Miria smirked at the show of confidence Soren showed after hearing just the barest amount of guidance given. Still it was heartwarming to see the Frostfawn try so eagerly make use of the lesson. Fighting to urge to snicker at Miria watched patiently as Soren prepared his shot, silently trying to figure out what was going on in the Frostfawn's head. Quickly looking at the target and the bow Miria quietly nodded at the direction Soren was pointing at. Stopping slightly short from where she would rest the sights on Miria did not give any reinforcement on his aiming. That, she knew was something he will have to learn himself. For now that was probably the best he will do today but if he worked on it who knows? Miria's eyes flared at the sight of Soren involuntarily cringing as the shot went off. The Coolwater was none too pleased with that spectacle but she suspected that Soren for the moment will be happy. Finally his shot came close to the target beating Miria's second shot by nearly two inches. Letting out a sigh of relief Miria murmured a small prayer to Avanthal's queen for the clear improvement. “Nice shot Soren. Hope you are ready for your prize.” Miria smiled winningly. Her shortbow already slung over her shoulder Miria gave Soren a congratulatory hug. The archer was not done with him yet hooking her arms around his neck the Coolwater quietly appreciated the Frostfawn's girth he had over her before grabbing a handful of his shirt and pulled him in. Miria leaned in closer and closer until finally...“You now owe me a drink or two. One for beating you both times in target practice and another for that little lesson.” Then finally the Clearwater had one last act of kindness in store for the Frostfawn. Leaning in Miria gave him a small peck on the cheek as a prize before her own face flushed red with embarassment. “Better cherish that. An older sister rarely shows her love to her little brother.” Miria teased playfully before dragging Soren a step or two towards the tavern. In Miria's mind at least they were family, when it came to archery that is and she was fine with that. Hopefully Miria will be able to help get rid of that nasty habit Soren showed with that last shot but that was for another time. Right now she will have to settle for ravishing young Soren's innocence after drinking him under the table. oocAre you fine ending this thread here or would you like to play out our night in the tavern? Msg me if you want to continue. |