When I'm bored and want to write and there are no threads I haven't answered and I've got too many threads going on so I can't make another one, I shouldn't have to wallow in pain while I wait for Mr or Mrs Snailface to post their thing. And I shouldn't have to write privately on paper or word processors (which suck) stuff which no one will ever read. This is my public refuse can for boredom, let it be yours if you like. Rules are: 1) respecting terms of use, 2) no BBC Code allowed (and that includes unformatted links), 3) no judging anyone (that means that if you're angry at someone or strongly disagree with them, you can -- nay, must -- rant as violently and rudely as you need without fear of being reported, as long as rule 1 is applied), and 4) NOT editing your posts, especially after something else had been posted (unless you suddenly realise you inadvertently broke rule 1. then it's not too late). Oh and 5) no blue mods (or red mods for that matter) unless it's rule-1-related. Purple mods and yellow mods and any other color of mod I'm unaware of is okay.
That way this can be a sandbox of the revealing of desires with no fear of reprisal. Aren't I just awesome for making this awesome space. Not a question.
Just to be clear on rule 2, smileys don't count as BBC Code so you can use them as you like. Just not too liberally coz then it just gets ugly and messy.
I tried to make this as rule-free as possible but in order to do so I had to make up additional rules to clarify the implications of rule 1. That means that when you're trying to reduce rules, you have to actually add rules to cover up preexisting rules. Rules just suck.
Alright. To all of you slow posters or shy posters or real-life-busy posters out there, PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER PEOPLE. You're just worse than short-message posters. If you're just not sure what to post on your threads because the plotline is too hard to follow or you're not sure whether it fits the rules or if your co-poster's gonna like it, just come and post here. No one's judging. Just write something and share it with word-hungry me. And don't sleep. Sleep is for losers and weak people. It makes us all out of sync coz we all live in different places. Let's all stop sleeping or just agree on a timezone we'll all stick to. Never mind real life. Writing is better. And I rock. Yup, that's right Mr Cheetah and Mrs pretty-woman-who-roams-around-Ahnatep-with-her-glig-on-a-leash. And Mr and Mrs Really-Slow-Mods.
Phew, glad that's out of the way. It's just a damn shame I didn't leave rule number 1 to "rule number one in sandbox is you do not talk about sandbox". Rest assured my Marla impersonation is way better than my brad pitt impersonation. On the web there are two pictures of me standing behind Helena Bonham Carter. I JOKED with the woman. JOKED. I should get a medal for bragging rights because I'm so awesome.
Also, writer means a hypocrite who needs things called characters so he (or she) can use them as emotional dumpsters and puppets to fulfill his or her desires in said his or her imagination. Fictional doesn't mean fictitious. Yeah. We're terrible people. Emotional dumpsters. I like that. I'm awesome. Just not in the mood for being adorable if that's what you're thinking.
I'm out of ideas for ranting even though I feel better when I rant about true or not stuff (I don't really care whether was I say is right or wrong, you know), so now I'm going to talk about happy stuff. My PC is in love! Yay! I wonder if a Kelvic can impregnate a Dhani and if they can then I want to know if the baby is a venomous cheetah or a really fast snake. I mean, that's the type of thing my PC's mind is set on. Sex. You know.
Oh, so I'm told from someone that Mizahar is actually pronounced Mizahar. Yeah, I can tell you can't see the difference, because I can't when I reread what I just wrote. You're supposed to pronounce it M[uh]zahar with a weak i and not M[ai]zahar with a strong i pronounced as in "I" like "my". But that just makes it sound weird, because in English, the accented syllable should be a strong phoneme. So logically depending on the syllable you want to stress, you'd have either: M[ai]z[uh]har; or M[uh]z[ay]har. You just can't have Mizahar the way some people want to say it. And they correct you like they know English phonetics and it just racks your nerve, you know. That's it. Ranting again. Feels reaaaally good.
Okay sandbox slash scrapbook. Slash. Funny word, "slash". Slash. Alright, time to sleep. Goodbye fellow Mizaharians (don't really know which syllable you'd stress coz it needs to be the last, penultimate or ante-penultimate and the first "Mi" is way too far down the syllable count). Use this sandbox for good or evil as long as you don't break the goddam rulez.
Syliss, angry and tired