Soren goes wandering in the wastes looking for excitement and meets just that.
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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]
by Soren Frostfawn on March 2nd, 2013, 10:00 pm
3rd of Spring 513 AV
Soren was bundled in furs and layers of clothing to shield him from the blistering cold of the Northern Wastes. The snow wasn't so bad now that it was finally spring but it was still very cold, being Avanthal and all. His shortbow was shouldered as well as his quiver with about ten arrows. He looked out through the snow and into the tundra that was the wastes.
"Well...intresting...come out here for a little adventure maybe a little hunting and get nothing but a white wall of...a lot of nothing."He sighed. So much for high adventure and exploration in the wastes. It was entirely quiet and still except for the chilled wind and blown snow. Maybe a small animal of some kind would come up and he could sell its pelt for some money, he was low on that right now.
He trekked through the barren lands in search of anything interesting or unique. He smiled when he saw a large mammal up ahead. Crouching low he unshouldered his bow. The animal was hairy. It had silvery fur that covered its body. From its head were two horns that looked very sharp. Not only was the animal fairly large it also looked dangerous. Soren couldn't see its eyes as he took aim and readied an arrow to pierce the beasts side.
Soren Frostfawn

Soren Frostfawn - Player
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by Nova Skyglow on March 2nd, 2013, 11:22 pm
Traveling out to the wastelands seemed to be a good idea for Nova. As she was often trying to broaden her field of study. Nova frequently thought to herself,
maybe the wastelands have something to offer. So today she ventured out by herself carrying her canvas and paints that her mother bought her.
Whilst moving forward looking for a spot to set-up and paint, carrying most of her gear on her back she still had to carry her easel and canvas with her hands., suddenly Nova steps in a soft spot in the
snow causing her to fall into the snow!
"Oof! Ouch!" She exclaimed though it didn't' really hurt. "This blasted snow! Why did I even come out here? There is absolutely nothing here.
Never has been never will be." She yelled louder, not caring in the world who heard. Because after all, who else could possibly be out there.
Little did Nova know though she recently caught the attention of a large Silvery animal that had his target set right her.

Nova Skyglow - Nova Skyglow
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by Soren Frostfawn on March 3rd, 2013, 1:45 am
Soren's eyes widened at the shout but he had released his bowstring at that instance as well. he watched as his arrow flew over the beast and startled him into running away. Soren cursed whatever made that noise and went to check it out at once. Long dark brown hair and tanned skin was all that he gazed at. It was a young woman in the Northern Wastes. What kind of person would be foolish enough to wander around a place where one could bump into a tiger or a mammoth or...a bunny!!! Ok maybe the last one wasn't so much of a danger but the other two certainly were.
He shouldered his bow and decided that the lone arrow that missed the silver haired furry cow like creature was long gone. He made the short trek to the young girl. The snow swirled around her as she kneeled in the snow. Soren quickly realized she fell down and strided over to her offering a hand
"Looks like you could use a hand Miss...?"He said eyeing the young female. He couldn't comment on her appearance as he was still thinking about that hunt that just went bad but he could tell she was lovely in her own right. |
Soren Frostfawn

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by Nova Skyglow on March 3rd, 2013, 2:14 am
God why do I have to-be so clumsy! I really hate that. Anytime I want to-do something I always find a way to fall. Blast.. she thought to herself. Nova just laid there face first in the snow, contemplating as the cold started to sting her cheeks as some snow had made it's way past her face mask.
This is kind-of nice. It's quiet, peaceful, 'tad cold but, still nice... I wonder if there is a hot spring... mmmm she thought as she bit her lip thinking of the idea. "Looks like you could use a hand Miss...?" Said an unfamiliar voice. "Ugh please tell me that's the wind speaking to me." Nova said in Vani actually really wanting it to be.
Nova continued to lay face down in the snow out of sheer embarrassment, what if this man saw the whole thing? What if he has been following me? Is he a stalker? Oh my gosh! I'm face down and this guy maybe a stalker! What if he takes advantage of me.she thought and slowly started reaching for her dagger upon her belt to defend herself if need arise.
"Who are you, and what do you want?!" Screamed Nova though her Vani was muffled as she was screaming into the snow."Just so you know I am armed.. yes armed, and... and uh I...I know how to use this uhh, this-this weapon!" she said, broken up and unsure of herself.

Nova Skyglow - Nova Skyglow
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by Soren Frostfawn on March 3rd, 2013, 3:29 am
Soren bit his lip to stifle any laughter. It was a scene of pure hilarity as the woman lay face down in the snow...and appeared to be screaming at it. Soren saw her reaching for her dagger, and if she didn't seem so nervous he would have been more guarded to a weapon.
"I apologize, we seem to have misunderstood each other. I have no intention of hurting you."He said in the calmest voice possible, however his thoughts were a different story because of the woman's confidence with her weapon. If worse came to worse Soren was almost sure his shortbow could out power her dagger. He kept his hand extended"If you like you can stay face down in the snow...or you can take my hand and we can find someplace for you to get warmed up.Again he tried to stay serious...however hard it was because of the situation he found himself in. Never in his dreams would he have thought that he would have to find himself convincing a woman who was trying to defend herself while on her stomach. |
Soren Frostfawn

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by Nova Skyglow on March 3rd, 2013, 7:19 am
"I apologize, we seem to have misunderstood each other. I have no intention of hurting you.... If you like you can stay face down in the snow...or you can take my hand and we can find someplace for you to get warmed up." Hearing this Nova thought What the hell and attempted a few times to gather traction on the snow to turn herself over to find the helpful hand.
Who knows, this could be a generous guy who may find a liking to her artwork! Maybe he'll recognize my name signed on, "Lines and Colors".
While she struggled to gain traction to roll herself over Nova started to become aggravated that this blasted snow kept collapsing under her, so to express her frustration she proceeded to flop like a fish out of water on-top of the snow for a few quick seconds before releasing a exasperated sigh.
"Well you can go on with out me, seems to me I must have found the only "Quick Snow" on the face of Mizahar. Carry on good sir, do not worry about me. I shall die peacefully, or so I hear when one freezes to death." Said Nova woefully hoping in all actuality that this stranger was kind enough to aid her more as she seemed to be having difficulties.

Nova Skyglow - Nova Skyglow
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by Soren Frostfawn on March 4th, 2013, 12:30 am
He rolled his eyes at the woman in the snow. She seemed to have the usual dramatic tone of a vantha and definitely looked the part. Soren took one of her hands firmly in his and steadied himself on the snow and ice covered ground to help the girl up. He hoped the woman could be able to get on her feet, he dreaded her hysterics if she could not.
"I don't know if there is a cavern nearby or seems that would be our best option right now. Or we can trek back to Avanthal about a couple miles back. It's really up to you."He shrugged his broad shoulders still holding onto the woman waiting for her to right herself onto her feet. He was just a little bit curious about what the woman looked like...without half of her in the snow. |
Soren Frostfawn

Soren Frostfawn - Player
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by Nova Skyglow on March 4th, 2013, 7:29 am
Nova felt the hand touch hers and heard his feet crunch in the snow as if ready to brace himself. Glad she finally had something solid in her hand she kind of smiled behind the her black cloth. Carefully using the extra leverage this kind sir has so graciously offered, and he makes quite the good anchor too, Nova slowly and surely makes her self upright. Again slowly, to make sure no snow collapses again, she turns around to meet this sir face-to-face. As Nova is turning she removed her glove and pulled down her fur-lined hood and her cloth over her face.
"I don't know if there is a cavern nearby or seems that would be our best option right now. Or we can trek back to Avanthal about a couple miles back. It's really up to you." Said the sir. "I'm good thanks for helping me up" said Nova as she released from his grip and stood still to make sure she had her proper footing. "And what do you mean you think it's best for us to seek a cavern? Do you know your way around these parts?" She said quizzically.
The offer seems very enticing but she knows better than to seek refuge with a stranger, but then again she does really want to paint something, and the inside of a cavern does sound like a great picture idea.

Nova Skyglow - Nova Skyglow
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by Soren Frostfawn on March 9th, 2013, 5:08 am
[quote="Soren Frostfawn"]
Soren bit his lip unsure of how to answer her difficult question. he was merely hoping to find a cavern around the northern wastes. In all truthfullness Soren had no idea if there was any sort of structure resembling a cavern in all of the wastes. He decided to be honest with the woman.
"I am not entirely sure if there is a cavern out here or not, but there is no harm in searching for a while, and if there are none Avanthal is only so far away and we could make it there relatively quickly. The wastes just seem like a nice place to be right now."He looked down at her artist supplies and smiled."Especially for an artist, the opportunity must be too tempting to pass up."
He offered this last part nonchalantly. In actuality Soren wanted the company of the Vantha, it was very quiet and solitary in the wastes which was fine for him but at times he would feel as if company would be nice in the lonely wilderness. Given the opportunity now he would welcome the company of the Vantha. At this moment he realized...he hadn't learned her name at all"By the way, the name is Soren Frostfawn, and you are Miss?" |
Soren Frostfawn

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by Nova Skyglow on March 9th, 2013, 5:53 am
As Nova finishes her sentence she bends over, still cautiously making sure she still had good footing in snow,to start picking up all the color pencils, and coal that fell out of her pack. She also, cautiously, tip-toed over to her easel so carefully that even a land mine wouldn't detect her presence.
She then bent over and heard from the stranger, "I am not entirely sure if there is a cavern out here or not, but there is no harm in searching for a while, and if there are none Avanthal is only so far away and we could make it there relatively quickly. The wastes just seem like a nice place to be right now.... especially for an artist, the opportunity must be too tempting to pass up." Nova then picked up the easel, smiled a bit at the irony, and slowly turned to the strange man when he followed up, "By the way, the name is Soren Frostfawn, and you are Miss?"
Once Nova was about face with the newly named stranger, Soren, she still had a half a smile. "Well, Soren was it? I was actually on my way out of the wastelands. I honestly did not think that there really could be nothing here and well, that is exactly what I found. I was thinking of heading back to town but I wouldn't know what to-do there. I am often couped up at home with my family. Do you suggest any activity within the city walls?"

Nova Skyglow - Nova Skyglow
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