by Tia'aria on March 2nd, 2013, 6:06 am
Tia'aria's main deity and the one she loves most. Her knowledge of him is incomplete and biased, taken word of mouth from her mother. Rumour has it that her grandmother was a Tidalwave, albeit the rumours are unfounded as her grandmother, Alyk'tia, is long dead.
Reverence Threads
Aria's worship of Avalis is second only to that of Ivak, however she is as devoted to the Goddess of Sight as any Konti woman can be, seeing her as a benevolent second mother.
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Aria's prayers to Akajia are based in a love taught to her by her father and reinforced by her brother, Corsin. Aria understands the value of secrets and often fears that which goes unsaid. Her own secrets are kept tightly behind closed lips.
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Emulated by her father, Wysar is a deity Aria associates with her father's dedication to his wife and family. Taught to pay him the greatest respect, Aria prays out of love tempered by her respect. However, Wysar isn't a focal point in her pantheon.
Reverence Threads
Similar to her view of Avalis, Aria considers Laviku as a secondary father figure next to Ochisenor. This isn't uncommon among Konti, being as his mating with Avalis brought about their race. Aria bases her prayers to Laviku after this love of him and an understanding that without the sea and the abundance of life it provides, there may very well be no life on Mizahar at all.
Reverence Threads
Zulrav, God of Wind and Storm, was introduced to Aria at a young age. Her mother taught her many interesting traditions to ward off bad winds, and while these traditions are all superstition Aria still partakes. Often, Tia'aria associates Zulrav with natural change and chaos caused by normal means. A slight against Rhysol, but something she believes utterly true.
Reverence Threads
As Goddess of the Earth, Tia'aria can't help but feel grateful for Semele's loving embrace when the stone walls of the city protect her from some unimaginable death. She has special love for Semele that transcends her love even for Ivak; Semele is always there, rooting her to the ground.
Reverence Threads
God of the Moon, Thought, and Change. Tia is mute in her thoughts for Leth. He is an idol, somebody who changed in the name of love. Her discovery of this will shake her world and have her consider herself and her love for whomever her lover ends up being. As it is, she considers Leth the Lord of Change for the Best and for the Betterment of Oneself. Her devotion to him is in prayers at his temple although she doesn't do anything that would earn his attention.
Reverence Threads
Goddess of Sunlight, Clairvoyance, and Joy. Tia'aria owes much to Syna that she doesn't owe to anybody else. The radiant goddess enlivens her where others do not, the sunlight brings joy to her where she is sad. There is a deep and abiding love for Syna that Tia doesn't yet know of.
Reverence Threads
Last edited by
Tia'aria on April 24th, 2013, 7:39 am, edited 1 time in total.