So this will be my 200 post which is fun and exciting. I have only been playing for about two months but it has been fun and exciting to see how much my character has grown and changed even in that short amont of time.
To that end I would like to thanks the following.
Charon ~ You first helped me step out into the world of Mizahar and discover the fun and excitment. You have been helpful through my crazy will ideas and listened to my ramblings despite being supper busy in real life. Thank you.
Alice ~ You have made the development of my character much easier to understand and have greatly helped me to expand his story. I love what you have done with Mura and the peaceful place it is.
Dusk ~ You have made life just fun playing. I never know what to expect from your replies and it keeps me eagerly reading and on my toes. I am so glad you are now moding Syliras. It will be fun and exciting to have you in charge and should make future visit that much more fun.
Jen/Kavala/Goss ~ Your PC has been an inspiration to me. Especially, your role play and commitment to you characters and how well you craft them. You draw other rpers around you and they are always excellent. You have helped me set a standered of excellence that I hope to one day be able to achieve, but until then thank you for your patiences with my crafting of my character.
Kail/My Wife ~ Above all I want to thank my wife. A couple years ago you married me and my life has been heaven since. You have spent the past nine months carring our child and I have grown to love you so much more. I know it hasn't been easy dealing with me but I love you more know more then ever and I am looking forward to the day when our little boy enters the world. Your character has also been wonderful to play with. I know that getting out of your bubble has been a trial, but I am so proud of each step you have made. I look forward to a lifetime together and again Thank you for all that you do for me. I Love You.
Also a big thanks to all of the other characters and mods out there that I haven't mentioned but have run threads with. Without you this game wouldn't be what it is.
Thank you.