Open A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Sitting on a bench outside Miria is unsure of what to make of this season.

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Miria on February 16th, 2013, 5:19 pm

A gentle breeze followed the pair of Vantha as the ventured near Frostfawn hold. It was easily to tell they were getting close as the number of animals started to outnumber their handlers. A strong musk wafted through Miria's nose as they passed by causing her to grimace at the smell.

Shrugging at Soren's proposition giving the Frostfawn a smug look. "I wonder." The Coolwater took a moment to consider if having an evening with her would be considered a stroke of luck or something akin to lethargy. Having only recently learning to regard others differently Miria still only had her original quirks to work with. Archery came first and foremost of course.

"Don't ask me, your the one that's suppose to surprise me" Miria answered back as she readied her bow. The Coolwater did not understand why the Frostfawn asked her for permission with everything. It was starting to grate on her nerves. "Do what you will I'll follow suit."
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A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Soren Frostfawn on February 16th, 2013, 10:10 pm

The Frostfawn hold always smelt of animals, but Soren never payed attention to it anymore. He had grown accustomed to it and indeed he liked it at times. Especially the birds, they were by far his favorite. He loved to see the falcons and owls soaring high as the more experienced falconers and bird keepers trained their great raptors. He would sit in the training area as they called out commands and mock hunted with their raptors, it was quite a feat to see. The air smelled of animals and pine, a very familiar scent for Soren.

He walked to one of the sturdier trees, the trunk about fifteen feet in diameter and picked up a sharp rock. He marked the tree with a round gash and threw the rock to the side.
"There, that will be our target. We shall shoot ten yards away. The archer who wins two rounds will be named victor and will receive their drink from the loser." He said this all while taking his bow in hand eying the target and losing sight of the woman in his perifferal vision as he studied the target. "You go first and I will see if I can get my arrow closer to the target than you." He said motioning with his right hand motioning for Miria to take her place in front of the target ten yards away.

He turned his gaze to Miria. She looked focused. He could see a notable change in her behaviour before the competition. She was undoubtedly happy to be holding a bow and shooting against an opponent, there was just something determined about her now. It was honestly very attractive that Miria was so involved in archery.

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A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Miria on February 17th, 2013, 2:19 am

oocI was trying to be subtle but I'm serious when I said there are barely any trees growing here in Avanthal. So having a 15 foot tree doesn't make sense here.

"Of course. Very proper of you to let me lead... I guess," Miria murmured low. With a target in mind Miria did not even bother taking in much else. It was just her and the target. "When I win I still would like to be called Miria though." The Coolwater answered back. Winking at Soren she tried to see if he understood "I don't like being called anything a man's name."

Pursing her lips at the range her eyebrows rose as giving Soren an incredulous look. Ten yards? The archer would have thought to make it a long range competition with that bow of his. Shrugging slightly Miria leisurely shrugged off from her quiver before releasing the shot within one breathe. Miria breathed as she watched the shot fly, sighing at the menial effort that took.
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A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Soren Frostfawn on February 17th, 2013, 4:25 am

oocSorry, this is my first roleplaying experience ever, I don't think I'm doing very well at all ^^. Thanks for correcting me though, I welcome all criticisms and corrections. I will correct the mistake Soren chuckled at the joke. Soren had said the winner would be named victor an obvious male name. Miria was witty, Soren felt oddly drawn by this aspect as well. Afterall, quick wit was often times hard to come by. After this remark Soren seemed to relax and allow this to be nothing more than a friendly competition between two Vantha in the midst of the start of a relationship.

Soren observed Miria's form, and by that he meant her skill with archery...and maybe her more appealing assets as well. He watched her muscles tense as she aimed and released the arrow. He watched the feathered missile fly through the air and waited for it to hit, it did of course though he couldn't see where.
"How close did you get to the mark?"

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A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Miria on February 17th, 2013, 4:57 am

oocDon't be discouraged we did not start out the Rp knowing everything. I appreciate that your trying to abstain from controlling my actions but it is a bit too extreme. Feel free to put out what happens after I do something. Speeds up the thread and lets us do more. Just know that you should do alot of reading before anything. Rereading the city info/vantha info and you should be fine.

The archer did not have to see where the arrow landed. If anything Miria only bothered to hear the familiar thud* that came after the release. Breathing softly Miria gave Soren a self-satisfied grin as if he was a joking. He was right? "The arch is familiar to one well versed as I am. A ten yard target that stands still is child's play. You should know that."

Miria looked back at the target unsurprised that her arrow hit the mark dead on. Still the first mark was suppose to be the easiest Miria considered as she stepped aside. "Go on. Hurry so we can go further Soren" Miria said as she took a few paces back. Her eyes were unwavering, stoic even as she waited to watch her new friend to prove himself.
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A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Soren Frostfawn on February 20th, 2013, 5:49 pm

He laughed a little at the child's play comment. However, in actuality, Soren had trouble with ten yards. He was only beginning to learn the bow and arrow. He nodded and took his mark staring down the arrow shaft and past the head to the target staring down the long familiar tunnel. He took a few deep breathes and aimed. He tensed his muscles and drew back the bowstring slowly still concentrating on the center of the target and released his arrow. It flew through the air and connected to the target within seconds. The arrow hit a little off center and broke in half as it hit the target only centimeters away from Miria's arrow. To him it was a well placed arrow accounting for his less than perfect shots in the was also pure luck he got that close to the target in the first place."Got any pointers for the new guy?"Soren replied after shooting laughing a little as a half joking half serious remark. If Miria did have any pointers he would be glad to hear them.

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A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Miria on February 21st, 2013, 3:29 am

Miria clapped excitedly when Soren's shot letting a gasp of excitement escape her lips congratulating the other. Perhaps he was a contender? "Good good. Don't want it to be too easy for me right?" Miria laughed giving Soren a solid nod of the head. The traditional commendation for hunters.

"You seem to shoot just fine with distractions and all."
Miria replied knowingly. A mild mix of orange and yellow shone through as she patted Soren on the shoulder. "You have to believe in yourself is all" Miria offered trying to help. Better yet if she showed him how it was done.

Taking a more strides out Miria dug her heels where she estimated twenty feet her back to Soren, eyes closed. Her hand slowly climbed from her waist as it found it's familiar feathered shaft. Keeping her breathing even Miria waited as a breeze made it's way through the clearing. This time the shot would be on instinct. Twenty yards a distance of moderate merit.

Miria's eyes opened as she found the resolve to shoot. Pitching the arrow up the Coolwater turned taking a moment to catch and set the shot. Her left hand went outward as her right retreated back to pull the string. A steady hand that has developed through constantly pulling the thirty kilo's of force behind the shot. Miria's bow stretched fully across her chest as she paused for the critical moment. The target in her sight Miria felt her body decompress as she let the arrow loose.

A sharp swoosh followed by a thunderous thud accompanied Miria's shot as she held that position for a moment. Within one breathe an archer is to pick, aim and shoot her arrow. Hopefully Miria would make the standards as she checked her target. Shrugging slightly Miria would see the shot as substandard compared to what she usually did. Her shot went too high, missing Soren's arrow a good three inches closer to the center. "Of course you should take your time with the shot if you haven't really developed the image of shooting."

Miria sat if a huff to watch Soren take his turn. "Just make sure you don't strain yourself. Holding back a longbow takes some getting used to." Miria advised as she leisurely leaned backwards into a log for support. "I'm here. You can do this."
Last edited by Miria on February 23rd, 2013, 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Soren Frostfawn on February 22nd, 2013, 3:26 pm

He smirked at the praise and the light comment, "well if I made it easy for you it wouldn't be any fun would it?"He winked at her.

He stood there as Miria took her shot, as if by an art form rather than from powerful physical force she drew back the bowstring and let the arrow fly.He took notice of her musculature and how she used them, how her body decompressed before the shot. She didn't seem to aim but rather felt where the target was. He watched as if in slow motion the arrow fly past him and land its mark. He nodded taking note of the details as they transgressed. She was impressive to say the very least.

He walked another ten feet to a position beside Miria and drew his own bow. He picked a spot on the target, dead center of the bullseye. He took a few deep breathes and focused his eyes on that one very small position. The muscles in his forearm and upper arm tensed as he drew back the bowstring and relaxed the arrow to the middle of the bow.

He quietly and slowly drew the bowstring back to his anchor point, the corner of his mouth, checked his target once more and released. There was no loud thud, no thunderous crack. There was one sound and one soudn only. The sound of wood scraping against wood as the arrow sailed past the tree. Soren had missed by a few feet and the arrow with the pidgeon plumage on it barely hit the edge of the tree. Soren grimaced as he saw he missed and lowered his bow, relaxing the bowstring back to its natural position.
"Well...that could have gone a little better I think

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A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Miria on February 23rd, 2013, 11:51 pm

A disappointment for sure but nevertheless Miria was felting all kinds of happiness from this encounter. "Ah perhaps we should have you just work on having you repeat the motion." Miria piped up. Remaining where she was the archer quietly tried to remember what Soren did earlier. There were a few things wrong with his attempt and if he ever wanted to get better Miria was only too happy to help. Besides it was a good excuse to order Soren around.

"That shot was pretty off huh? What distance are you used to?"
Miria asked aloud trying to figure out how to teach Soren. It was difficult for Miria to put her routine to words. Muscle memory would have to be the main problem here and without much drive Soren might never be able to shoot as well as her. "Alright dear I suppose I can help." Starting up Miria chuckled at how the slight difference in height made him have such an intimidating presence up close.

Miria's hands went for his bow tugging it slightly and giving Soren a face as he did not relax his grip. "Don't worry Soren." Miria said slowly as she tried to guide his hands with her own. "I will guide you."

Steping forward Miria hesitated slightly hearing Soren's breathe before looking into his eyes, a soft shimmer of yellow betraying her feelings as she mirrored the Frostfawn. His bow hand reflected by her right hand and her left hand moving his guiding hand she urged Soren to ready an arrow so they can start with her private lesson.

"You also have to take in the wind from these distances and further." Miria explained simply as she waited. Oddly enough at the sound of her voice the breeze was much easier to listen to, it was a light wind that would do little to interfere with Soren's show. Taking her right hand and pushing up Soren's bow arm to readjust for the wind and air resistance she put her left finger to her mouth to signal for him to be quiet. "Listen to the sound of the wind. Adjust it higher if it worsens, make the shot flatter if there isn't any around."

She removed her grip on Soren's bow before she mading a quick look through on his posture. His arms looked to be rigid and tight. Perhaps in time he will learn to relax while keeping his bead. Finally she looked straight t him pushing herself even closer resting both of her hands and her head on his chest. "Then listen to your heart. Hold your breathe and take the shot. You know when to release. Rely on your instincts and take a chance." Miria added compassionately. Releasing her hands she took a step back to let give Soren another chance. Hopefully Soren would be able to retain what Miria just said with all the pressure she was giving watching him so closely.
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A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Soren Frostfawn on February 27th, 2013, 2:07 am

He smiled as he listened to Miria. "I'm used to about ten yards."He blushed as he loosened his grip so she could guide his hands. He listened to every word she said.

He looked into her eyes as she spoke, wondering what yellow meant to her. All vantha had these color changing eyes that changed depending on their mood, Miria was obviously feeling a certain way but Soren couldn't and did not know what that would be. He felt the wind go through his fingers and curl around his body. it seemed to angel toward the left so he compensated his aim for the wind.

Soren closed his eyes and felt the wind rather than trying to focus on the target. He made his aim a little higher but still realtivley flat as the wind wasn't blowing that hard. He also adjusted his aim to the right as the wind blew to the left slightly. Finally Soren listened to his heart. It beat fast as his emotions were racing. Miria was watching his every move and he did not want to appear the fool to this woman by any means. He tried to slow his heart rate and succeeded slightly as he blocked out all distractions. Only He and the Wind were there in the silence of his own mind as he felt rather than saw where he aimed. The bowstring was pulled back and he released the arrow relaxed in the middle of the bow.

He heard the thud as it hit the tree and he slowly opened his eyes. It seemed the arrow struck the tree in the center. He let out a huge sigh of relief and smiled as he saw the arrow.

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