How many days has it been now? Three? Four? No. Five days. By the gods, this city is a maze. How do people make their way around here?
It had been five days since he had landed upon this distant shore. Five days of being lost within the bustling port city. Five days of being lost and making mistakes. And in all honesty, Corneliun was at his wits end. Not that he let it bring him down too much, even with the unusual glances received from the locals. He after all looked like a foreigner to them, from the strange clothes to the pale skin, even with the bastard sword attached. Did he really look that strange? Did he really stand out that much?
Like Ahnatep all over again, he mused as he pushed himself on A big city and a lot of questioning eyes.
For a while Corneliun made himself wander, and it was through his wandering that he found his sense of direction lost once more. A cruel state for a foreigner, but what was perhaps more concerning was the rushing winds that raced through the tell tale sign of a brewing storm. Or at least to the locals, Corneliun for the most part was oblivious to the thought until the grey storm clouds rolled in on the horizon. He stalled for a moment, back straightening as he turned on his heel. He had to get back to the inn, or at least find somewhere to shelter in. A curse rolled from his tongue, before he quickly walked in the direction he thought would take him to shelter.
How very wrong he was.
Before him stood Priskil’s tower, a beacon of hope for some. A beacon of confusion for Corneliun. The mixed blood gave a sigh and hoisted up his backpack, his golden eyes turning to the sky for a moment before he hurried himself on. He traced his way around the outside before ducking into the entrance of the tower. The first thing that hit him was the smell, the scent of birds and dust filling the air. He gave a snort, followed by a loud sneeze that echoed throughout. The cooing of the doves answered him, and almost hesitantly he stepped in to look about. He heard the voice of another, talking in common a tongue he had yet to hear properly in a long time. A question, a woman seeking an answer. He paused again, thinking for a moment on how to react.
I mean, I could go over. But it’s someone new! Isn’t this supposed to be about seeing the world? But you’ll look like an idiot! Oh, be quiet.He swallowed, “Uh… um… Ah… Hello? I’m not sure I can help as such but uh…” Smooth… real smooth.