Name: Khristian Skyglow Race: Vantha Birthday: 7th of Spring 490 Age: 23 Gender: Male Physical Description: Khristian has long black hair with purple green shines in it and it’s tied in a high ponytail in the back of his head. His skin is an olive color and he is rather tall at five feet nine inches and has an average build, weighing only around one hundred fifty pounds. He is one fourth Inarta, which gives him his green eyes, which will generally stay within the green spectrum, unless he is angered. Eyes: Normal: Emerald green Happy: Blueish green Sad: Forest green Worried: Evergreen Angry: Maroon Irritated: Dark green, almost black Excited: Bright green Nervous: Light green Confused: Sea mist green Hopeful: Apple green Embarrassed: Lime green Scared: Olive green Passionate: Electric green Amazed: Dull green Determined: Jade green Personality: Khristian is someone that can always be trusted on his word. He will also generally trust other people when he first meets them. He believes that most people are inherently honest, but if they betray him several times, he’ll be wary of trusting them from then out. Is always very respectful towards other people, unless they give him a reason not to be, such as if they are rude to him. Despite this, he gets frustrated very easily and can at times have a hard time controlling his anger. He enjoys hand to hand fighting and has been training in an attempt to learn this skill. He loves learning about history and will happily listen to any tale told if it involves the epic tales of the history of a race. He likes to carve and sculpt objects. There are many things in the world that he dislikes. He doesn’t like people who are tedious, or who cheat. He hates people who betray others and who can’t be taken on their word. It bothers him when people cheat, even when it involves a small matter, and he absolutely cannot tolerate anyone who is rude. Basically, he can be a bit judgmental without realizing he is. Khristian has a horrible sense of direction, which annoys him to no end because he hates getting lost. Character History: Khristian grew up in Avanthal. His parents died when he was young in an accident that was a complete mystery to him. In reality, they were killed while on a hunting excursion by travelers from another city. He was adopted by Damien and Ariana and as such Sera and Nica, their daughters, were basically his sisters. This makes him very protective of them. He ended up becoming very close with his adopted family. Has spent his whole life in Avanthal. Languages: Vani - Fluent Common - Basic Skill Points: Unarmed combat: 15/100 (15 SP) Carving: 10/100 (10 RB) Sculpting: 10/100 (10 SP) Acrobatics: 10/100 (10 SP) Storytelling: 5/100 (5 SP) Running: 5/100 (5 SP) Climbing: 5/100 (5 SP) Lores: City of Avanthal Lore of Morwen Gnosis: Morwen Gnosis mark - Rank 1 - Appears as a snowflake on the back of his left hand. Equipment: 1 Set of Clothing (cloak& footwear included) 1 Waterskin 1 Backpack which contains: 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap) 1 eating knife Flint & Steel Heirloom: Earring on his right ear from his original parents. Housing: Lives in Avanthal House: Skyglow Hold- 1 basic 20x20 Arvinta in a Hold with a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table. Ledger: 100 gold mizas |