The touch of the warm dirt beneath the paws of the moderately young Kelvic felt extremely soothing. The morning sun, revealing its head from the dawn beat on the lynx, warming his fur. After day's on end, walking through jagged rocks and dense trees, there's nothing Fayde could do but take it all in. He fell to the dry sand-like dirt, rolling over and shaking his head of filled particles, sifting the topsoil with his paws.
Fayde had been traveling for almost three weeks now, after spending about three years in the Zastoska's after his parents disappeared, he decided to set off and explore the world and meet endless possibilities. With limited knowledge where and what might be ahead of him, he set off to Stormhold Castle, a vague memory from when he was a child, following the footsteps of his father.
The lynx takes a deep breath and gets up, shaking his fur and licking his legs clean, his ears occasionally twitching, catching every smallest sound. He slides off his pouch, carrying his possesions, over his neck and shifts into his human form. The morning sun sparkling his golden skin, he cracks his neck and stretches his arms. He opens his pouch and throws on his pants and his hooded shirt, his most deared clothing article that belonged to his father. A light breeze and crisp air hit his newly exposed skin as he walked nonchalantly towards the rised gate of the castle, hoping to find some sort of implausible thing that does not need to be found.