This hurts my heart. :( Though I left my Jamoura PC as a work in progress in order to pursue Wanda's story, I was still planning on returning to him by the end of the summer. Actually, I admit that one of the big factors that played a role in my writer's block with Prid was that I didn't want to spend days working on a wonderful CS for him because the Spires were practically abandoned. If a new ST does step up, I think that what the location needs is a makeover. It needs something that would draw players in. Now I have absolutely no clue what that might be, so I'm not being a super-big help here. I dunno. Maybe there should be some kind of site-wide vote, to see what everyone thinks. I don't know if that would be possible or not, but it would definitely give the Spires some publicity. Anyway, I'm done being unhelpful here! :P |