Basic Information Race: Kelvic Birthday and Age: 7 years (506 AV, 10th of Spring) Gender: Female
Physical description:
Scarlet is about 5’7’’ in length and weighs about 113 pounds. Has elbow-long, light brown hair, sharing a bit of an appearance with her eagle counterpart. Dark blue eyes complement her looks and a lightly tanned tone to her skin. Her petite appearance gives her a quite innocent look, countered by her very lively eyes. Her animal appearance is that of a steppe eagle, 2’2’’ in height, with a wingspan of 6’4’’. While in eagle form, weighs 8.7 lbs. Has no preference whatsoever in shifting between forms.
Character Concept
Scarlet is always lively, trying to get very communicative at times. She tends to get close to others quickly, starting topics as easily as breathing. Her volatile nature tends to also help and hinder her, the excess of attachment and communication eventually ending up to steering the less willing away from her. Her constant search for a bondmate has led her to overly trust people, believing in “bonding at first sight”. However, this has led her to many disappointments but never really bothered to be affected by them. She usually tries to hide her Kelvic nature amongst other humans or humanoid races, passing by as a normal human. She has a profound distaste for her race, believing to have been abandoned by her parents shortly after birth. This has hardened her against other Kelvics, harboring an innate hatred for her own kin. However, once revealed, would never show this hatred in public, more likely to manifest violently when in private with other said Kelvic. A free spirit, and an adept of hunting, combat and wilderness survival, Scarlet will not usually stay long in a single place. Her wayfaring nature and eagle animal form usually make her join caravans and travel from city to city. An avid fan of sweets, even during her eagle form.
Character History
Born in the vicinity of Silyras, Scarlet was the only child of two Kelvic parents. Her father had found a bondmate days before she had been born, leaving her in care of her mother. Shortly after she had learned the basics of sustaining herself from her mother, at about one year of age, her mother left her to fend for herself, only leaving behind Scarlet’s father’s engraved knife. At this point, young Scarlet contemplated taking her own life: food was scarce, nights were cold and hunting had been going very poorly. Before that, however, she decided on going into the city of Silyras before such reckless decisions were made.
In the city, she found a new purpose. Carrying the knife in her beak, she transformed in a back alley, naked as she had ever been. She traded the ornate knife for a set of clothing and a few coins, with which she managed to subsist for the following autumn and winter, and thus severing all ties she had to her family. Once sexually mature, after a couple of years of trading and begging, she had another thing to trade for her life: Her own body.
Along the years, she earned her living in Silyras by various means. She vowed never to bear weapons in combat, staying true to her Kelvic nature, while relinquishing the others of her own race. Given time, she will survive in any conditions, regardless of place or entourage, or so she thinks.
Fluent Language: Bird-talk Fluent Language: Common Poor Language: Isur.
Skill | EXP | Total | Proficiency | Seduction | 15 SP, 1XP | 16 | Novice | Wilderness Survival | 15 SP | 15 | Novice | Hunting | 10 RB, 5 SP | 15 | Novice | Unarmed Combat | 15 SP | 15 | Novice | Story Telling | 3 XP | 3 | Novice | Socializing | 4 XP, 2XP | 6 | Novice | Rhetoric | 2 XP, 2XP | 4 | Novice | Interrogation | 3 XP, 1 XP | 4 | Novice | Observation | 1 XP | 1 | Novice |
Lore of Syliran Culture Lore of History of Syliran Knights Syliran Fields- Loaction Are You Trying to Compensate for Something With That Staff? Party starter Lucy Tides - birthday girl Looking for a sigh of a bond
Gnosis- Luminance 1
1 Set of Clothing -Simple Shirt -Simple Pants -Simple Undergarments -Simple Cloak -Simple Boots 1 Waterskin 1 Backpack which contains: -Comb (Wood) -Brush (Wood) -Soap -Razor -Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth) -1 eating knife -Flint & Steel 100 Gold Mizas
Location: Silyars
House: As a character, please note that your starting package does not include a cottage; instead, it includes a 20x20 apartment with the furniture listed in the Housing section. As it is the cheapest housing available, the apartment is situated deep within the interior of Stormhold Citadel and does not include any windows, only ventilation shaft to bring in fresh air. Each hallway is lined with torches which are kept lit at all hours of the day, allowing for light and giving residents free access to something to light their hearth from. A diagram is included below:
Purchase | Cost | Total | Starting | +100 GM | 100 GM | Drinks | -1 GM | 99 GM |
Thread List
Spring, 513 AV
9th http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic32864.html -Ongoing
16th http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic32376.html Completed, graded.
23rd http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic33734.html -Ongoing
50th http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic32361.html -Completed, graded.
63rd http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic33130.html -Ongoing |