Tourmal, Winter 73, 512 AV Tourmal had been in town only three days and had not seen much. After a late breakfast he decided to head out and see what the city has in store. It was a few bells till noon and the weather was eerily calm for that time of the year. He was still not used to how nice it had been while in the city. Having lived in Syliras much of his life, he had gotten used to the biting cold winters and the scorching summers. Here however, instead of bone chilling winds, it was a comfortable temperature, not too muggy or too dry. The weather was perfect. The man wandered around the docks for a while. As the man looked around he saw a number of small businesses some with signs. Many did not have anything advertising what they were. The smithy took not of a building that had a sign saying “Tavern” above the door. Later he passed a place where a bunch of skinny boats were made at. A few minutes later he heard the sound of men shouting. He couldn't make out what they were saying though. The noise piqued his interest and he decided to investigate the sound further. As he drew nearer he made out what the men were arguing over prices kind of like an auction. Once close he noticed that the sound was coming from a large pavilion just like back home. However this pavilion was easiy five times larger than most in Endrykas. When Tourmal entered the pavilion there was a stage in the center which had a man yelling out prices. Next to him was a woman of particularly fine stock naked. She appeared to be human, with bright red hair. Just then the auctioneer said that she was Inarta. Tourmal looked around and noticed many iron poles sticking out of the foundation with shackles connected to it. Many shackles held people of differing race and gender. The place he had stumbled into was a market to buy slaves. |