Xavior remained wrapped in heavy cloth as the claws of his feet gently gripped at the wood of the vessel’s deck. Anxiously, he waited near the stern of the ship as the steep inclines of mountains began to manifest in the distance. A grin played across his face under the leather mask he wore. The brown leather shaped into the form of a jackal, an animal he had grown fond of as the time passed on his journey. The winter’s ice had finally melted and allowed for trade by ocean to return. He had hoped ship from Zeltiva and was stalled from the continuation of his journey from Sunberth due to the snow and wind that blew the ocean into an unpredictable froth. Ice, wind, ice, water, ice, snow, it was brutal made all the more difficult as his identity had been made known after a particularly harsh morning.
The harshness of the weather failed to compare to the harshness of man, thankfully only dulled by the craft, the gift, granted and ingrained in his being. The use of magic aided Xavior to talk down the captain from an execution. Lashes across the back stung harder than the day he had fallen from the grace of Leth’s domain and back to the truly terrible world. But, it was a price Xavior would gladly pay to complete his journey from corruption to serenity of Lhavit. Even though the slashes of man dug deep in his back, no harm or threat was made toward them. Only sounds of praises, prayers, and humbleness passed his lips as he was restrained and tortured half the day. Xavior knew once the sun fell the truth in what he had wailed out to them would be shown.
The sun grew near to the ocean’s line and began to be devoured by the sea as darkness began to befall. The lone deckhand meant to watch the captive was treated to a rare spectacle as the zith’s form seemed to melt away with the moon’s light as the form grew to an almost statuesque figure. Fur and flesh of the zith seemed to fall onto the ground and blow away in the wind, turned to dust that shimmered like the ocean’s spray. Fair skin smooth as polished marble, white hair tipped with the color of lavender, and antler-like horns white at the base but with branches tipped with violet, it was at that moment the man ran in fear as Xavior turned free of his bonds to face them.
His nakedness was soon remedy as the soft, white fabric draped over his body. Guilt befell the older of the crew as they now knew the truth behind the words spat out by the monster they had found among them during the day. Even though they insisted the earthly body to be covered during the day, they treated Xavior as an equal and he was more than happy to lend a hand on the long, arduous, journey. Closer and even closer still, the peaks of mountains drew closer.
“Home,” a warm rumble in his voice reverberated against his cheeks beneath the mask.
Xavior was excited as the ship grew closer to the docks, he could feel the call of the moon in his body as he stepped below deck to strip the costume he wore. He gripped his leather jacket and pants, lengthened and tailored for someone much taller than the zith. He removed the mask and added it to the bundle of old cloth and tied it closed with some chord. Stripped of cover he brought the clothing he would soon wear back up on deck. The sun had begun to draw nearer to the horizon as he stood near the bow of the ship. His body soon began to change and grow taller as the familiar and much more pleasant form began to take over his body. The feel of the cool salt water against his bare flesh and the wind as it blew between his horns and played with his hair made the excitement in his chest grow all the more. He stepped into his pants and pulled them to his waist, only after he had tied the cloth around his crotch.
He slid on some worn socks before the thick boots slid over them as well, the tube of leather hidden beneath the jagged cuff of each pant leg. As he continued to dress the ship shuttered and halted as it tied off at the dock. It was warm out and Xavior opted to only wear his robe, the sash tied just below the dark crescent moon perfectly embroidered into the fabric’s surface. He heard shouts and calls of the crew as they began to carefully secure their vessel to the dock. The crossbow gifted to him for hunting clinked against the quiver of bolts as he gathered his belongings and began to depart. He knew it was a long walk from the dock to the city, but with a renewed pep in his step he felt as if he could scale the steep cliff walls.
Chimes turned to bells as Xavior walked the trail from the dock and to the city of Lhavit. The earth proved just as perilous as the ocean during winter. It was the Unforgiving, a very adequate name to describe the landscape as he hugged the side of the mountain wall careful of the edge. Many chimes had passed, but not quite a bell as Xavior soon found himself at the gate. More of a massive bridge, a testament to the whimsy of Lhavit’s construction, the Amaranthine entrance was a welcomed sight.
“Home at last,” he chuckled and began to walk across the long bridge and toward the massive peaks of the city.
Lanterns glowed with a flame fed by fresh oil, lit all by hand every night. The city was quiet and it disoriented Xavior for a moment as he made it across the expanse of the bridge.
“Hmm, oh. It must be a time of rest now. What good fortune, I could use rest now.” He nodded to himself as the air seemed to grow humid. “Where is Christy and Evan’s house again?”
The plateau of Zintia was vast and covered by streets and buildings all made out of the same glassy skyglass, or at least it would seem that way as it shimmered in the light. Xavior found himself soon engulfed in an almost foreign world that was only vaguely familiar to him.
“Maybe if I go to the temple I’ll be able to be recognized and led back to my home? What was the peak’s name again? Shin...shim..Shinyata?” Xavior grumbled to himself, “it was left from the gate I remember that much, maybe if I go left I’ll find it.”
Xavior did just that as a bell sounded, there was a moment of uncertainty as his form began to gracefully cross a bridge. There was a hint of fog in the distance, it appeared to move across the farthest peak. He watched the large cloud as it seemed to devour the mountain the furthest towers. As he neared the end of the bridge he had to move out of the way as a group of Shinyan ran passed them.
“Get inside!” A woman yelled at him as the air grew further humid.
Xavior looked around in confusion for a moment as the blanket of fog rolled over his body. “What is going on?” He called back to them and received no reply. It sent a chill through his spine as he cautiously began to push forward in the fog. He could only see the pools of light cast from the fire’s that burned.
“It’s only fog,” Xavior chuckled to himself despite his heightened heart rate, “why would they need a unit of Shinyan then?” The tall man wondered as he pressed forward on the bridge.
A small chitter came from behind him and made Xavior’s frame turn around with a snap. The round globes of light across the fog covered span all that could be seen.
“Hello?” He questioned once more before a cackle came from in front of him.
Xavior turned once more and only caught the glimpse of a bat like wing flash in front of the orange light in the fog. Xavior slowly reached for his crossbow and brought the front down to his feet. He drew the string back and slid it into the notch. The chitters and cackles grew as his head darted around some as movement in the peripherals of his eyes could be seen.
“This couldn’t be,” Xavior mumbled to himself in disbelief, “they sound like, ziths?” There was a scream somewhere in the fog, the scream seemed to grow distant as the person’s body swiftly moved away from where Xavior stood.
There was a moment of silent shock before those hidden in the fog began to scream in panic, “Everyone inside!” Someone called, “Ziths” another shouted as more scream erupted among the curious who had ventured out into the night.
Xavior loaded a bolt into the slit of his crossbow and began to run straight between the line of fire’s light. His boots thumped against the stone soon began to grow sharper as the stone gathered moisture from the saturated air. Xavior grunted as he felt the wind of a wing graze near his head. A shadowed form soon descended out of the darkness and into Xavior’s path. A low growl came from the Zith’s chest.
“Petch,” he muttered under his breath.
He stood still with his crossbow poised at the form. He began to hyperventilate some as he tried to calm his pulse some. His focus was on what he felt and began to tap into the reserved pools of his Djed deep within his body’s personal castle. He began to redirect the flow of djed to his lungs and vocal chords, [color=blue]”Fierce, like wolves. Strong of mind and will, strong as wolves, piercing eyes.” He chanted in his mind focusing the words to his Djed. Even as the zith’s form could be seen as it sprinted toward Xavior, his focus didn’t falter. “Strong as an alpha, leader of the pack, I’m mightier than this rat.” Xavior began to rumble and charge toward the Zith as well to close the gap.
Once close enough he stopped and planted himself as well as he could on the slick stone before he belted out the best, growled, shout, as he could. With it came his djed and for a moment the zith paused as if it had seen something truly fearsome for that one moment. A moment needed for Xavior to take aim and fire his bolt. It flew true and dug deep into the Zith’s chest cavity. The sound of the wings as it fluttered and stumbled off the side of the bridge was much relief to Xavior he breathed deeply as he panted.
“I gotta find shelter,” he finally said as he recovered from the shock he felt as well as the drain of focusing that much energy into one attack.
Soon his hands finally found stone and shortly after a wooden door. He pulled on it and slipped into the Temple of the moon as he continued to pant and huff in the humid air. Others had gathered and Xavior wanted to find out if they knew anymore onto what was going on.
oocSorry for the long post. This was sort of a homecoming post lol.