A clash from the same interest! Endearing Jesslyn. Heartfelt Miria. Abusing Soren.
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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]
by Miria on March 9th, 2013, 5:31 am
Spring 10, 513 AV
“Adjust to the head wind.” This archer was not alone at the archery ranges this morning. Standing besides her Soren was subjected to her 'teaching' methods, though if he will pick up anything was all on him.“Again!” Miria cried out. After a brief pause the pair fired three shots almost each within ten seconds of each other. Today it seemed that Miria fed today's archery addiction by teaching Soren a thing or two about archery. The first thing that Miria wanted Soren to learn was to shoot with confidence. In fact if that was the only thing that the Coolwater could teach the Frostfawn she would be content with that. So far though their progression was erratic at best. “You have to want it Frostfawn”
Miria let her words sink in as she reached up and touched Soren's face tenderly. “Your going through the motions but I don't see the resolve that you normally show. Let a smile touch those defined features, put a little flair in your shots, be a little proud of yourself already!” Pinching her pupil's cheek Miria lightly slapped some sense into that handsome face of his. Walking a few paces away from him Miria quietly retrieved the arrows ever so slowly as Soren rested. Thankfully the archery range was not as busy as it normally was which led Miria to offering Soren a lesson after dragging him to practice. The archer could feel a few gazes fixed on her while bending over to pick up after the earlier shots that Soren made. The usual orange hue from her eyes overpowered the somewhat fair face of the archer as she addressed some of the stares with a look.
“Better then shooting stray trees right Soren?” Miria smirked separating their bounty of arrows into two piles. Today Miria had her usual workday attitude challenging and giving back her own retorts at the comments given to her. If only the archer had enough confidence in everyday life much like how Soren and Silarial seemed to have. Maybe one day she would dare to talk familiar with someone that didn't have anything to relate to the ranges. For now though Miria would have to settle with toying around with those that knew her at her best. “I got a proposition for you. What do you think about that barn boy?”
True Soren did not do anything to warrant the slight razing from Miria but it seemed inevitable to her if they spent enough together. Besides the best friends Miria found were the ones that she could argue with for hours on end. “Last time I might have went overboard and caused the both of us a bit of trouble we had a contest.” Miria smiled scoffing internally at the 'trouble' that was actually pretty fun. The archer had doubts that Soren remembered the exact details but as long as he remembered they had fun was all that mattered. “Well I think it is my turn to set up our little contests between each other.” Miria offered the arrows to the Frostfawn as sweetly as she thought possible. Of course Miria was setting Soren up but he was young and eager. He would probably enjoy it either way.
“Alright if you do this right I'll be your faithful servant for the rest of the day or maid or whatever piques your fancy.” Miria offered perking up at the chance of doing something special for Soren. Though the archer treasured her melancholy in a way Miria was flexible enough to give new ideas a try. However if Soren tried to make her do anything too weird she might just deck the guy. Blinking innocently Miria told Soren the same would apply for him if she was not satisfied with the results, a beguiling shade of blue from her eyes accompanying her words. “Come on! Your young. Your butt can take it if I happen to win.”
Miria could barely contain the laugh that soon came from constantly teasing the younger Frostfawn. Ah Soren it's guys like you that makes this so fun. Blowing him a mock kiss to further antagonize the fledging archer's attempts to concentrate Miria then signaled for them to start. With a longbow it was easier for Soren to be effective from twenty yards and onward despite the lack of experience. All he had to do was realize that and believe in himself. Miria sure did. You can do this silly. At Miria's order they took aim at the leftmost ten yard to start. Once again they shot in relative sync with each other. At her command they would both release their shots no matter how unsure the Frostfawn seemed. The exercise was focused on giving Soren a mass amount of chances to land a shot rather then taking time to measure each shot. Eventually Soren would be able to just feel the shot like he did before on command. Through this training Miria hoped to make Soren's body remember through muscle memory. If Soren was paying enough attention enough times he would eventually know the proper motion.
Going from left to right they both shot at the ten yard marks at least once. “20.” They repeated the process with the twenty yard going from left to right shooting consecutively. "30." Moving to the thirty mark Miria only gave him eight seconds between each shot after they let the arrow loose. The Coolwater would mix up the distances but kept the same unrelenting pace. Finally thirty attempted shots later Miria looked at Soren noticing he had an extra arrow from the rally. “Bonus shot make sure to aim this one” Twelve shots aimed at the ten yard target, twelve at the twenty yard mark and six at the thirty yard mark. Miria's shots were distinguished by the red feathers so that it would be easier to compare between the pair of them. The archer face did not betray her thoughts on the matter instead giving Soren a deadpan stare as if asking if this recent rally was an improvement.
“What do you think?” Miria waited as Soren decided if he won the contest or not before shrugging at his answer. Miria wiped the sweat that was accumulating on her brow with a sense of accomplishment. This teaching venture was going much better then she initially thought. The archer was tired and sore for sure she had more then enough gas for her to have fun. Younger vantha were so invigorating. “You wanna eat some flavored snow before relaxing at the tavern after?”
oocYea I went bit overboard. Was on a 12 hour plane ride so here I had time for a really long intro. Hope you are not against me making you practice some archery Soren. Go ahead and infer I go along with Soren to the tavern, get some flavored snow and/or whatever you choose. |
Last edited by
Miria on March 19th, 2013, 6:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
Don't ever be a sheep. If you HAVE to be a sheep at least be a rainbow sheep.

Miria - Knowing me. Knowing how to love again.
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by Soren Frostfawn on March 19th, 2013, 1:23 am
The arrows flew through the air, after only moments at least a hundred arrows had reached a target. Soren panted, sweat pouring off his body as the last of the arrows hit a mark. Miria had just made Soren go through a brutal immersion program. Eventually after ten minutes of constant shooting Soren didn't even think about it, it just happened from sheer practice. He would draw the arrow and it wold somehow find its mark everytime.
He smiled, Miria was forever her flirtatious self. He liked to flirt back with Miria. He almost knew that it wouldn't lead anywhere serious it was playful at best. He didn't know how he knew this, it just seemed that Miria wasn't at all seriously advancing any real interest it was merely a fun game between the two with no real draw or passion. However that is not to say Miria wasn't incredibly attractive and seductive, and their wasn't any kind of physical attraction between them Soren just had the distinct feeling it was a harmless forray into flirting and seduction.
"Well, I for one prefer the trees and nature. But this is nice as well." He smiled as the dark hired woman proposed another contest between the two of them. Soren had lost the first of their competitions and immediately his eyes narrowed with determination to beat the archer at her own game. He smiled at the blown kiss, an obvious ploy to use her charms to cloud his head Soren thought.
He let is arrows fly as Miria called out the distances and he immediately moved to the different distance. The arrows once again flew and Soren smiled as he saw most of his arrows hit their targets one by one. Of course his aim was a little off and he was working primarily off of pure instinct rather than aim. He would have to learn how to integrate the two as Miria did. He smiled despite the fact that he was clearly the loser in this competition as he looked over the targets. His confidence in archery was growing though it was obvious who was the better archer."You won this one, but mark my words gorgeous. Practice hard. If you don't I might just wind up surpassing you very shortly. And sure, flavored snow sounds awesome."He winked and walked toward the doorway heading to the tavern not looking back to see if she was following. |
Soren Frostfawn

Soren Frostfawn - Player
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by Jesslyn Skyglow on April 21st, 2013, 8:32 pm

Jesslyn hated that voice. The last time she had run into that voice it had caused her nothing but anger. And she had done nothing wrong but try to get out of the cold! Only to get lost latter and have to stay with a friend. Jesslyn didn't care if the woman wanted to die happy. It was her hair and Morwen so help her if Miria thought she would ever get her greedy hands on it!
Though Jesslyn just simply took a gulp of her drink and shrugged. She could feel Miria fighting with herself, she was oozing happiness but there was some frustration there. Jesslyn wanted to growl at Miria as she called Jesslyn 'Jess' and a mess. Who did she think she was? She was nothing more than a Vantha woman who needed to get smothered in some snow. Or set loose into a herd of Frostfawn Deer at night. A dark night with no light.
But Jesslyn kept in her angry thoughts and simply swatted at Miria's hand when her blur molded with Jesslyn when she messed with a peice of hair close to her face. 'Morwen, give me the strength to deal with this woman.'
Jesslyn almost hit Miria when she called herself 'Momma Miria' but took another drink. This one even larger. When the evil woman finally revealed herself Jesslyn snorted. But the snort was stopped short when she heard a familiar name that could only be one person. A small smile etched her face as she went to turn to the blur that could only be Soren.
But it was stopped when Miria called Soren a slave. To do as she pleased. Slowly the smile dropped and Jesslyn turned back to her drink. 'Great, my date is...' Jesslyn froze when Miria said Soren was cheating on Miria with Jesslyn. Pain shot through Jesslyn like a knife and she found it hard to breathe. The guy she liked was a cheater?
Jesslyn blanked out until she felt hands on her shoulders. 'No he doesn't like me. He was only playing me. That son of a..' Jesslyn wasn't able to finished her thought before Miria had her head down and was whispering in her ear.
Jesslyn had had enough. Jesslyn pulled her elbow back and sent her head back to knock into Mirias. This bitch was going down. Jesslyn turned out of her grasp and with the last of her beer Jesslyn threw it on Soren. Jesslyn turnd her attention to Miria, "Get your icey hands off me you shyke. Go find a new toy to play with and leave me the Morwen alone. I'm tired of your shit."
Jesslyn's eyes burned red, "Take your slave and that ice cold heart of yours and go home. Your unwanted and not needed. Shykes like you need to learn there place and let me tell you." Jesslyn leaned in dangerously close, " It's lower than any outcast or traitorous man out there." There was a slight hint of alcohol on her breathe but Jesslyn wasn't even buzzed. A bear and a fourth of one wasn't enough to get her close to drunk or even tipsy.
And really.... Miria and Soren better be lucky she didn't have anymore or there would have been a very angry blind Vantha on their hands. And only Sylvia knew how to deal with Jesslyn when she was like that.


Jesslyn Skyglow - Remember the good times, and never forget.
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by Jesslyn Skyglow on May 29th, 2013, 4:54 am

Jesslyn knew she was 'strung up there.' But if she wasn't she would have shied away from Miria and not thrown her drink on Soren. Which she now regretted. Pulling back as Miria's blur did Jesslyn turned herself to face the woman now sitting by her.
Jesslyn didn't flinch or even regret hitting Miria as she heard her sharp intakes of breath and groans. Jesslyn was not okay with Miria and felt she had all rights to be angry. Jesslyn wasn't fazed when he felt the blur of Miria's start to throb. Much like how Jesslyns did at the moment. Jesslyn was a little too angry to notice the development in her 'sight' but in the back of her mind she noted it.
Jesslyn didn't like Mirias tone with her because she wasn't a child who needed a firm spanking. She was a grown woman who had a detesting for the woman who didn't know how to communicate with her words and voice. It always seemed that she had to use everything but those simply human tools.
When Miria practically spit venom at Jesslyn, Jesslyn almost found herself wanting to hit the woman again. But she breathed through her nose and let her blood red heated eyes stay in the direction of Miria. "You might be? Sorry to disappoint you Miria but I know that you're rude and sarcastic... in that order." Jesslyn was smart enough not to scoff. But she never did learn to shut her mouth.
"Does the all-wise Miria thirst for some drama? It always seem you carry some on you. Why not add a little more. After all, you are asking for it." Jesslyn rubbed the back of her head as a goose-egg started to develop. " My best-friend was with child. After her last check-up my mother gave me the knews that the child was not likely to make it. Her husband walked out on her and still hasn't come back." Jesslyn pulled back her hand and rubbed her thumb over her first two fingers, "As for you."
Jesslyn paused and smiled, " I never could get along with people who always tried to have the upper hand with me right from the start. I might be blonde but I'm just like everyone else. Except I pay more attention. But here you are acting like I've killed your husband and your child. You try to take what was mine after figuring out it was mine. But then you don't stop with the pushing the fact that I'm blind in my face." Jesslyn narrowed her eyes, "If you have something to say. Say it. I can feel it under my skin and see it vibrating off you that you would like more than to simply sit here and talk with me."


Jesslyn Skyglow - Remember the good times, and never forget.
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by Noblesse on August 12th, 2013, 1:50 pm

True nobility lies in being superior to your former self
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your grade, please send me a PM and we can figure it out. Heehee.

Noblesse - Let them eat flavored snow!
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