Up In The Shallows

Theo's Development Ideas!

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This is the development forum for the Suvan Sea. The Suvan is a place of great adventure and undiscovered wonders, and far below where the air touches is a place where those things are being defined. Everything is worked on down in the deep, and anyone is welcome to join. Join us as we collaborate!

Up In The Shallows

Postby Theo Coaststrider on February 25th, 2013, 8:00 am



Hey there folks! I've set aside this little space to serve as a repository for all of my hair-brained schemes and ideas for the Suvan. I wanted to make sure they were all in the same place and presented in a relatively organized way so that you could go "his heart is in the right place, but his execution needs a little improvement" about a number of things altogether, rather than having to hunt around.

Below you're going to find a series of postings about potential pods, NPC's, creatures and destinations. At first, it will probably only be Coaststrider stuff (because I'm selfish, and also think it's easier to start small and local) but eventually things should get off the ground and I hope to use this space to a more communal end.


Pods! :
  • Coaststriders

NPC's! :
  • Psych, nothing. Because I'm a monster
In lieu of a splendiferous image woven of equal parts beautiful people, cleverly deployed photoshop filters and an emotionally moving quote, I've decided to give you a list of words that are fun to say: Architecture, lectern, scripture, splendiferous, engorged and waffle-house.

(Aforementioned splendiferous image is forthcoming)
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Theo Coaststrider
Friendly Neighbourhood Something or Other
Posts: 83
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Joined roleplay: February 13th, 2013, 9:37 am
Location: Vancouver Island OR The Suvan Sea
Race: Human, Svefra
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Up In The Shallows

Postby Theo Coaststrider on February 25th, 2013, 8:04 am

Coaststrider Pod

The Coaststrider Pod is a large family made up of mostly craftsmen and minor merchants. Unlike the other major Svefra pods which have committed themselves to the hunting of pirates, the ritual adoration of Laviku and the art of leadership, The Coaststriders are a simple people. As their name implies, most of the pod dwells along the coast where they make their living building ships in makeshift docks and harvesting kelp and other maritime plants to complement their diets. They have a reputation, even amongst the Svefra, for being troublemakers, brawlers and rabble rousers.

The Coaststriders are well known as a landing pad for pod-less Svefra and have historically grown significantly in the wake of natural disasters through the adoption of those left without a family. Part of the reason for this peculiar growth method is the easygoing and highly permissive nature of the pod’s leadership. Coaststrider Lias have traditionally been loath to issue commands or interfere in the day to day life of the pod, happy to let them work at their leisure and sustain themselves on the easy bounty of their rich coastlines.

Accepts PC members: Yes.

Pod Overview:

The Svefra family is a rich tapestry that spans all three seas and two mighty oceans and the Coaststriders are fiercely proud of the role that they play in this massive work of art. They believe very strongly in the importance of personal freedom and take to the casual philosophy of Svefra life with no small amount of gusto. In the great gatherings of the Svefra--a Nal’lyeo, or celebration on The Anchorage--the Coaststriders will be amongst the first to dig into the supply of ale and are almost always the first to start a brawl. As a community they feel deeply and have few filters on their emotions. They are a family that is quick to break into song, and no workplace is complete without a barrel of ale and a bawdy tune. Their innate joy makes them attractive guests and exceptional companions.

The pod has a long history in the South Suvan and--according to their own legends-- before. The Coaststriders themselves are adamant that their lineage predates even the Valterian, and they take great joy in making their home on the grave of their, supposedly, ancient enemies, the Suvan Empire. For centuries the Coaststriders have lead a simple and happy existence outside of the machinations the continent. The family has traditionally seen little value in posturing and jockeying, and in spite of the size of the pod and, their long history, they have offered up none of their own as Lia’Tavankas or Champions of Laviku. Part of the reason for this reluctance is the general distrust that most in the pod have for authority in general. The Coaststriders do not wear a yolk with grace, as an extension they are very reluctant to impose their wills on others.

The Coaststriders are possibly the largest pod in the South Suvan, though it is also the most far flung. Given the highly decentralized nature of their pod it isn’t unusual for a ship full of Svefra to be away from the main pod for nearly a year at a time. At the same time the Coaststriders will have up to four small docks dotting the shore near the main fleet to make repairs and to craft small casinors for sale to the other pods or for themselves. They will also almost always have a large number of their folk on the coast harvesting kelp and performing other similar tasks. The main fleet itself is quite substantial, numbering in the dozens of ships. The pride and joy of the fleet being three stately sloops and a mighty brigantine that make up the backbone of what loosely accounts for their trading fleet.

In recent years the Coaststriders have taken a more active role in the affairs of the continent. As more and more of their sons and daughters have taken to the art of trade, either under their own command or in the employment of wealthy merchants in the larger holds, they have been forced to play an active role in protecting their own. The current Lia is rarely seen without a pen in hand and has taken to to sending a steady stream of letters to the leadership of many cities to ensure that no unfair tariffs or imprisonment impedes the work of her children.

Traditions and Beliefs:


(I won't actually use that photo)

A defining aspect of the Coaststrider philosophy is their loose interpretation of family structures. For the Coaststriders every adult woman in the pod is a mother, and every adult male a father. In the eyes of the Coaststriders, to carry someone in your womb for 9 months, or to provide the seed, is certainly important but not itself what determines parentage when compared to the decades of care and responsibility shared by the pod at large. When a child is introduced to their family—even through adoption—it is not as a niece or a nephew, but as a new son or daughter and all are expected to shoulder the responsibility of parenthood. The nature of these relationships can be quite complicated, and when explaining their families it is not unusual for a Svefra to identify their biological mother or father to help simplify things for an outsider, but the titles only bear a nominal value in the day to day workings of the pod.

In decades past, the Coaststriders were also notorious for their exceptionally disruptive roles in Nal’lyeos. The site of the dozens of sails that comprise the Coaststrider fleet has often been the tipping point in these social protests. The mischievous clan make dangerous enemies, and are known for their underhanded tactics. Coaststrider children pride themselves on their ability to smuggle hornet queen’s into sensitive locations and relish the chaos that a roving colony of the insects can cause in a market square or town halls. While recent Nal’lyeos have not turned violent, in the past young Coaststriders had been known to attack entire patrols of knights or city guards by hurling bags of finely crushed glass into the eyes of their foes from rooftops and fleeing before they could respond. The tactic is an excruciating one and can leave their foes blind for days, or even permanently. Rumors also persist that in days past , when cities were more likely to use violence to try to drive off the flocks of Svefra, the Coaststriders made use of bottles full of highly flammable whale oil or flare paste to spark terrible blazes.

Usual Location:

The Coaststrider fleet often makes its home at the north end of the South Suvan. Here they take ample advantage of the generally calm weather and milder climates.
In lieu of a splendiferous image woven of equal parts beautiful people, cleverly deployed photoshop filters and an emotionally moving quote, I've decided to give you a list of words that are fun to say: Architecture, lectern, scripture, splendiferous, engorged and waffle-house.

(Aforementioned splendiferous image is forthcoming)
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Theo Coaststrider
Friendly Neighbourhood Something or Other
Posts: 83
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Joined roleplay: February 13th, 2013, 9:37 am
Location: Vancouver Island OR The Suvan Sea
Race: Human, Svefra
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