by Avis on February 12th, 2013, 12:24 am
Avis got rather nervous. Maybe she shouldn't have come. But... It was indeed too late now. How to answer? How to answer? Avis's brain searched itself and couldn't find anything, so it went on auto pilot and blurted out the stupidest thing possible:
"I'm a Kelvic."
Wow, good answer. Avis basically facepalmed herself inside. Her face got red and her eyes darted around urgently, at least quicker than usual.
"Uhh, nevermind, um, my name's Avis and I... um... I was at your house last night."
Her nails dug into her palm's skin as they were clamped shut. Gosh, that came out wrong. She coughed as Jesslyn just stared at her.
"Um... The - the sparrow..." She halfheartedly whispered.
"No...? Umm... Ok.. Sorry, I'll just be leaving then..." Avis turned on her heels, about to slap herself from how daft she was for attempting to come.