by Miro on March 19th, 2013, 5:04 am
Miro shrugged at the explanation of what he was to do. Simple enough, though he would have to be sure to do it right. It was not easy for him to picture fire, as he tended to hate it. The heat, the pain, it was difficult for him to work around. Instead of just picturing the process of working with it, feeling it, why not just create some? There were going to be here for some time, so he might as well clear his mind of anything but this process.
The undead walked away from the Magecrafter or anything he might harm and sat with his legs crossed. He focused on the Djed within his body, imagining himself to be within the lantern. He flared his Djed, pushing it to leak from every pour of his body and become a visible aqua colored aura. The gaseous substance trailed off a set distance from his body before halting its escape. The Reimancer focused on the essence of fire, heat, his body like a candle that would produce a constant perfectly shaped flame. The outer layer of the Res aura was transmuted to a combust and attract to the pyre to his aura. His form was completely cloaked in a a still inferno, and still produced the substance to sustain it.
Miro hated the feel, yet forced himself to embrace it. The sensation of being surrounded by fire was anything but peaceful, but his transmutation and control were to remain at ease. All of his attention was wrapped around a steady even flame, and keeping his aura perfectly balanced. As a few chimes slowly passed by before the Chained One was more than uncomfortable with the heat, but well attuned with fire. He ceased transmutation and stood, his Res issued to remain a gaseous aura.
The wizard returned to the Magecrafter who had been pounding away at the lantern. The undead took hammer in hand and moved to stand across from him at the pedestal. An interesting lens sat before him, and as he peered into it, he was able to perceive the lanterns aura. It was weak and very faint, just small wisps of leaked Djed from the item. The hammer wielded by Mienskil however had a much stronger aura, obviously charged with Djed. With each strike, a subtle reaction occurred within the object.
It was apparent what he had to be transferred to the item. Creating fire Reimancy required only two steps. First, creation of Res, and second, transmutation into fire. He needed to specify where to produce Res, how much and the shape of it. For transmutation he needed to specify burning the outer layer of the Res and teach it of creating fire. However, like in Animation, if you teach how to go, you must also teach how to stop. That was an important issue that was easy to overlook.
Miro took the hammer in hand and began to slam the hammer down on the lantern. Each strike was quick and precise, but used a good amount of force. He saw how hard Mienskil struck the object, and did not want to hit it much harder. With each strike he concentrated on what Mienskil had taught him. Each strike channeled his Djed, tasked with the will of producing Res in each strike. He held the hammer as if it was his staff, a channel for his purposed Djed, as if it would produce Res from its tip. He even directed his Res to float about the hammer and surround it.
"Mienskil, I can teach the item to produce flame, though I can not teach it to learn its limit. Surely your items can not produce an eternal flame. Do keep in mind that it must have a trigger to cancel the effect." The Chained One quickly turned his focus back on swinging the hammer. His mind went through each step one by mind, cycling with each swing. The will to produce Res, emitting it from the fuel chamber, taking shape, the will and feeling of creating fire, then finally, the act of transmuting the outer layer of Res.
Truly working on Magecraft required a superior mind. It was lucky for the Reimancer that he was so familiar with meditating on Reimancy for hours on end or else he might find himself distracted. It was quite the task to focus on the aura of the object, the tasking of his Djed and swinging the charged hammer all at once. Such a process and magic seemed unique in magic. It was not often that one repetitive action created powerful artifacts. And it was also rare for him to find a magic that could benefit from multiple wizards working in tandem.
The longer the two worked together, the more Miro was able to take in. He was able to recognize and adapt the hammering technique of his partner and soon work in tandem with him. For each time Mien raised his hammer, Miro dropped his, and vice versa. The undead had taken notice though, the aura was growing, if only slightly. The duo seemed to be having some effect on the object. Though, as they progressed, every once in a while the aura would twist and move in an unusual way. He had little idea what it meant however. It could mean that something was not right, but he assumed it to be a sign of their effect on it.
The undead wizard was ready to sit and think of the same process for a week on end if it meant he would be able to better understand Magecraft. He was eager to feel more confident in the craft so that he might enhance the item even more quickly with the Flux. Beyond that was an exciting fear. His partner was human and required sleep. At some point Miro would be left alone to continue to work without him. This may well be the time that one of the pulses of pure Djed happened, though it might also be his time to shine. He may well impress the man by working faster without him due to his use of personal magic. However, until then, he would remain vigilant and obedient. Still there was so much to learn, like the use of reagents.