Open Weighing the options

Open to all, no idea where I want to go with this yet

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

Weighing the options

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on March 3rd, 2013, 8:07 pm


OOCOmg so glad I took a break from grading. AND HAHAHAHAHAHA I was dying in laughter! He actually did it. OMG.. HAHA Also after this reply im going back to Amora.

Jesslyn didn't ignore Sera but her mind was not in paying attention to her words and actions so much as Levhanti's. A pause stretched on and so did Jesslyn's eyebrow. She didn't say a word as he stuttered in disbelief and then proclaimed it a a trap. She didn't plan anything to happen but she was in a mood now and she was going to get what she wanted.

Jesslyn face didn't change as the silence grew. But she did 'watch' as he looked up to the sky sighed and then spoke. Jesslyn's vision was simply blurs so when his arms went to his pants they became part of the blur that was Levhanti's. Jesslyn could hear the pants fall and the people around gasp. Jesslyn kept her face blank as the warm clothing was put in her hand.

Jesslyn crossed her arms and huffed while he talked to Sera. 'On ya go.' she thought to herself. Jesslyn guessed she must had spoken the words out-loud as he quickly left her vision. She could tell he was doing what she had requested as she heard the laughs. Jesslyn turned to look as if she was watching. Her eye's slowly turning a purple red as he returned into her sights.

Jesslyn nodded at his shivering and tossed him his pants. Jesslyn unclasped her cloak and held it in a hand as she took off her fur jacket and threw it his way. Placing her silk cloak back around her Jesslyn smiled, "Wouldn't want you getting too cold. Can't be friends with icicles."

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Weighing the options

Postby Sera on March 4th, 2013, 5:48 pm

'Oh goddess!' She made sure to look at Jesslyn as the man took off his pants, trying to avoid her awkward thoughts. When he spoke to her, Sera refused to make eye contact. 'If only I grew up around boys. Why didn't I have a brother?' "Alright, I'll call you Lev unless I come up with something else." She responded.

When Levhanti took off running, Sera found herself flabbergasted, and a little shocked. "He actually did it..." She said under her breath as the man turned to run back to them. 'Well, I wasn't expecting that.' It seemed a bit much, but there was no way she was going to argue. Not to mention, Jesslyn seemed to be enjoying it thoroughly. How was it that the girl who couldn't see could get such entertainment out of embarrassing people? As Levanhti returned, her cheeks darkened into a deep red, and her eyes turned green.

"Don't you feel refreshed?" She asked, gathering her words. "Though, I feel because of this I should call you something other than Lev... hmm..." So many ideas of great nicknames came flowing through her head. She didn't say any of them out loud though, not until she could think of the perfect one.

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Weighing the options

Postby Levhanti on March 5th, 2013, 5:10 pm

Levhanti eagerly took his pants back, wasting no time in getting the back on. Once tied back in place he let out a deep breath in relief. He raised his eyebrow as the jacket flew at him, though wasted no time in handing it back.

"No thank you...just have to wait for the warmth to seep back in...I will be fine."

As Levhanti looked to Sera, the color of her face caused him to grin again. "You eyes look good that color." He chuckled a bit, and then started pacing back and forth, just working his legs. He watched the two women curiously as he did so, letting the wheels of his mind click slowly until he could form a sentence.

"Well, I can honestly say this will probably be a day I never forget. Though I just might try." He stuck his tongue out momentarily at Jesslyn, then remembered she couldn't see.

"Sticking my tongue out at you, just so you know."
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Weighing the options

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on March 6th, 2013, 4:20 am


Jesslyn took back her jacket with a shrug. She didn't put it back on but simply folded it over on of her arms and held it against her. Jesslyn listened to Levhanti flirt with Sera and her eyebrow shot up again. But Jesslyn being the little 'child' she is, did giggle mentally. At least she hoped it was mentally.

Jesslyn watched as Levhanti passed back and forth and could feel his eyes on her. But they weren't focused on her so she guessed he was taking in his situation with the two women. Jesslyn heard him talk but gave an impish smile and clucked her tongue. "Wouldn't want to forget it for my eye sight."

Jesslyn smiled a full smile at his impish toying and nodded her head, "Might want to save your heat and leave it in your mouth." Jesslyn turned to the vibrations that were Sera and smiled, "So, my Sera. How is the snow treating you?" Jesslyn titled her head and turned her head to nod at Levhanti to let him know he could also answer, but they needed to include Sera in their charades.

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Weighing the options

Postby Sera on March 6th, 2013, 6:51 pm

“Thanks.” She said, shyly at Lev’s compliment. Though, she didn’t know if he joking or being serious. So she just continued smiling and listened to the conversation between the two. Sera couldn’t help but feel as if she had intruded on them. They were older than her, this she could tell by the way they presented themselves. They were also quite a bit taller than her. This was another thing that made her feel young. And when thinking about the situation a bit more, she realized that she had interrupted them by throwing a snowball. Of course, she was just being playful, she didn’t want to upset anyone, or put herself in a situation where she wasn’t wanted. So, the girl kept her eyes low, looking at the ground and noticing all the designs that had been made by people walking, running and playing in the snow. Alright, she may still have just been thinking

Then she heard Jesslyn ask her a question. Immediately she shook herself out of her adolescent thoughts and she looked up at the girl. “Well, the snow is treating me quite fine, thank you!” She said politely, pausing to think of something else to say. Lamely all she came up with was, “I’m happy it’s Spring again.” But because, she didn’t want to leave her hanging, she also added, “How about you? Glad Morwen has returned?” She awaited the response, but looked back at Levhanti as her eyes returned to their usual two-toned state.

Though, Sera knew this idle chit-chat couldn’t continue. She was getting anxious. She wanted to do something. And oh, by golly that snow looked perfect for making more snowballs. Hell, it had been proven that it made good snowballs already by the one she had hit Jesslyn with. And the evil plotting began...

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Weighing the options

Postby Levhanti on March 7th, 2013, 12:53 am

Levhanti unconsciously shifted his body to face between the two girls when he noticed Sera didn't seem to be talking very much. As he watched her look at the ground, she reminded him a little of his sister. He wasn't sure if she was being shy or nervous, but he didn't want her to feel either way. So when she asked he question, he jumped right in.

" I am not just glad that she is back, I am relieved. Maybe people will start smiling again." For a moment, his eyes started shifting color to green, but he shook himself and they quickly returned to a bright blue, and he smiled. Not for any particular reason, just to smile.

"You know, I came out today to try and find a way to make at least a few people smile. And laughing at me wasn't really what I had in mind, but it worked. I am, however, up for any ideas."

The question was obviously open to either of them, but he turned to face Sera as he said it.
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Weighing the options

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on April 5th, 2013, 4:43 pm


Jesslyn couldn't help the small smile that happened over her face when Levhanti commented on Sera's eyes and then caused her to possibly blush. Jesslyn couldn't see the girl but that didn't mean her voice didn't give anything away to Jesslyn.

Jesslyn gave the girl a knowing smile when she answered Jesslyn question. Jesslyn found Sera cute in a little sister kind of way. Jesslyn caught sight of Levhanti as his blur turned and gave a small nod to him. Jesslyn went to answer Sera's question but was interrupted by Levhanti practically jumping at the opportunity.

Jesslyn smiled at Levhanti's answer. And then when he revealed his daily plotting Jesslyn couldn't help but let out a laugh. Her eyes shifting further into a purple-red. It was odd. How her eyes seemed to stay with the color purple as a natural tone, but when she got angry they were a heated red. And yet here was she was delighted and they still had hints of red. Though Jesslyn couldn't see colors Sylvia had brought it up in conversation one day.

Jesslyn realized that she was supposed to answer the question and have a small nervous giggle, "Sorry, I was getting lost in my own thoughts." Jesslyn smiled. "The snow is actually treating me well seeing as its only going to get colder." Jesslyn clasped her hands together as she thought over what to do, "You know... I've never really had a snowball fight. I wasn't allowed to go and play during the spring because it always got harder for me to see...."

Jesslyn gave a smile letting them know it didn't hurt to let them know this nor did they need to feel pity, "Oh I almost forgot! I was supposed to be meeting her for the first time this season. Svasra Snowsong and I should be going together."

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Weighing the options

Postby Sera on April 8th, 2013, 2:39 am

Sera smiled as the Levhanti answered. She was also glad and relieved to have Morwen back. But then again, everyone was happy to have their Goddess back in the City. It gave her hope, it gave everyone hope. Things were looking up.

But there was something about being around Jesslyn and Levhanti that bothered her. The younger girl looked between the two of them as Jesslyn spoke. She wouldn't lie to herself, or anyone that would question, but she did think Levhanti was cute. Truth be told, the two older Vantha's would be adorable together. Sera lost herself in her matchmaking mindset until something Jesslyn said caught her attention.

Levhanti said he was up for anything. And he wanted to laugh, right? So, Sera stepped back, into the street. "Well, I'm not EXACTLY sure what we could do. I mean, we could dance..." She winked at Levhanti and then turned on her toes, spinning a full circle. It was simple, it was clean. She had to get some of her energy out. The girl knelt down and picked up a handful of snow. "But... Since Jess hasn't had a snowball fight..." She packed the snow together and stood again. "Maybe we should throw some snow around." She stepped towards Jesslyn and placed the snowball in her hands, all the while, looking at Levhanti. "Maybe smile WITH clothes on." She glanced at Jesslyn with a smirk. It was funny that is was the blind girl who wanted the boy in the group to take of his clothes. Not that is was a bad show or anything. It was just ironic. And funny. Most definitely funny.

"Unless of course anyone has any objections." The statement was directed at Levhanti, yet Sera was unaware that she was flirting with him. Maybe she was growing up a bit.

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Weighing the options

Postby Levhanti on April 10th, 2013, 5:49 pm

While they talked about meeting Morwen, Levhanti's hand reached up to touch the necklace the lay against his chest. The two girls wouldn't be able to see it, of course, so he probably just looked weird a little weird. Then again, he was just running around without his pants. He couldn't look much worse. Levhanti smiled at Jesslyn when she mentioned going to see Morwen.

"I really should try to see her before I leave..."

Levhanti mumbled under his breath, not really meaning for either girl to hear. He stared a moment off into the distance, watching the snowfall. Sera spinning around caught his eye and jerked him back to reality. He was about to apologize for not paying attention, but she was still talking, so Levhanti just smiled instead. As he realized where the conversation was going, however, his smile morphed into a grin and his eyes shifted to a darker blue. He chuckled as he spoke.

"I have absolutely no objections. Though I do seem to outnumbered over here."

Levhanti crouched down, scooping up a handful of snow. Having a snowball fight would be fun, but he didn't want to be mean either. Sera was much smaller than he was. Jesslyn wasn't much bigger, and she was blind. AND this was her first time having a snowball fight. He would feel horrible if he traumatized her.

And about the time that thought finished was the time he realized he probably had stayed crouched where he was just a little too long...
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Weighing the options

Postby Noblesse on August 12th, 2013, 1:44 pm


Sera :
Please update your ledger with your seasonal expenses for Spring 513 AV. Once that is done with, send me a PM so I can edit in your grade in this post.

Levhanti :
As soon as you come back, please update your ledger with your seasonal expenses for Spring 513 AV. PM me once that is done and I will post your grade up here!

True nobility lies in being superior to your former self
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your grade, please send me a PM and we can figure it out. Heehee.
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