Open A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Sitting on a bench outside Miria is unsure of what to make of this season.

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Miria on February 11th, 2013, 8:49 pm

Winter 68th, 512 AV

Feel the wind in your hair. Don't look just sense the the world around you. Miria found herself sitting alone as the sun started to set. Taking a break from her usual routine was a part of who she was. The rustle of the wildlife around her, small critters darting in and out around her and the overall feeling of belonging is why she ventured out into the world. Granted the palisade was a tame place in the world but the archer still felt the effects of being in nature's embrace. It was calming, almost surreal feeling so nourished and happy. Granted it was one of the only ways Miria felt she was truly alive. Who knew what might come along and threaten her existence? So for now Miria would relish the small pleasures she can enjoy. Though many of her peers would just try to amuse themselves on their free time this archer looked things in a different way. Though the world was always moving forward it does not mean there was no time to look back.

Though after the archer might try for an amorous night at the Red Diamond Tavern. Coming in when the festivities are well underway always reinforced the mood she found herself as she made her way inside. For now Miria watched the Snowsongs make their songs as she sat in their section of the Boardwalk. Perhaps she would see someone familiar or meet someone new. The chance of meeting someone from earlier excited her. The Coolwater did not actually meet many people outside of her routine and meeting someone familiar would be great, even if she wasn't necessarily friendly with her. Resting her head on the bench Miria eyes dimmed as she started to slip in and out of consciousness. Perhaps she had been pushing herself too much recently in fact started to feel so exhausted now that she thought about it.
Last edited by Miria on February 13th, 2013, 12:37 am, edited 4 times in total.
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A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Soren Frostfawn on February 12th, 2013, 3:56 am

Soren felt restless this evening. His eyes were ruby to reveal his anxiousness for something new. He decided to bundle himself in his cloak and take a walk around Avanthal. The weather was a bit restless much like the young Frostfawn was at this point. The snow brushed against his face and sent a slight chill through his body, though Soren never minded the cold. He looked around the city, the buildings shimmering in the little light that was produced in the northern lands. He enjoyed the frosted building as much as he enjoyed the snow and cold. He alwasy felt as if the ice were alive, as if it were calling to him in some way. It seemed immensely silly to him but still the feeling was all too real. He shrugged at his own thoughts and moved a strand of raven black hair, intertwined with the vibrant blue streaks he was born with, out of his face and turned a corner.

As he turned the corner he saw the body of a female vantha. The color of his eyes went straight to green as he began to worry about the woman's condition. He ran to the bench and looked upon the woman. She seemed to be alive, she had hair much like his own, jet black with blue strands. He didn't have much time to think about it but if he did he would say that she was lovely if he hadn't been worrying about her well-being. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder and jostled her a bit. "Miss, are you alright? I can get help if you need it or carry you to the healer." He said, obvious concern in his voice.

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A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Miria on February 13th, 2013, 12:27 am

Miria did not notice the other as he approached her. At his touch Miria gave a confused expression that quickly transitioned into a bewildered one. Quickly stifling the hand that shook her, Miria responded with a long yawn before addressing the newcomer. Looking up her lips formed a passive line as the Coolwater did not immediately recognize who this man was.

'Hmm'ing slightly taking in the figure Miria shifted uncomforably before answering back. "I wonder," Miria replied back. This man to her seemed like the dashing, sweep you of your feet types. The older woman almost started to seriously consider the option as she started to stretch her arms out. Miria was almost inviting him to do just that as she felt the pull in her arms until she reclined back suddenly on her bench.

"I am quite alright dear." Miria finally answered, crossing her legs. "Thank you though." The Coolwater regarded Soren cooly before taking a deep breathe and resuming her relaxation session in the boardwalk. Finally warming up to the stranger Miria gave him a disarming smile turning her head slightly to get a better look at Soren. "I've seen you before" Miria commented almost to herself.

It was rare for Miria to recall seeing someone before formally meeting them but it seemed like this was the case for the stranger. The face was an occasional sight in her usual melancholy but it was something else that made Miria remember him. Rather it was the lack of something else. "You go to the archery ranges yes? I occasionally go there myself. I don't think we actually talked before. I'm Miria. From Coolwater Hold."
Last edited by Miria on February 13th, 2013, 3:09 am, edited 3 times in total.
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A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Soren Frostfawn on February 13th, 2013, 2:12 am

He noticed her eyes the moment they opened, the color was indescribable but the light and warmth of them was what caught his attention. As she spoke Soren got the feeling that she was shy rather than cold he definitely felt a warmness about the woman he thought. He finally saw her shortbow, composite it looked like. She was obviously an archer though he wasn't sure about her skill level.

His eyes lit up when he heard about the archery ranges. He knew the woman very well. She was an immensely skilled archer. He watched her form with the bow and arrow countless times trying to learn something about technique with a shortbow. She was amazing on the ranges and shot a bow with grace although he did notice she made mistakes every once in a while she was still much better than him. He smiled as he lamented on his thoughts about her skills.
"Yes I've been to the ranges a few times before. I've seen you there. You work absolute magic with a bow and arrow. My name is Soren"He held out his hand in a warm gesture while he posed the question his lips turning up into a friendly half smile.
Last edited by Soren Frostfawn on February 13th, 2013, 11:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Miria on February 13th, 2013, 3:43 am

oocI have already revealed my name mind you.

Nodding as he reinforced her earlier statement Miria gave him a skeptical look at his colorful choice of words. "I suppose I should thank you. For your kind words and caring attitude." Miria replied back as she took his hand. Pulling herself up Miria drew Coren close so he there was no misconceptions on what she said. "I appreciate the kindness but ease up a little."

Now standing up Miria lightly patted Soren's shoulder before inviting him to walk with her. Nudging her head to the side Miria beckoned him to stroll with her to making their way out of the Snowsong pavilion. "You know about me. What of you?" Miria calmly asked as she looked for the Winterflame pavilion of the Boardwalk.

Her stomach felt empty as she remembered all the time she spent today just lingering on that bench. Though her mind was still focused enough to notice how Soren looked at her. It was flattering to say the least but nowadays Miria had to be careful with everyone she met. Even a fellow archer. The challenge started to form in her head as she beckoned him while leading them towards Winterflame. "I know! Perhaps you can humor me while I ask you ask about you."

What came to mind? Miria's gaze kept to it's usual curious hazel shade as she asked a line of questions to Soren. "So what do you normally do for a living Soren? Help out at your hold perhaps? Why haven't we talked until now? Dearest?" Miria smirked at the last addition feeling as if she was tantalizing him. The thought made Miria feel young even compared to the others she girls she met this winter. It was also a plus to have someone that looked... amazing to think so too.
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A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Soren Frostfawn on February 13th, 2013, 12:51 pm

oocSorry, I edited my post to retract that question
Soren took her hand noticing that her skin was soft but her fingers were calloused probably due from handling the bow as much as she had done. His own were not calloused yet as he was not as practiced.
"I apologize if I came of as...of what's the word...too informal

He noticed as she spoke that she seemed to take care when choosing her words. He followed Miria as she beckoned. His eyes turned a multitude of colors portraying his peaceful state of mind at the moment. He listened attentively as the woman questioned him before he spoke, he did however notice the last remark but decided not to think anything of it"i am of the Frostfawn hold, my full name is Soren Frostfawn. I don't currently have a job but I do help my hold constantly which seems to be a full time job in itself. As to why we haven't talked yet, well I am always shy around those of the fairer sex gifted with extraordinary beauty"He said the last answer nonchalantly as if stating a mere fact and pointing out the obvious, which of course is exactly what he had done. He also spoke slightly quicker as he answered the last question.

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A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Miria on February 14th, 2013, 3:11 am

Miria grimaced slightly hearing Coren was from Frostfawn hold. Oh. I would have imagined he was from Iceglaze. What are they feeding him over there at Frostfawn?

"We all find our way eventually." Miria offered as she recalled 'working' for her old hold. Sometimes it seemed to Miria that the people of Skyglow are too reliant on the other holds to function. "Ahh... there you go again." Miria chuckled abashed as she took a second longer to take her step.

Shrugging slightly at the compliment Miria finally accepted the mess of compliments Soren gave out in stride. Perhaps it was just how Soren was, Miria did not have any prior experience with him. "Heh* I certainly hope compliments aren't all you have going for you. Too easily people are of the limited persuasion."

Miria took in Coren's expression wondering if he understood what she meant. "Did you have somewhere to go or something you had in mind to do Coren?" Putting her back to a fence Miria leaned back slightly, brandishing her assests to possibly give Coren a rise before continuing. "I'm actually free today. Would you mind if I accompanyed you for awhile?" Miria asked as before she rephrased the question to a command. "Surprise me."
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A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Soren Frostfawn on February 14th, 2013, 2:23 pm

Soren gave a small warm smille at the comment and answered the woman. "Well you do make a good point. Despite my weak attempts at flattery albeit they are truth, I might have substance that goes beyond it. I will leave it up to you to decide if I have more to offer or not."He did give a puzzled look as she mentioned those of limited persuasion. He wasn't sure what she meant but decided it wasn't important. He felt heat come across his face and body as his blood vessels dilated at the sight of Miria showing off her more prominent features and decided to avert his eyes out of respect for the woman, though he did take in her soft and delicate looking curves, her smooth darkly colored skin that seemed to glisten as the snow fell around her, even her dark raven esque hair seemed to give off a appealing sheen and an expression in her eyes that was unusual and not identifiable, well maybe at least for Soren. All of this was noted within a second before he averted his gaze. "I was just heading out to enjoy a little target practice with the bow in the quiet nature of the Avanthal woods, after all I need it."He said this while motioning to the quiver of arrows on his back and his bow tucked in beside the quiver. "So I propose this, we head out to the woods and have a friendly competition, the loser buys the winner drinks at a tavern of the winner's choosing. Shot closest to the center of the target wins."He slowed to a stop near Miria, wondering if this was an adequate idea for her, after all it was surprising for a novice to challenge anyone to a contest he knew he couldn't win.

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A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Miria on February 15th, 2013, 4:14 am

Too easily was it for Miria to guess Soren's reaction as she broke into a knowing smile. It felt nice to be in control of a budding relationship for once and Miria was genuinely enjoying it. Albiet Miria still had to work a bit to keep the man interested but that in itself was well worth the effort.

'There's no harm in a little teasing' was what was going through Miria's mind as they walked few paces before an idea came. Apparently there were spots to practice archery within Avanthal outside of the ranges. The idea came to mind many times but having a top notch range usually convinced Miria to practice there.

"Oh? You have been hoarding a target range for yourself all this time?" Miria asked looking at the bow on her companion. Miria's eyes grew serious at Soren as he suggested that they shoot at targets in the Avanthal woods. "I wasn't aware we have woods in Avanthal still" Miria replied back, readjusting her bow. Of course where they were there was slight amounts of forestry here and there but that was the most living wood in Avanthal by far.

Perhaps she would be more accepting if they could find a secluded glen but the chances of that in the snowy city were little to none. "Don't get me wrong but if you find a place that proves adequate. I would not mind doing this little challenge you have for us." Nudging him forward Miria hid a smile at the thought of archery, her eyes twinkling a happy golden. "Let's see if your good at something other then looking handsome, handsome." Miria chuckled behind him.
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A moment to reflect, regret, and forget (Open)

Postby Soren Frostfawn on February 16th, 2013, 12:24 am

He smiled and nodded, "There are few trees in Avanthal but around the Frostfawn hold there are a few copses of trees, I call it a woods but maybe it doesn't fit the general description of one. It suits my needs of nature and it is peaceful enough. Or we can take our competition to the archery ranges and it would work out the same way. But if you're up to it, the trees will provide our targets around Frostfawn hold" He felt a light heated sensation come to his cheek and a light blush form at Miria's comments. It was obvious now that she was being flirtatious but it seemed she was being playful about it. He decided it didn't mean much if anything at all but still it was flattering to say the least. He noticed Miria's eyes go a gorgeous golden color that reminded him of a color he once saw in the aurora. He heard the twinkling laughter behind him as Miria nudged him forward

The Frostfawn hold was initially founded on its current spot to be close to the animals and make them feel at home. The copses of trees around made them feel entirely at home and the Vantha of Frostfawn were completely at home in their nature surrounded home. He thought it would be nice, it was a private little competition between him and Miria, but if she chose to go to an archery range rather than his Frostfawn hold it would be acceptable and it would still be fun. He turned and looked to Miria,
"So what do you say? shooting at trees or targets? Either way I would feel a great amount of luck to spend an evening with you."

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