AppearanceRace: Kelvic
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birthday: 12, Winter, 495.
Birthplace: Avanthal
Appearance: Avis has chocolate brown wavy hair with streaks of tawny and white blonde, like a sparrow's feathers. Her eyes are mossy green, large, circular, and always darting about, like the way a sparrow hops about. She is tall, slim, and quick on her feet. She has a scar running down her shin, like a claw mark. To someone walkign by, she looks fairly normal. In animal form, she is a fairly normal sized sparrow with the same feather streaks as in her hair, and the same circular green eyes.
Character ConceptAvis is edgy. She likes to move around in Taldera. She also loves to learn, read, draw, and design. Avis's home is a pack and a tent. She fights with herself on her constant wanderings, and her strong confidence has gotten her into many fights. She's clever, though, clever enough to get out of most trouble spots. Her biggest problem is finding a home, although cats come in at a close second. She has a sense of humor in the face of danger.
Character HistoryAvis had a good childhood. Her parents (Also Kelvics, raven and otter.) lived the same lifestyle as Avis does now. Moving around, though, you can catch diseases easily. Avis's parents both died from a tragic plague while staying on the outskirts of Karjin, when Avis was merely 11. She has been scouring Mizahar for answers as to why things happen, and looking for a cure to the disease that killed her parents.
LanguageFluent Language: Common.
Basic Language: Pavi.
Poor Language: Tukant.
SkillsSkill | EXP | Total | Proficiency |
Archery | 30 SP | 30/100 | Amatuer |
Running | 15 SP | 15/100 | Novice |
Foraging | 10 RB, 5 SP | 15/100 | Novice |
LoresLore of Taldera Geography
Lore of History of Taldera
Possessions1 large tent (4 person)
large tarp
100 ft of rope
flint & steel
2 torches
fishing tackle & hooks
a riding horse (Windrunner)
a full set of tack
a large set of saddlebags.
100 Gold Mizas
Heirloom: Mother's bow and arrow, wooden bow, painted olive green, paint is peeling. 12 arrows.
HousingLocation: Moving around Taldera.
House: 15 square foot tent, canvas.
LedgerPurchase | Cost | Total |
Starting | +100 GM | 100 GM |
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