13th Summer, 510 A.V. The day had started out well enough. For the past hour, the wind had been at their back, like Zulrav Himself putting his hand in the small of Sam's back and gently urging him forward. Of course, Horse was doing most of the work, sauntering along the game trail. All Sam had to do was match the roll of his gait and enjoy the peace of the woods. The peace, though, was false. Gusts of wind whipping through the ample summer foliage made enough wind that even Horse didn't hear the angry snarls until it was almost too late. That and the sudden burst of speed he put on for the sheer joy of running, a trait common to windrunners, and they happened upon a pair of bears finishing a fight for territory. The younger one went shambling off in shame and fear, the elder bear roaring in triumph before turning on them, its muzzle matted with fresh blood. Horse reared as Sam instinctively drew his scimitar, but the order he gave Horse in Pavi was to turn and flee. Finding a new stretch of wood for trapping was not worth a brawl with a bear. He really did need to buy a new bow; the distance such a weapon would allow him would be a luxury that might keep him alive in the future. Assuming he survived the day. Wheeling about was all well and good, but he realized that the angry bear might be able to run them down on the game trail. "Shyke," he muttered. |