81st Spring 511: 2 years
Dog form:
Small, fluffy white dog with brown, almost black eyes. Weighing roughly 5lbs and standing 9” tall.
Human Form:
Blonde female with brown eyes, pointed, almost fox like face and sharp teeth and nails. Her skin is pale, almost snow white. She stands at 5'4”
Fluent: Common
Fluent: Canine
Poor: Nari
Character Concept
Nissa is hyperactive, full of energy and free spirited. She lives every second in the moment and rarely seems to think about the future.Often she finds herself nosing into something that doesn't involved her. She likes to keep her eyes fixed on the environment, studying and observing everything going on around her. On first meeting she can appear shallow and self centred but generally means well and once you get to know her you can see the fun loving spirit with very little consideration for the world around her. She lives life on her good lucks and charm in either form, often begging for scraps of food from others.
Character History
Nissa was born in Syliras and has remained their for her entire, short, life. When young Nissa was trained to survive in whatever place she would need to, as well as learning some basics to other languages. She grew up begging for scraps and spare coins in her spare time and hunting or foraging when the meagre coin she could scrap together was not enough. She learnt quickly how to play on her appearance and as such took greet pains in looking after her appearance and being pleasing aesthetically so that this would be the most effective. Nissa was kept away from bonding and only briefly made one superficial bond to a bondmate, although not particularly damaging some blame her occasional childishness and selfishness on this.
Training & Skill Points
10(RP) Foraging
10(SP) Hunting
10(SP) Seduction
5(SP) Singing
5(SP) Observation
5(SP) Wilderness Survival
5(SP) Intelligence
5(SP) Begging
5(SP) Persuation
Poisonous Berries of Syrilas
The Layout of Syliras
1 Set of Clothing (Long crème hooded cloak, white floaty dress, ankle boots)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel
Heirloom: Dice Set, Ivory
20x20 room in the bowels of the castle of Syliras
100 gold (start package)
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