It took some time for the mercenary to even begin to calm herself down, to burn herself out. As she lay there, Revy’s head upon her chest and fingers sifting through her purple colored hair, she wondered if this was what she had looked like – whether she had sounded the same or even reacted the same. The memories didn’t exist for her, despite them being moments ago. All she could remember was how she had felt, still felt, but not what she had done. She could imagine, make guesses perhaps, but what physical and verbal exchanges that there had been she would probably never know. Still, try as she might she could not stop Revy’s sorrow, torn open as it was, from affecting her.
A sad tale, one which many in Sunberth who were raised there have experienced. We learnt, long ago, that life is nothing if not cruel she told herself as she bowed her head and tried to stem her own tears once more. She succeeded a little, reducing it to a single streak down her cheek this time.
There was little point in denying what seemed to be held deep within her soul, it had been exposed to her now. Still, she was too tired to think about it at that juncture and instead opted for the simple activity of trying to comfort an old friend – perhaps more in time. They had parted on amicable terms, had exchanged some brief physicalities that even now confused and rattled her. She had been invincible before, an impenetrable fortress. Now her walls had begun to crumble around her, the mental barriers rotting and cracking. All it had taken were a few chimes, nothing more. A few chimes and the right confluence of circumstance and she had been brought low.
I will need to learn from that, hopefully whilst not losing another…friend. Revy is right about one thing though, that….vajik will pay. How, though, will wait for now she sighed to herself as she rested her cheek upon Revy’s head, leaning into the other woman for comfort of her own.
The other woman had begun to calm down now, the shaking of her entire body subsiding until all that was left was sluggishness. She stared outward, looking at Zandelia several times before looking away again as if trying to understand the situation she was in. Zandelia wondered if she had ever cried before, at least since she had stopped being a child – or had it robbed from her more accurately. The stares were vacant now and the eyelids began to droop with tiredness. Zandelia smiled down at her and lent forwards to give her one, slightly lingering, kiss upon the lips before pushing her down and forcing her to rest.
It was not overly long before such an effect crept up on Zandelia herself, pinned as she was under the arm of the mercenary beside her. She could not go anywhere else, was not entirely sure she would be able to survive anywhere else. She simply let the moments tick by until she too was asleep.