[Verified by Siren] Rock

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Rock on February 22nd, 2013, 7:07 pm


Appearance & Basics

Race: Kelvic (Luvanor Grassland Hunter)
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years old
Birthday: 13th Day of Fall, 509 AV
Birthplace: Sunberth
Languages: Common (Fluent), Canine (Fluent)
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Dark brown


His hair is on the wild side, sticking out at various directions in brown waves and curls. It's never worn any longer than the bottom of his ears, but rarely close cropped. Rock will sometimes grow a short beard, though he's more often dusted with stubble. He's average height, and built sturdy. People have occasionally said he feels as strong as a rock, hence his name. His eyes are much like a dog's, with dark irises barely distinguishable from the pupil. The other physical difference in his human form is that all of his teeth are sharper, to a degree, and his canines are slightly longer. Both are only noticeable under close examination.


As a dog, he looks just like any other of his kind, though his fur has always been on the long side, and wavy like his human hair. Rock carries himself with constant dignity, with his head high, ears forward, and tail up. His fur varies from black to brown, and the faintest orange tint on his face. He's muscular and powerful, built for what Luvanor's are natural at; running and hunting. His nose, ears, and eyes are all keen, though he has trouble seeing in the dark without moonlight.

Character Concept

Rock is not the sweetest or most social person one could meet. He is stubborn, picky, a bit of a roughian, and very proud. Growing up in the streets of Sunberth has given him the tendency to be unkind toward strangers, but savagely protective of companions. Because of his severe pride, he has been overly choosy when it comes to finding a bondmate. So instead, he has found it enough to just be around others until the right person is met. None so far have fit the bill, and that in itself has only helped to sour his bad attitude.

More to come.

Character History


Skills & Lores

Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Hunting 10 RB, 10 SP 20/100 Novice
Brawling 20 SP 20/100 Novice
Wilderness Survival (Forest) 10 SP 10/100 Novice
Tracking 10 SP 10/100 Novice

  • Lore of Sunberth Street Layout
  • Lore of Wilderness Survival: Finding Water


Item Obtained Description
1 Set of Clothing SP Consists of a loose, long sleeved raw colored shirt with open neckline, tan pants, a faded brown coat, and worn out knee-high brown leather boots.
Undergarments SP This isn't worn very often. (Wink wink)
Waterskin SP It carries water and is slung over the shoulder like a satchel.
Backpack SP A worn out old backpack, close to the end of its life. It opens at the top with a draw string and is made of water repellent oilskin.
Brush & Comb SP A matching set, both made of metal.
Soap SP Scrub-a-dub-dub.
Razor SP Gets rid of facial hair, and has multiple other uses.
Balanced Rations SP A week's worth of food.
Eating Knife SP Old, dull, and never gets used.
Flint & Steel SP A necessity for starting a fire.
555 Gold Mizas SP Make it rain!

Heirloom: An old charm that was carved from an antler into the shape of a feather to represent safe/fast travels, and strung on a leather thong. Rock wears it as a necklace both as a dog and human. He's also got a nice big colony of fleas!


Traveler's Row in Syliras.


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Shelter Cash In +500 GM 600 GM
Living Expenses -45 GM 555 GM
Rent -8 SM 554 GM 2 SM

Thread List

Timestamp Thread Progress
83rd Day of Winter, 512 AV A Dog's Life Ongoing
Last edited by Rock on March 5th, 2013, 1:30 am, edited 3 times in total.
User avatar
Posts: 10
Words: 5998
Joined roleplay: February 22nd, 2013, 6:04 pm
Location: Syliras
Race: Kelvic
Character sheet

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