Okay, super late, but that video was AMAZING. You are the comedy master Jabari.
We need to talk more. Yes.Also, I wanted to post up some sketches that I drew up today!
This one is the one from which I created Kane's new avatar! (And a random doodle on the side.
) I ended up cropping quite a bit of the original drawing out. I like the sketch a lot though. It looks really nice.
This one is a random profile shot that I drew of Kane. I didn't include any of the body. (Mostly because there isn't much of it, and what is there I don't like too much.)
An finally, a random little doodle that I did of myself and felt like sharing!
Welp, that's about all I have right now! (You all are spared for the moment. Cue evil laughter.) I actually have WAY too many little doodles and sketches of Kane that I've always been tempted to put up here. I may do that at one point or another!
Anyways, on a final note, I'm planning on finally getting some writing done for Kane tomorrow! I'd do it tonight, but it's 4 o' clock now and I should probably sleep. I don't want to end up waking up at 1:30 -2 tomorrow. Again. (I have a horrid sleep schedule.
) Coloring that new profile picture took longer then I thought it would. I really enjoyed it though, and I can't wait to write some stuff up for Kane tomorrow!
Wish me luck everyone!