The soft pulling that the mercenary felt as the dress got tied up, had something that just felt nice. For the first time in her life she actually really enjoyed wearing a dress. Oh how she wanted to parade in front of Zandelia to show it off right now. But that would just not fit her image. She wasn't a young girl anymore, not by far. She had been through too many ordeals for that and she had seen too many winters already. However that feeling dissipated the moment the other woman pulled Revy close, hugging her from behind. The warmth and kindness that she felt just felt so nice. She wished that they could stay like that longer than they did. The feeling of parting almost made Revy grab Zandelia's hands to keep them around herself, but she managed to control herself. "Oh man, couldn't she stay like that for maybe a chime longer?", she thought inwardly. But alas, the scarred woman wanted to show Revy the city, upon her own request, and that's why they had to go. The mention of Zandelia taking Revy out to get something more colorful, stuck within Revy's mind. She let herself be led downstairs, while holding Zand's hand back. She felt secure and happy, just from holding hands. Why was it that Revy just felt this way with just holding hands? Was it because she really liked Zandelia? It still puzzled her, along with the rest she felt by just being near this woman. "Wait, Amelias? Who the... why is Zand replying to that name? Huh?", she thought perplexed in her mind, but the explanation she then received lifted this confusion. Only to start to blush as she realized the meaning of some of the other words. Zandelia didn't want Revy to come to any harm. Damn, why could this woman make her that happy with just a few words? She had heard other cheesy words, but none had any effect, unlike Zand's words. When the other woman didn't finish her sentence, Revy pictured the two of them together rather intimate, setting her face almost of fire. She tried to push it away, but it seemed to be stuck on her mind. But when Zand mentioned the martial quarter, it at least got pushed back to the background, not completely gone, but not dominating the other thoughts. Scraping her throat, to try to hide her embarrassment, Revy said: "Let's go the martial quarter firs then." She hoped that that would at least clear that previous and rather embarrassing thought from her mind. They could maybe later look for a new dress or so. |