21 Spring 513, The Smoldering Embrace Khristian stared warily at the entrance into the maze. He had been here before, but never alone. Directional sense had never been one of his strong suits, and he was sure to get horribly lost. Determination however, he had in spades and he had decided to find his way to the center, and gosh darn it, he would! Puffing up his chest, Khristian steeled himself. I’m going to do it. I’m going to enter! He stayed firmly in place. ...Okay, now I’m going to do it! Still no movement. His nerves were getting to him, making it seem almost impossible to move his feet. But Khristian was determined, borderline stubborn, and he would stand there until the sun rose if that was what was needed to will himself to move. Finally, almost as if a string had snapped, his feet moved forward. And again, and again, until he was walking into the maze. Here we go. Upon entrance, Khristian glanced around. So far, nothing seemed too complicated. Alright, I can do this. Heart a little lighter, he pushed forward, trying to memorize the path as he went. He didn’t want to get lost. Okay, left here. And then I guess I’ll take a right? Eventually he came to a fork in the road, where the road split into three. Khristian examined them closely. The wooden walls all looked the same to him. Deciding to trust his intuition, he chose to walk down the path to the left. His confidence soared as he walked further. Khristian grinned. He had yet to get lost and he’d make it to the center soon, he was sure of it. Walking with a spring in his step, he took a right straight into...! A dead end. Sighing, he turned to retrace his steps, only to find that he had no idea what steps he had taken to get here. In his excitement, he had lost track of which direction he was turning and where. "Oh great..." Khristian muttered. He was completely and utterly lost. |