Theo Coaststrider ![]() Svefra Born: 88, Winter, 489. 23 Years Old // Male 6'7" // 250 pounds Theo stands tall and is built considerably thicker than the average human. Born to the rigours of a life at sea his hands are thick with calluses and his hair is a long, tangled, mess bleached a golden shade of blonde by the sun. Shining out from under his wild mess of hair are two large and animated eyes that crackle with energy, the bright blue of the south Suvan coast. Rarely seen completely clean shaven, Theo wears a stubble well. His thin features and a nose beaten crooked in some long forgotten scrap contrast sharply with a broad jaw. Thick laugh lines suggest a grin in the rare moments he isn't wearing one. Tattoos swirl across his body in a chaotic maze of coastal designs, marine life and foreign languages. When shirtless, an ugly mess of swollen pink scars can be clearly seen spreading from his left shoulder down his back. His skin, while naturally quite pale, has been coloured a rich copper by the sun. Character Concept: Theo views himself as a maritime revolutionary spirit who spreads his own version of the "Svefra philosophy" where he can. An avatar of reckless abandon, he lives to see who dwells beyond the next horizon and relishes the chance share a story and a drink with a new clan. Personality: Wild, masterless and unpredictable. He is a man built of equal parts ambition and superstition, and tempered by an aggressive egalitarian philosophy. He is a lover of people, particularly the commonfolk, and an avid story-weaver who loves nothing more than regaling a crowd and inciting a "scene." Theo is beholden only to his own belief system, itself an anachronistic mishmash of Svefra cultural practices augmented by his personal experiences-- and not necessarily limited by fact or rigorous consistency. Theo sees little use in self-denial and the sterility of abstinence. Spend a week competing against the temperamental seas of Mizahar and it won't be hard to understand why a life spent cloistering away emotion and desire seems like an extreme cruelty. Theo is a man that feels deeply and expresses freely, quick to share a homespun lesson or a bawdy joke. Ethics: Having only a loose understanding of property laws Theo has built his personal ethics around the sanctity of life and an aggressive passion for individual freedom. Having no patience for bureaucracy of any sort and viewing any exercise of power, no matter how arbitrary, as an act of tyrannous villainy. Wed to the sea, he is fiercely protective of his ship and whatever crew he happens to have cobbled together. Likes: Theo is a story-teller, drinker, and wanderer. Boasting that he was thrown out of every tavern along the south Suvan before he turned 17 he has two great passions, the gathering places of all merry people and the communal isolation of a ship out of port. He is a great lover of music and dance, known to burst into song and wrangle complete strangers into an improvisational jig. Dislikes: Has a fierce and almost fanatical hatred of those who seek to dominate and control, whether it be organizations like "The Black Sun," cruel landowners, local police or a stern bartender. Character History Theo was born into a large pod that dwelled primarily in the South Suvan sea. The son of a Lia, his father was unknown. His parentage was never a question of any great importance to Theo, the Svefra have large and unorthodox family structures and given the many responsibilities that often pulled his mother away Theo was raised by committee. Having two dozen mothers and just as many fathers had a profound impact on the young man, teaching him a strict form of tolerance and serving as a crash course in the rigours of an active social life. It also exposed him to a life of adventure starting nearly from birth. His many parents brought him from Nal'lyeo to Nal'lyeo, showing him almost every major city along the coast of Mizahar and building in him a profound social conciousness, and a love of disobedience. His travelling also exposed him to the violence of Mizahar. Starting as soon as he was strong enough to hold a proper cutlass, Theo was brought along to serve as support for the warriors during their regular hunts for pirates. It was on one of these journey's that Theo received the ugly scarring on his back. At 14 a ship he was sailing on was overrun by pirates in the middle Suvan and Theo was taken captive, forced to work below deck and whipped nearly to death before help could arrive. The cruelty of this experience was a defining moment for Theo. His life changed immensely after his return to the pod. One of his fathers was murdered in the pirate ambush and Theo was given his ship, a well built and agile Casinor. He renamed his gift "The Defiance" and began serving the needs of the pod more independently. With his own vessel Theo was free to trade and ship goods on behalf of the pod and lead his own small sorties against any pirates that drifted too far into Svefra seas. His closest companion, his Tavan, is a large Osprey. He recovered an abandoned egg while harvesting kelp in the shallows and nurtured the egg, and later the bird, on board his ship. The large white bird, named Jal'el, is patterned with distinctive blue markings at the top of its wings. Never far from his master the bird is an excellent fisher, and second in it's generally obstinate attitude only to it's master. After nearly a decade roaming the seas under his own command and serving the needs of the pod Theo requested the opportunity to strike out independently. He did not explain to what end, but only promised his extended family that what he sought to return to the pod was larger than a meagre profit on barrels of kelp or a handful of dead pirates. ![]() What Can I Do
Leadership: 15/100 (15 SP) Sailing: 15/100 (5 SP, 10 RB) Weapon - Gladius: 10/100 (10 SP) Brawling: 5/100 (5 SP) Negotiation: 10/100 (10 SP) Swimming 5/100 (5 SP) Bonus: Gnosis of Laviku (1) "Marked individuals can first and foremost spot Otani readily. Otani will recognize them and often seek them out to play and communicate. Individuals with one Laviku mark can also drink salt water and have the mark automatically convert it to fresh water for ocean survival. Individuals know the direction of the sea if they are on land and how far away it is (in aprox miles). They also immediately recognize where progression tide is, meaning if it is incoming or outgoing or in transition between. With 1 mark, a person can also control one predator or a school of small fish and sense all sea-life within 1 nautical mile." What Do I Know
Lores: Lore of Navigation: South Suvan Lore of Religion: Laviku Lanugages: Fluent in Common Basic in Fratava Poor speaker of Kontinese Who Do I Know
Nobody, yet! Ledger
81 Gold Rimmed Mizas 9 Silver Mizas 98 Copper Mizas Recent purchases: 1cm for a dinner fork 1cm for a table spoon 8gm for a throwing axe 10gm for Leather Armour |