[Mattias' Scrapbook] Musings

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The player scrapbooks forum is literally a place for writers to warm-up, brainstorm, keep little scraps of notes, or just post things to encourage themselves and each other. Each player can feel free to create their own thread - one per account - and use them accordingly.

[Mattias' Scrapbook] Musings

Postby Mattias Plavoski on March 13th, 2013, 5:35 am

Ideas, thoughts, and general nonsense.

As a magic buff I love to discuss theories and principles on magic systems. The one associated with this site is if not unique then definetly uncommon or unusual. My favorite discussion is of mechanics on the smallest scale. A good analogy would be what leptons and quarks are to physics, though even that is a bit abstract for physics. We could say atoms, protons and electrons?
I digress. Djed, the basis of all matter is already quite fascinating and as I read the lore and watch Tarot's explinations I get mental images of swirling possibility. In later posts I would like to go into detail my thoughts and ideas of possible extensions of various magic forms and perhaps short stories regarding this.

As for the rules, after I finish up laying out how I wish to do this, feel free to post your own thoughts. For now however, posting is closed (though not technically, but please do not post! :))
Last edited by Mattias Plavoski on March 18th, 2013, 7:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Mattias Plavoski
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Some bookmarks

Postby Mattias Plavoski on March 13th, 2013, 6:23 am

Some Bookmarks

Sahovan Wizards




Last edited by Mattias Plavoski on March 18th, 2013, 7:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mattias Plavoski
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[Mattias' Scrapbook] Musings

Postby Mattias Plavoski on March 13th, 2013, 8:02 am

To do list
  • Fix up the format of these posts! -----[|||O] 75% :thumbsup:
  • Get an avatar and fix my signiture ---[||OO] 50% :thumbsup:
  • Clean up Character Sheet --------------[|||O] 90% :thumbsup: -Finishing touches
  • Finish city development application -[|||O] 80% :thumbsup: -Revisions

{googlefont=fontype} and {/googlefont}

'PT Sans Caption', sans-serif; <- body paragraph

'Cardo', serif; <- Serif body/ Title

'Metamorphous', cursive; <- Title

'Gabriela', serif; <-Title

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Mattias Plavoski
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Joined roleplay: March 1st, 2013, 7:03 am
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