Closed Frustration Leads To Friends [Lorelle]

While Jesslyn trys to work on her balance more, she just continues to fail. Just when she's going to quit a new face shows up with help.

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

Frustration Leads To Friends [Lorelle]

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on March 3rd, 2013, 3:22 am


Jesslyn was slightly nervous when Lor started to laugh and laugh pretty hard but Jesslyn was caught out of her nervousness when Lor actually explained what was going on. Jesslyn stood there for a second before letting out a nervous laugh, " And I got really nervous that there was something else going on, for nothing."

Jesslyn tilted her head to the side at Lor and then flopped her arm she had left out for the woman to hook hers with ,"Aren't I supposed to be the blind one?" Raising an eyebrow Jesslyn snickered, "Stop making me look like a injured chicken and hook on woman!"

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Frustration Leads To Friends [Lorelle]

Postby Lorelle on March 3rd, 2013, 3:49 am

Jess's reliefed words telling her that she was worried, only sends Elle to laughing again. This time though it isn't very much. Just a small chuckle.
"No, no. Just me being a goof,"she says with a smile.

A dark red blush covers Elle's cheeks as she realized the girl was holding out an arm for her the entire time. Now she really feels stupid and her eyes turn a purplish pink to reflect how embarrassed she is.
"Um yeah, right. Sorry,"she says rather awkwardly as she loops one of her arms through Jess's outstretched one. And with that she pushes off, going slow at first till they get the hang of this skating together thing.
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Frustration Leads To Friends [Lorelle]

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on March 3rd, 2013, 4:52 am


Lor pushed them off and let Jesslyn tell you. It took a [i]long[/b] time for them to get the hand of it. A couple times the girls took turns leading and a couple times they took turns trying not to fall.

After a while they got better but just as Jesslyn was going to turn to Lor and tell her that she would need to get home for lunch not too soon, her skate caught and she was sent to the ground.

Jesslyn landed on her butt and then sled a little forward. Jesslyn was only worried about herself until she realized that she had had Lor's arm in her's at the time. "Lor!! I mean't crud, Lorelle! You okay?"

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Frustration Leads To Friends [Lorelle]

Postby Lorelle on March 3rd, 2013, 5:34 am

Everything seemed to be going great. They were taking turns leading and trying not to fall. And with luck too as neither one of them did fall. They made a good team, at not falling that is. Then suddenly Lorelle feels herself being pulled down.

It all really happens so fast. One minute she is on her feet and the next one side of her body is being dragged down and the other side is following it. Next thing she knows she is like half on her side, half on her butt and sliding forward. Abruptly the pair stop and Elle is thrown forward.

Somehow she unlinks her arm from Jesslyn's and is able to catch herself before landing flat on her face. Shakily, Elle straightens herself back up to an awkward sitting position and looks at Jess.
"Yeah, I'm fine. You ok?" she lies a little as she is feeling some pain on her hip where she originally landed. She is sure it is just a bruise though and doesn't feel the need to say that it hurts. She does know one thing though, her leg muscles are going to be really sore for the next couple of days. Fall or no fall.
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Frustration Leads To Friends [Lorelle]

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on March 6th, 2013, 5:08 am


Jesslyn quickly calmed down when she heard Lor's voice. "Yeah, I'm good. Butts going to be sore for sure, but other than that I think I landed right enough."

Jesslyn moved so she wasn't putting too much weight on her bum and spoke up again, "You know. Being blind sucks so much. Especially when ice just make all vibrations class into each other and not be able to be picked out." Jesslyn sighed, "This would have been easier if ice was a better conductor."

Being the 'child' Jesslyn is, Jesslyn pounded her fist on the ice. But immediately pulled it into her other hand with a cry of quick, cold pain, and childish anger. "Just warning you, don't purposely hit the ice. It's cold... and hard."

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Frustration Leads To Friends [Lorelle]

Postby Lorelle on March 9th, 2013, 3:24 am

Lorelle listens to Jesslyn and at first she doesn't say anything. She is to focuses on trying to figure out her own bodies pain and lack there of. She does though, after a chime, turn and look at Jesslyn.
"Good," she says quite simply, glad that the girl is ok.

Elle shifts her body so that she is sitting on her butt. She winces in slight pain, but doesn't make a sound.
"Yeah well, then it would be easy and let's face it, life isn't easy," she comments.

The vantha watches as her skating partner punches the ice with her fist. She raises and eyebrow and holds back a laugh at the cry the girl let's out. She is suddenly glad the girl can not see her for that means she can't see the small smirk of amusement that plays on her lips.
"Seems as though that would be the case," she says, keeping her voice steady and neutral.

Soon enough, Lorelle's butt begins to grow cold and the girl begins to get quite tired of sitting on the ice. So as most people do, she decides to get up. It is a bit of a struggle, but it is not long before the girl is balancing up on her skates once more. The first thing she does is skate over and move in front of Jesslyn.
"Come on, let me help you up," she offers, putting her hands right in front of the girl,"My hands are right in front of you."
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Frustration Leads To Friends [Lorelle]

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on April 21st, 2013, 7:29 pm


Jesslyn smiled at her partner as she heard her voice come closer after she stood. Lorelle was a kind soul indeed. Jesslyn didn't reach for Lorelles' hands until her right one didn't hurt as much but quickly decided she could deal with the small sore as her bum was beginning to become a block of ice.

Jesslyn really wasn't one for skating but she always loved the idea of being able to do it. Though she really still could not. Taking Lor's hands Jesslyn stuck the tips of her skates into the ice so she could just get pulled and started to heff herself up. It was tricky but the girls were able to finally stand up.

Brushing herself off Jesslyn reached for Lor's arm and set a loose hand on it. Grounding herself to Lorelle's blur. Her eased her a little to be able to see, even if it was just Lor and it was still clashing. God did she hate ice. "What now?" Jesslyn smiled.

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Frustration Leads To Friends [Lorelle]

Postby Lorelle on April 26th, 2013, 6:06 am

Lorelle helps Jess as she reaches out and takes her hands finally. It is difficult, but they manage. Soon enough the two of them are standing back up and Jesslyn has taken Lor's arm loosely in her hand. She tries to hold herself back, but she fails. She laughs at Jess's question. It isn't a loud, long, drawn out laugh. It is more of a light, airy, amused laugh.

"Um, well maybe we should get off the ice," the dark haired Vantha suggests,"I think that would be wise, seeing as we are both probably not at our best after that fall." She smiles lightly and starts moving carefully towards the exit of the rink as if Jess has already agreed with her.
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Frustration Leads To Friends [Lorelle]

Postby Noblesse on September 22nd, 2013, 6:51 pm

Lorelle Snowsong

Skill XP Earned
Acrobatics 2 XP
Observation 1 XP
Socialization 1 XP
Leadership 1 XP

Lore Earned
Location: Mirror Lake
Helping a Blind Woman Skate
Tumbling on Ice: Painful

Additional Notes :
Instead of Skating, I awarded you Acrobatics since this activity heavily relies on balance, a component of the latter skill. Leadership is for taking the initiative in the situation with Jess.

Reading this thread, then reading your recent works makes me very happy. You have improved a great deal as a writer! Keep writing Lorelle! :D

Arise ye of noble heart

If you have any concerns regarding your grade, please send me a PM and we can figure it out.
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