by Jester on February 26th, 2013, 10:36 am
Psychologically speaking, it gives an idea of what you may be like. Sometimes it is accurate, sometimes not, but one can't know when one only speaks in riddles. Riddles are fun, Jesters know this better than anyone, but at the end of the day I take my jingly hat off and there's a person underneath.
A 5 year old tends to think and experience quite differently from a 15 year old, and a 15 year old from a 25 year old. Sharing an age can give other players an idea of what one understands and has dealt with. It doesn't make sense to relate to a 15 year old by talking about college in most instances, for example, any more so than it makes sense to talk about higher-level chemistry with an english major in many instances.
Males, females, hermaphrodites and any other sex one might be also can think and experience quite differently, especially depending on their age. For instance, one can assume that a male in around the 5-12 year range has not had much experience with females, and that most if not all of his friends are also male (at that age children almost entirely self-segregate by sex, which is why many hermaphroditic or androgynous individuals tend to feel rather disconnected from their peers when they don't fit in either group). Males tend to enjoy more physical confrontations, which may be represented by what one chooses to RP about. Females tend to focus more on emotion and try to have more empathy for others, they may prefer to RP more social threads. I've definitely seen this trend in my short time so far as a mod while grading the threads of both male and female players, regardless of their PCs genders. If you truly identify as hermaphroditic, that's perfectly acceptable. However, considering your other answers I'm guessing that was just bullshit, and it's rather uncool to pretend to be something you are not, especially a group as stigmatized as that. It can cause plenty of unintentional damage. IC, I hold no issue with it. If someone wants to "try on that skin" in a fictional environment, to try and imagine what it would be like, that is perfectly acceptable. People RP things they aren't every day, and it's generally recognized that they don't truly identify with many of the things their PCs do and therefore that their PC may not be a perfect representation of the group they're identifying as. But unless you are truly hermaphroditic, please don't carry it OOC or you risk offending people. Just Jester's little friendly rant on gender/sex/sexuality. *salute*
While it by no means is always going to be accurate, these trends can give people a general sense of what you'll be like as an RPer, or at least give them an expectation, and knowing/suspecting more about how you'll RP can make people more willing to do so with you. Many people (not all, but many) don't want to get into something they know nothing about, that can include RP companions.

Created by the Wonderful, the Fabulous, the Mysterious, Coltyn!