Location [Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Rayth on June 13th, 2013, 2:27 am

1st of Summer, 513
Rayth sighed quietly to himself as he trudged up the road towards Sanikas Gate. Today was the first day of the new season. The watchtowers had changed, the sun was bright, and the people of Wind Reach were gathered together in the Courtyard of the Sky feasting and celebrating, welcoming in the new season. So why am I not cheerful?, Rayth asked himself. He had recently been falling into melancholy thoughts of the past. Friends gone, dreams lost, and a fear of not being good enough. Why can I not get past this and carry on with my life?
"Well, aren't you even going to say hello?"
Rayth started and looked to his left where the gatekeeper Valtrrrik Imsun was standing, watching him intently, but with a good natured smile on his face. Rayth looked around and realized he was at the gate, he had reached it while he was lost in thought.
"Sorry Val," Rayth said, turning back to the elder, "My thoughts were elsewhere."
"That was obvious," Val replied, though not unkindly, "May I ask where they were?"
Rayth sighed slightly, unable to stop himself, but trying to keep from showing to much of his mood. "I was just reminiscing on a few things. I was relaxing down by the river, taking a trip back in time."
"Well nothing wrong with that," Val said, turning and walking with him through the gates, "but you can't dwell forever in the past. Especially on a day like to day, with people celebrating and looking forward to the future. It's a new season!" Val smiled at him, and Rayth couldn't keep the start of a smile from his own face. "And you should be spending more time with the people of the present than with the people of the past."
And with that, Val turned and began the walk back to his post. Turning back to the path, Rayth thought to himself, your right Val, it is a new season. He smiled to himself as he entered Wind Reach proper. It's a time for beginning anew.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Fenris on June 15th, 2013, 8:39 pm


The man adjusted his vest a third time since he began the trek toward the Gates of Wind Reach. Was he nervous? Perhaps just a tiniest bit. He'd been in the area for a few days contemplating his return to Kalea and the home of the Eagles. A traveler by nature Fenris despised the though of settling down but having already been to Wind Reach years prior the Kelvic felt a certain odd attraction to it. Or perhaps it was those insatiable lusty Inartans.

His nest was some distance from Wind Reach proper, having no reason to take up residence in the place itself. But if he wanted a job there he ought to go by protocol and enter at the Gates. Already he'd witnessed others admitted - seems he was a tad late for the party. Tugging at his vest and noticing with displeasure the way the material refused to straighten properly, Fenris hung back until the fellow ahead of him was given entrance. Good. At least they aren't turning folks away left and right.

Approaching the door ward with an easy smile the Kelvic paused a polite distance from him, allowing him time to begin the song and dance. He had traveler's clothes, nothing terribly showy or interesting. A tiny rucksack slung over his shoulder and shoes that looked like they were made by blind rabbits. He certainly looked like a wandering vagrant.

"Hail, visitor," the man began with practiced civility. Fenris raised a hand to his brow with a slight bow.

"Good day," came his reply.

"What brings you to Wind Reach, my boy?"

"Just a visit," Fenris answered as he dropped his hand. T'was always a bit awkward to start the conversation with his profession but the man was clearly waiting for more. "I'm a grave digger by profession. I've arrived to see if your good Inartans are needing of my skills. I have been here once before," he paused, gazing hopefully at the Elder Inartan's face for signs of acquiesce. When the man simply grunted Fenris cleared his throat. "I reckon I'll only be here about a season. Nothin' more. And if there's no work for me I'll bugger off."

The wait seemed endless but at least it appeared the Door Warden was appeased. Fenris grinned and canted his head with respect when the final decision was given via a curt nod of the Inartan's head. Passing him, the Kelvic tipped his head respectfully.

"I'm most obliged, Ser."
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Anaya on July 30th, 2013, 3:10 am

59 Summer 513
As Anaya made her way up to the gates of her home city, a warm smile spread across her face. No matter how brief her journey outside their shelter, those columns were always a welcome sight.
Today, like many other days, she ventured outside their safety to revel in the natural song of her homeland. Many find the harsh winds of Kalea to be nothing more than a biting vexation. Not Ana. The cold was all but worth the lilting symphony that inevitably graced her ears as the winds bellowed in the trees, danced over the waves of Thunder Bay, whistled through the low lying valleys, and skittered over the distant mountain tops. It was that symphony which had first inspired the glass flute which she, even now, carried strapped at her hip. It was that divinely orchestral melody which she still sought to capture and immortalize, and which routinely drove her far outside the shelter and security of Wind Reach.
She'd come close this time she thought to herself as she tugged the ornate, brightly coloured, glass handle dangling next to one of the pillars, announcing her arrival. Vaguely the tinkle of metal bells melded with the slowly fading wind-song that still lingered, teasingly, in her ears. "Back already?", the gate keepers familiar, wrinkled smile greeted her warmly. Grinning back she nodded, her cheeks already flush with wind-burn. "I'll get it one day, Val." she stated, stubborn but cheerful as he spoke a few words into a long metal pipe. Turning back he smirked, "Mhmm. Just like those tea leaves you're always promising me." She mouthed the words along with him, clearly used to this routine jesting. "One day.", she told him - half promise, half joking threat - wagging her index finger at him with a crooked smirk as she disappeared up the shaft to the city proper.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Kila on August 9th, 2013, 5:49 pm

Season of Summer, Day 70, 513 AV

Kila approached the Sanikas gates at a run in an attempt to keep up with Siro, her raven. She had been out training with him all morning and had lost track of time. It was almost time for the midday meal and Kila knew that if she was late, she wouldn't eat anything until the evening.

Barely pausing to catch her breath, Kila tugged at the chain and waited while the bells rang out above and beyond the gate.

"Ah, Kila. Siro give you any trouble today?"

Kila looked up and into the wrinkled old face of the Gatekeeper. "Yes." she huffed on a laugh, "He's been just as stubborn today as he always is. I swear, he knows just what he's doing to me too!"

"Oh, I wouldn't doubt that." Val chuckled and smiled warmly. "Best run along then, eh? The hunting's been good this season, wouldn't want you to miss out."

The gate swung open and Kila took off once again towards the Youth's dining hall. "Thanks, Val!" she called over her shoulder.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Azira on September 1st, 2013, 11:30 am

91st day of Summer, 513 AV

There was a spring in Azira’s step as she returned to the Sanikas Gates, the entrance to Wind Reach. She had had a successful hunt today, shooting and killing a number of rabbits and squirrels that she now had on a rope over her shoulder. She was in high spirits for the simple reason that she had done a good day’s work returning with food, as little as it was, for Wind Reach.

She was thinking about the tasks she still had to do like skinning and cleaning her kills as she reached the gate. Reaching out, Azira pulled the chain to set off the clatter of the bells. The grey haired Gatekeeper appeared from his alcove, smiling at her when he saw her.

”Good evenin’, Azira,” the man, Val, called out to her. Azira nodded in acknowledgement. ”Good hunt?” he asked, stopping to shout to the Dek through the bronze pipe. Azira smiled broadly.

”It was good enough,” she replied, indicating her catches on her back. ”Best be off though, Val, things to do. Goodbye,” she called over her shoulder as she vanished into the shaft that led into the city.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Drusilla on September 1st, 2013, 8:08 pm

1th of Fall, 513 AV

The gates were a welcome sight just as they had be so many years ago as a child. Home. Truly this was here home, and after a trip back to Kalinor she had found nothing compared to living here.

She could see eagles flying in the distance and could hear their screeches. She could smell the familliar earthy smell of the mountain.

Val looked at her,"So you're back eh?" Drusilla smiled, "Of course, there's no place I'd rather be." She gave the gates a loving pat, and entered through.

Home.She was home.


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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Kelsey on February 28th, 2014, 12:27 pm

Winter, 513

Kelsey stared up at the cliffs that housed the city of Wind Reach. The cliffs reviled the trees in the Spire for the tallest structures she had ever seen, possibly even beat them in terms of height. In fact, she couldn't even call it a city in the terms that she understood. All she could see was the gate that led deeper into the mountain, well out of sight. There should've been houses, people going about their business, possibly even animals roaming about. Kelsey had been hoping to find a domestic cat running around to show her around. So far, she had yet to see anything that moved.

A sharp wind blew by dragging at her cloak and biting at her face. Snow flew into her face, adding to the crust of it already clinging to her hair and eyelashes. Kelsey chuffed. "I stand corrected, the only thing moving around here is the wind." Smoke nickered and rested his head over her shoulder. Kelsey reached up and scratched beneath his eyes. The horse sighed and leaned into her harder. Kelsey chuckled and hat to brace herself against it. "You're like a dog," she scolded. "Don't you know I prefer cats?" Smoke didn't care. He just snorted at her.

A shadow passed over her head, Kelsey automatically turned to track it. Her eyes scanned the sky until she caught sight of the source. Had she been in her Serval form her years would've perked and her ears would've been wide open. That didn't stop them from bugging out at the site that greeted her. The eagle was huge. It's wing span alone was probably bigger than her horse. At this distance, she couldn't make much out of the details, but she could see it's legs curled up beneath its chest. If she had to guess, the talons on that thing were probably bigger than her hands.

It made her feel small, smaller than the two foot tall form of her Serval. Kelsey made a mental note not to cross one when she was no bigger than an average house cat. Those birds of prey would make a snack out of her and still have room for more. Even a cat knew when to hunt something else, and she hunted things no bigger than rabbits. And that was on a good day. Smoke nickered at her shoulder and shifted impatiently, nudging her in the process. Kelsey resumed her scratching, but her eyes remained locked on the massive eagle as it continued it's path across the sky. Seconds later, it was gone from her sight and Kelsey recalled how to breath.

Something that powerful was to be respected in the animal world. She wanted to get closer and look at it, again. She wondered if the bird would let her or if it would try to rip her face off. Tearing her gaze away from the tunnel, Kelsey pressed her face against Smoke's neck. The feel of the soft black fur against her nose and the scent of horse was familiar after weeks on the road. It broke through her wonder, and brought her back to earth where all good cats belonged. The horse shook it's head, causing her gear to rattle.

Kelsey sighed. "Ok, ok, I get the message," she said, standing up straight again. Reaching out she took the reins and started walking up toward the cliffs again. Smoke had been carrying her possessions long enough and he wanted a rest and food. She couldn't blame him. Her own stomach was grumbling in protest, and standing in the cold wasn't doing them any good. The wind was eating right through her cloak as if it wasn't even there. Kelsey wanted to chance shapes so she could explore every crevice will all her senses fully extended, possibly even catch a mouse or two if the big birds had left her any.

Kelsey finished her trek up to the gates and came to a stop before the metal door. For a moment she stared at it wondering if she was supposed to knock r leave. The chain nearby caught her eye and she turned to look at it more closely. A peek up showed that the links disappeared into the gate, more than likely it was rigged to set something off. She had seen similar things from the hunters back in the Spires, one had even caught her while she had been hunting as the cat. She scowled at that memory, it hadn't been pretty getting out of that mess.

Cautiously, Kelsey reached up and yanked the chain, then jumped back in case there were some trap. Nothing dropped down on her, but she was greeted with the pleasant sound of the bells. Kelsey hummed happily at the sound. Seconds later the door was yanked open and she was faced with an older man who eyed her curiously. She returned the favor, cocking her head to the side. His most notable feature was what remained of his red hair.

"Good day, may I assist you?" he asked, his voice pleasant.

Kelsey hesitated for a second, her shyness kicking in a bit. His demeanor might seem nice, but she knew the look of a predator. He was watching her the same way she watched mice before she took them out. If push came to shove, this man would do what it took to toss her out. Another blast of wind made her shiver, reminding her that now was not the time to linger on doorsteps. "I'm hoping to find a place to get out of this wind," she replied.

The man grunted and a smile teased the corners of his lips. "What brought you all the way out here? And the the middle of winter no less."

Kelsey shrugged, a gesture she had seen on many humans but rarely used herself. "Nothing in particular. I'm just traveling around and figured I would stop to visit this place." She glanced up and wrinkled her nose. "Hopefully the birds don't take offence."

The man chuckled and opened the door wide enough to let her in. Kelsey entered gratefully, and heard the door shut the wind out behind Smoke. The absence of the wind left it almost unnaturally quiet. Kelsey's eyes darted, taking in everything.

"You have a name then lass?" The man asked, drawing her attention back to him.

"Kelsey," she answered, taking her cloak off and shaking the snow free. It was warm enough in here without it. She glanced around again, then decided she better not leave her things on anything that the man might take issue with. She tossed the thing over Smoke's shoulder, then promptly shook herself out like her Serval did after a swim in the river.

The man did smile then. "A pleasure. I'm Val." Kelsey returned his smile and was rewarded with a motion on down the tunnel. "Go on then, but keep yourself out of trouble."

Kelsey's grin turned mischievous. Cats, weather they be wild or domestic never staid out of trouble for long. It wasn't in their code to adhere to rules unless it suited them. That wasn't a promise she could make, but she could make an effort. "I'll try," she offered instead, already leading Smoke down the tunnel.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Claire on April 6th, 2014, 12:15 am

12 Spring, 514AV

It had been quite the lengthy journey across the wilderness of Taldera. Claire had already spent nearly three weeks in the broad, square-based cage that she had been imprisoned within. Una Tanta, the charoda woman who had nursed Claire back to health following an injury, had paid a group of merchants a decent price for taking Claire to Wind Reach from Avanthal. Claire knew of the importance her safety was to Una, and although she wanted to escape the confines of the cage, she remained. The cage was covered with a dull brown canvas during the day to keep the insides warm despite the cold air. When Claire's ears finally picked up the sounds of conversation between the merchants and the guards at the Sanikas Gates, she couldn't help but take a peek from beneath the canvas in her human form.

She could see the two guards talking with the rugged-looking merchant that had been put in charge of securing the transport and safety of Claire up until this point. The exchange between them was swift, and soon a guard went about checking the caravan's cargo. Claire immediately backed up and changed into her Frosthawk form before the guard could round the carriage to her cage. She settled onto her haunches as the guard lifted the canvas off of her cage, studying her majestic form for a moment before giving the go-ahead for the traders to head on in, dropping the canvas back over the cage.

The carriage rattled along through the gates, seemingly hitting every bump in the road. Claire changed back to her human form and crawled to the front of her cage, lifting up the canvas with a finger to peer back at the guards, who had been watching the carriage. One of the guards spotted her white-garbed form and pointed, muttering to the other. Claire could only smirk and stick her tongue out at the pair as they stared, befuddled for a moment.

The look on their faces... priceless.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Brandon Blackwing on March 1st, 2015, 6:52 pm

The 10th of Spring 515AV

Day ten, or night ten. That was today. This was the tenth day he'd been flying, making his way over to Wind Reach from Lhavit, a journey he did not really expect he'd ever make. Not because it was too far away, no, but simply because he had always assumed he'd either travel to the destroyed city of Denval or to the east instead of further north. Kalea was but a small part of the world, Gallan used to say, and in the east one could find the Suvan sea, the perfect place to journey to other parts from.

However, fond of Lhavit, Brandon hadn't be willing to leave, or rather not go too far away from it. In a way, Wind Reach was close, it was the closest city when starting in Lhavit, if one excluded Kalinor. Going back to the cave city wasn't high on his list, not because he did not want to go back -he would return eventually- but because he'd already been there. It was time for something new, a fresh start, so to speak. Lay low for a while before going back to Lhavit, before going to other cities... Perhaps.

First he had to actually reach Wind Reach, for if he had to travel for much longer he would likely collapse. The bat was tired, exhausted, the days of sleep in between long flights could not keep it at bay, the exhaustion and heaviness spreading through his body a bit more each and every day. He'd been feeling it ever since the sixth day or so. Sore muscles, more effort needed to stay airborne... Hunger that returned fast, even if he ate just as much as he would during other nights, no, he ate even more, snatching bugs out of the air here and there, one after the other. And yet...

Willpower alone was what kept him going. Surely that damned city of the Inarta couldn't be too far off anymore? He had to get there! He just had to! Brandon refused to give up, to just stop his motions and succumb to exhaustion, to die in a place like this. Not now! Not here! Not now he had finally broken free from that obnoxious Kriegsfelt! Not now he was once again free to go where his wings would take him! There was so much more that he needed to do! So much more people he wanted to know his name, or the name of the thief that struck fear in their hearts. So much more great heists he could do! So much more time for his name to spread, for a legend to be born.

And as such the bat kept it up, flapping his digits as they carried him further and further, echoes guiding the way and telling him if he was still on his course. He entered and exited the hunting grounds of other bats, he passed over their roosts and joined in on the shrieks when he passed them, swarms of flying mammals. Weary he was when he finally 'saw' it; a large structure, with a hollowed out kind of hallway underneath it, going rather deep inside, into the mountain ahead of him. Was it the gates? The Sonyka-whatever gates?

Well, they were not as impressive as he had expected them to be... perhaps he had just become used to the grand architecture of Lhavit that everything else seemed... inferior in one way or another. In any case, the gates of Wind Reach were nothing compared to those of Lhavit. Either way, he had finally made it! Glee and joy were felt and the excitement of having accomplished his goal washed over him. He really had made it! Finally! Civilization, people! Food! A bed! Warmth and comfort! Finally!

Credit goes to Nyxie Nadira Draer
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Credit for this awesome sig goes to Estrellir Konrath
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Ornea on August 26th, 2015, 8:41 am

Day 70 of Summer 515 AV

Home ... Ornea was home again, after nearly one year in Lhavit. As she was Inarta, avora, had a good track record in the city and arrived on a wind eagle together with an endal, her return to her home town was particularly uncomplicated.

They gave a brief greeting and information and entered the city.
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