't need to be told this, his mistress had beaten this point home when he'd done something particularly stupid early in his apprenticeship. One of his mistress' priciples regarding magic was that it was not to be fluanted openly. Young Xarl, still bitter from his time on the streets, decided one day that it would be a good idea to practice his magic on an orphan who'd bullied him frequently.
Not only did the experiance leave him nearly drained but when his mistress discovered it, she had been less than pleased.
"Thank you for your advice, gentlemen, you don't have to tell me twice." Xarl responded.
While their responses had been rather expected, and exactly what he had hoped for, Kayle's news about Zeltiva was not. He would have to keep an ear to the ground for more news on this matter, traveling to a city struck with plague was less than ideal.
"A plague you say? Interesting." Xarl said, leaning forward just a bit and putting on a neutral expression.
"Luckily, my apprenticeship does not end until spring. Perhaps after that it would be wise for me to find employment and wait for more news on the issue." Xarl mused.
His mistress had often told him that the path to power was often riddled with bumps, well this plague was appearing to be one such bump. However Xarl would overcome this issue eventually, no man, or plague, or god would prevent him from taking the power that was rightfully his.
Returning his attention to his companions, Xarl smiled slightly, inclining his head to Kayle respectfully.
"Regardless, thank you for the warning, I am in your debt." The young hypnotist said.