Hey there, everyone!
Note There are places missing from this map at the moment, which I will add in once these major places have found a home!
So I've been working on a
map of our dear snowy city! It's still in progress, I but I wanted to show you all what I've been picturing in my mind.
I love LOVE feedback! Though I'll just let you know what shouldn't be changed only because of the previous version of this map made by the DS.
Edit Locations not shown:
Snow Stained Bows - FFM
Laria's Furs - FFM
Nimble Thimble - FFM
Northern Inkantations - FFM
Drunken Apple - Winterflame
The Port - Coolwater Hold
Frostfawn Arvinta - Frostfawn Hold
Skyglow Arvinta - Skyglow Hold
Coolwater Arvinta - Coolwater Hold
Hall of Aural Creation - Snowsong Hold
Strings 'n' Things - FFM
Hunter Savant Lodge - Located outside
Fixed locations:
The holds. If you think they should shift slightly north or east or something like that (or have more buildings to better represent their size) that's great! But the Winterflames won't be able to switch with the Iceglazes.
Morwen's palace, the Crystal hall, and the Icewatch bulidings. Not to say they can't be rearranged with how they are now, but they'll have to stay in the middle. Other than that... I'm a little confused on where they should be, so any help in that regard would be great!
Pending locations: These locations are just what I came up with. They could really go anywhere, I think.
Grey areas. I have no idea where those should go so I stuck them where I thought it would make sense.
The springs and the prison.
The Chapter house and tower.
The tree retreat.
Finally, I forgot to key in the color codes haha. So here it is:
Dark Blue : Coolwater
Light Brown : Winerflame
Light Grey/Purple : Iceglaze
Yellow : Snowsong
Purple : Skyglow
Red : Whitevine
Orange : Frostfawn
Dark Grey : Savintar Warrens
Grey-outline Green : Gardens
Thanks all! I hope we can work together to be able to create a legit map for our happy little city!