Spring 48th, 513 AV Walking outside her arvinta Miria yawned lazily as the first of that morning's light started to peek out into Avanthal. This Coolwater offered a sardonic look at other Coolwaters as they heartily greeted each other before attending to their boats. Once the former Skyglow was a normal member of society but after moving to Coolwater hold Miria found herself waking up into the wee hours of the morning with the rest of the Coolwaters while the rest of the holds are happily sleeping away in their arvinta. "Yep another early morning" Miria commented as she started towards the mess hall. Instead of attending to the boats and hauling in fish and other food stuff into Avanthal she only made arrows and the occasional bow. Which means that she would wake up to the incessant chatter of a busy hold early in the morning with nothing to do. So when she wanted to escape the morning rush she merely hung out in the mess hall until everything died down in over at Coolwater then maybe do some work. Miria found she did her best work in relative silence where she only had her thoughts and whatever was in front of her to work on. A pungent aroma wafted through the air as she had breakfast ordering Tomatoes, Bell peppers, Plums, Radishes all separate with a side of herbs to go along with a piping cup of tea. Asking several of Winterflame cooks what the best vegetables were in the spring season Miria learned to appreciate the new crops as they were harvested for that season. Recalling those four in one instance led to her having a spring time favorite meal of the day. It might have been her imagination but food tasted the best when she knew it to be in season. Accompanied by a light vinegar and some oil it really made the Coolwater feel a bit more refined when it came to locale cuisine. "Amazing as usual dear chef" Exiting out of the with an extra cup of piping tea Miria sipped slowly as the fresh steam from the cup warmed her. It was then when she happened across a cat nearing her hold. It layed prone for a moment before starting to prowl away from Miria as it wandered the docks. The cat did not notice the Coolwater as she followed it only a few paces away from the feline. Taking extra care it started to sneak around the docks possibly looking for a free meal some careless Coolwater sailor left behind. Setting her cup aside Miria found herself trying to mirror the strange creature's movements as it searched the docks. Feeling something forthcoming Miria froze as the cat suddenly turned not noticing the pair of eyes peering out from behind a pile of crates. The cat's journey was interrupted as a pair of noisy sailors walked along the it's path. Bolting at the sight the cat darted into cover where Miria was not noticing the archer behind it. The cat's eyes were trained on the pair as Miria stood frozen trying to stay concealed. Every part of her being told her find a better finding place. Any moment now the cat might turn just to see Miria bearing down on him. However the Coolwater stayed still even though every part of her screamed to move. It was knowing that she had to stay still that made it feel so impossible . Finally the danger passed and the cat felt it safe enough to emerge from behind the crates and continued on with his little mission. By now however Miria had enough of following the little cat around. Her breathing was erratic after slowing it down randomly and she felt a different kind of strain that came from too much concentration. All she wanted to do now was relax a bit in her bed and be alone with her thoughts for the moment. After the better part of half a chime the Coolwater questioned what she had planned for that day. Something having to do with the market. Her thoughts went back to the cat when suddenly a strange want came after remembering how she hid from the feline. For some reason Miria really felt like wanting to go out and do some clothes shopping. Her face gave a slightly confused look at her conclusion but in the ended opted to think nothing of it. She must want to go shopping for a reason. Perhaps not only clothes shopping, she had to get a new quiver some arrows to replace the ones she bought last season, and a few cooking supplies so that she can make her own in season fruits and vegetable creations. Yes it seemed like shopping was always the most sensible thing to do. “Why didn't I go sooner?” |