His voice was quiet, but calculative- just as Ana remembered it to be, with a little something more hidden underneath the edges of his words as if he were hiding something. Had Sinvelts voice always been this choosy, and hidden?
But.. If he found my trail, then that would me others would have been able to as well.. and that means.. Ana choked on the realization, she had changed her name for a very good reason. To her, being called as 'Neilles Catrabuch' was a taboo, as if blackened spiders could crawl on her skin at any moment, a hidden figure behind an alleyway holding a dagger at the ready to slit her throat; a fire, to consume her, and leave her as ashes for the breeze to pick her up and whisk her away for another life.
Neilles Catrabuch had become Ana Sol Starris to avoid leaving a trail for those that wished her harm, she had isolated herself from people for many years on end in hopes of living a little longer in Sunberth, just so she could earn her own fame..
Without being related to her brother..
Now here was Sinvelt, her long lost and presumed dead brother, he had followed her trail, had used it to seek her out; and for what? Ana could hardly fathom his next words, was he confirming that he was dead, and now she was speaking to his ghost? Had abandoning the book he gave her inside Wrenmae's old, and now destroyed apartment back in Sunberth, brought back her brother? Did that mean he was a.. Ghost? The idea was ludricous of course, but an idea- none the less. Ana forced herself to look at him, face hidden by her cloaks hood and her hands plastered to her skin; she had always wondered what had become of her brother. Some had said he died, committed suicide, she rebuked them and told such blasphemers he was simply on an adventure, as he always was.
For the most part, they believed her; or thought she was in shock of his proclaimed death, they left her to her thoughts, and let her believe her own lies.
There wasn't any evidence, she hadn't seen a coffen, nor a casket, not even a single dropping of blood. Who was to say that the people in her nightmares correllated with her life? Of course she knew it had been her fault for him leaving, she had been told so repeatedly by her father, and that it was her fault she wouldn't ever see him again; but here he was now, his words weighing heavily on her, two certain words taking more toll on her mind than any words of hate could have.
She was useless.
She was pathetic.
Her silently running tears stopped their flowing as if on que to thinking about all the pain she had caused to people, her eyes following down Sinvelts body to rest on where his feet were. There was a shiver that ran up her spine, curled itself around her neck like a noose would and tugged ever so slowly, it was hard to breathe.
Sinvelt in life had never called her that, and despite a time back in Zeltiva that she was repeatedly told she was this, and she was that, especially she was useless, and she was pathetic. Back in a city called Zeltiva, she had been told she ate the families coin away with her medical expenses, she had driven her father to the bottle, she killed the two of her older sisters even if she had done nothing to warrent the violence, put her mother in the ground and sent her second older sister fleeing to never be seen again. Sinvelt never visited her after a Fall season, but Sin in the past when he use to visit and check up on her that she was alright and still alive within the abusive household she had been born into, he had tried to tell her none of what she had caused was her fault.
It was hard to take in the fact that maybe none of it was her fault; what else did she know? Back when she was a child, she couldn't help but realize and connect the dots that everything was indeed her fault, people became hurt when she became involved; Jakobi, Zandelia, and Ximal were perfect examples. Ana breathed out to the ghostly image of her brother, eyes remaining on his shoes, hands raising themselves up to pull the hood back and turning her head upwards to look him in the whited out eyes, meeting them with her shockingly light honeyed ones "too many to count."
The words came out like venom, spat out, she couldn't believe him- he had come all from whichever way to find her, to tell her this?
"You come from where, travelling for however long- just to tell me all this? What happened to the big brother that I knew, the one that would tell me stories, and share candy when he had it, or the big brother that shared secrets with me? That gave me his most treasured posession, a book he wrote himself..." She left out that part where she had possibly lost the book forever, and it was ruined underneath a pile of rubble from the Spring befores awful storm; she had felt terrible over it, but she knew to go back for it would be pointless, after all she had the entire book memorized within her head. Ana grit her teeth, voice coming out angered by the image, and his words. The Sinvelt she had known wouldn't have told her any of this, none of it, she felt a pounding in her chest that rivaled the chokehold around her neck "what did I do to make you hate me?"
Suddenly those shoes didn't look all too familliar any more, hadn't Sinvelt constantly worn boots as black as night? The memory was blurry, she never really took much notice to his footwear before, but something about shiny dress shoes seemed off to her. The whited out eyes also sent little alarms in her head, her mind only clearing due to the rage that began to bubble its way through to her features, his eyes should have been gold- much like hers, and her fathers before her and from what she had been told by her mother- like her father's father's eyes before him (making that Gerron's father also had gold eyes, her grandfather, Ana never met him because he died before she was born.)
The gold eyes were missing.