Your not playing with yourself when you plot for your character. You say "Hmm I would like Strings to flirt it up with a Dynasty" boom theres a plot., now you advertise looking for a Dynasty member that you can flirt with
Yes that is a very weak plot but its an example.
I mean there are solo's that your going to have to do. You have to find a job, (you need to post in the Freeborn registration if your oging to be freeborn and apply for a job there) . But a very large part of Mizahar is plotting. You have to have plots to play with anyone.
I know Shayna right now is a bit in limbo for a couple of days, but there is very little in her plots that a random symenestra freeborn would be able to fulfil (Shayna has high political aspirations) however if you come up with a plot that you want for your character that a little slave girl that is observant and loyal to her owner to a fault can help you with then poke her.
That is what I mean by plotting, get your character set up and seek out other people. Plus there will be moderated threads that you can participate in when they get up and running that will help you get your character situated.