Open A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Sitting on a bench outside Miria is unsure of what to make of this season.

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Miria on February 27th, 2013, 4:20 pm

Miria smirked at the show of confidence Soren showed after hearing just the barest amount of guidance given. Still it was heartwarming to see the Frostfawn try so eagerly make use of the lesson. Fighting to urge to snicker at Miria watched patiently as Soren prepared his shot, silently trying to figure out what was going on in the Frostfawn's head. Quickly looking at the target and the bow Miria quietly nodded at the direction Soren was pointing at. Stopping slightly short from where she would rest the sights on Miria did not give any reinforcement on his aiming. That, she knew was something he will have to learn himself. For now that was probably the best he will do today but if he worked on it who knows?

Miria's eyes flared at the sight of Soren involuntarily cringing as the shot went off. The Coolwater was none too pleased with that spectacle but she suspected that Soren for the moment will be happy. Finally his shot came close to the target beating Miria's second shot by nearly two inches. Letting out a sigh of relief Miria murmured a small prayer to Avanthal's queen for the clear improvement. “Nice shot Soren. Hope you are ready for your prize.” Miria smiled winningly.

Her shortbow already slung over her shoulder Miria gave Soren a congratulatory hug. The archer was not done with him yet hooking her arms around his neck the Coolwater quietly appreciated the Frostfawn's girth he had over her before grabbing a handful of his shirt and pulled him in. Miria leaned in closer and closer until finally...“You now owe me a drink or two. One for beating you both times in target practice and another for that little lesson.” Then finally the Clearwater had one last act of kindness in store for the Frostfawn. Leaning in Miria gave him a small peck on the cheek as a prize before her own face flushed red with embarassment.

“Better cherish that. An older sister rarely shows her love to her little brother.” Miria teased playfully before dragging Soren a step or two towards the tavern. In Miria's mind at least they were family, when it came to archery that is and she was fine with that. Hopefully Miria will be able to help get rid of that nasty habit Soren showed with that last shot but that was for another time. Right now she will have to settle for ravishing young Soren's innocence after drinking him under the table.

oocAre you fine ending this thread here or would you like to play out our night in the tavern? Msg me if you want to continue.
Last edited by Miria on February 27th, 2013, 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Soren Frostfawn on February 27th, 2013, 5:13 pm

He slowly lowered his bow and smiled wide. It was an amazing shot by his standards. He could tell Miria was less than impressed about his shots but he could also tell she was excited about his improvement.

The younger Frostfawn raised an eyebrow at the mention of anysort of prize. He knew he wouldn't accept something from Miria and would have to politely decline if offered. He let out a surprised breathe as Miria hugged him. he warmly moved closer accepting the prize gratefully. The next surprise came with the small show of affection.

Soren's face flushed slightly at the display of affection. Miria seemd to be flirty, but she was also kind. He didn't mind thinking of her as family. Or maybe even as fellow archer's and friends. Time would tell whether the Frostfawn and the Coolwater would continue their blossoming relationship or not, though Soren did hope the archer would become his mentor and maybe when he got better a formidable rival.

Laughing as they both went to the tavern he would be glad to get Miria those drinks. Truth be told Soren had never actually tasted alcohol, but there was a first time for everything right? It would be an interesting night to be sure.
"Alright, I owe you two drinks my dear older sister."He said the last remark with a hint of playfulness as they walked together heading for the tavern. Soren shouldering his bow while he went along.

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A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Noblesse on March 6th, 2013, 6:01 pm


Miria Coolwater :
  • Meditation +1
  • Seduction +3
  • Shortbow +2
  • Teaching +2

  • Flirting With A Man Younger Than You
  • Mentoring A Novice Archer
  • Seeking An Excuse To Order Soren Around
  • Soren: A Brother Through Archery

And now I'm seeing Vaspira's immediate influence on Miria; she's definitely becoming more assertive with her assets lately. Despite the increased confidence, it's nice that Miria would spend her free time to guide a budding archer. I hope to see more of the two's development in the future!

So now we go to grammar tech stuff again. Be careful with spelling the name of other characters. During your first few posts, you had a tendency to call your partner ‘Coren’ when his name is actually ‘Soren’. Most players would not mind if you make this mistake, but there will always be those who might feel upset when you call their PCs another name one time too many.

With that aside, I want to let you know I'm very happy that you are patient in helping Soren adjust to this new experience. You even encouraged him to learn more about the lores, and we appreciate your gesture very much. However, you seem to be a bit confused regarding the city's distribution of trees. You have the right idea that there are very few forestry within Avanthal, but the city is not entirely bare of trees. For instance, the Frostfawn Hold has a small forest within its vicinity for their animals, and the cemetery have its own white-flowered trees. The presence of trees really just depends on the location. So if you are feeling doubtful whether a certain location have these kind of details or not, don't be afraid to pm me or Valkyrie. :)

Soren Frostfawn :
  • Observation +4
  • Shortbow +3
  • Rhetoric +1

  • Miria's Archery Skills
  • Challenging A Competent Archer to A Bet
  • Concentrating To Get A Good Shot
  • Miria: Flirty And Kind

Congratulations on your first completed thread Soren! I hope you're faring well in the city and the site in general, now that you're almost into your first month in Mizahar. I've written these notes here to help you better improve your understanding of the city's lores, and to build up your writing with constructive criticisms as well.

The first thing that I've noticed was sometimes you write contradictory observations. In one of your earlier posts, you said that Soren was not sure about Miria's bow skills, yet in the following post you said you knew that Miria was an immensely skilled archer. I know it's easy to get lost within the moment you are currently writing, but be sure to read your previous posts once in a while to keep the continuity of the story. Another thing I want you to know: you were right that there are small copses of trees around the Frostfawn Hold. However, these trees do not grow beyond fifteen meters, and definitely wouldn't have a trunk fifteen feet in diameter. At most, the average tree's diameter would be one meter, or approximately three feet. We are sorry this has caused you confusion, but the Player Information has now been updated with this information to make things a lot clearer for everyone.

You had mentioned that this is your first roleplaying experience, and I know the lores can be too much to take in at the beginning. That's why we storytellers are here. If you have a question regarding the city, your character, or anything at all, don't hesitate to ask me or Valkyrie about it. :)

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