by Nisaba on December 19th, 2010, 7:34 pm
Grade Complete: XP Award!
Name: Sam’ael
XP Award
Socializing- 1 XP Observation- 1 XP Teaching- 1 XP
Well, this was a tough one. Sam did a little bit of socializing (or attempting to socialize, at least) and he noticed that the stranger was actually more child than man, so he got a point in each of those. He also attempted to impart some knowledge of the locations within the city, so he got a point in teaching since that was the only skill I could find that was related. I’m sorry I couldn’t give you more, Sam! Lore Award
Friendliness to Strangers Suggesting Taverns Being Blown off
Additional Note: This was a very short thread with an awkward sort of interaction. I’m not really sure what to say. I mean, the writing was nice- it just didn’t seem like you two were on the same page concerning where you wanted the thread to go. It was a shame, since I’m sure you two could have really had some interesting conversations because of the difference in how both characters view the world, etc. I hope I did it justice with the grading, but if you think I missed something, please let me know.
Grade Complete: XP Award!
Name: Fayde
XP Award
Wilderness Survival- 1 XP Socializing- 1 XP Observation- 1 XP
Fayde didn’t do much work on skills in this thread, unfortunately. I noticed mention of spending three weeks traveling and being on his own in the wilderness, which I thought could merit a point in wilderness survival since he obviously made it to the city in one piece. He also did a bit of reluctant socializing with Sam, and noticed that Sam was a different race, so he deserved a point in those skills, as well. Lore Award
Long Journey Location: Syliras Stables Thinking Like a Lynx Running Away from a Kind Stranger Location: The Rearing Stallion
Additional Note: I’m really not sure what the point of this thread was going to be, but I was sad to see it end so abruptly without being able to learn more about the characters involved. I think it had really good potential in the beginning to be entertaining and progressive for your character, but you may have either lost interest or weren’t sure what you wanted to achieve. Next time, my suggestion is to think of a plan before you post so then you will have something to fall back on if you become unsure. Thank you, though, for allowing me to read it.
Grade Complete: XP Award!
Name: Dryn
Lore Award
Wanting a Friend
Additional Note: I’m so sorry that this thread ended without you really being able to post much or interact with anyone. From what I did read, you’re a good writer with potential for much more interaction, especially character progression if you’re in Syliras. I was only able to give you a single lore, but I hope this doesn’t discourage you from joining more threads in the future- or going to the Matchmaker forum and meeting someone who will work with you on a thread with a reason and outline. Good luck, hun.
(Oh, and I know you’ve been here for a while, probably know all this already, and don’t need my advice, but I wanted to make sure to encourage you because I want to read more. *has selfish motivations*)
I just started a new job where I occassionally work 12hour shifts (somehow?)- so please bear with me. I'll probably only be able to hardcore grade/be online on the weekends and other times I'll only get to about 1 thread per night. If there's anything that needs immediate attention, please PM me and I'll bump it up the list. Thanks in advance for the understanding. ^_^