by Zurenai Avarachi on May 13th, 2013, 10:06 pm
Zurenai's eyes open and he looks around, his black fur gleaming purple in the gentle light and his tail swaying gently as he stands up His last meal torn open & strewn out beside him, hanging on a branch. He strips the rest of the meat off it's carcass, a Tapir by the looks of it. He grabs his bag in his mouth and crawls down the side of the tree, landing softly on the pads of his feet as he leaps off and begins to trek towards The Gates of Taloba.
He shifts human as he gets within sight of the gates and slowly dresses himself, growling silently at how stupid it is, remembering how many times he was scolded for walking naked in Sylira. He finishes dressing and straps his bag on his shoulders, his knife on his hip and walks to the gates. He frowns as the guards stop him, "What business have you here?" they ask him and he shrugs simply. "I simply wish a place to stay, may I have that or must I trek further?" he replies. "You may stay, for now." They say and step aside, back to their posts and he walks through the gates, noticeably more agitated now.
~Herzius Legion Der Wandern Vormund