52nd of Spring, 513
The rain came suddenly. It had been cloudy and miserable all day but somehow it was still sudden. A second moved between the calm, dark day and the thunderous pounding of rain as it hammered against the ground. The leaves began to drip puddles around Kitchi's feet. Shocked she remained perfectly still, allowing the water to layer a thick coat against her skin and cause her clothes to stick to her pale skin. Had she removed her hood earlier like she had considered she knew that her vivid red hair would cling to her too, like darken blood on stone. Her elegant, long fingers were still wrapped around her bow, it was no wonder she had been having such poor luck at hunting, animals tend to hide themselves away at the slightest hint of the cold onslaught of rain. Why now? She mused to herself with a slight shake of her head. The faint movement caused splatters of rain to scatter around her. Why when I am outside? her thoughts continued to question the chance. For a moment she considered heading back with a prayer that an Endal would have remained behind the sudden rush to return. A lift back would be appreciated far more then the long, soaked walk up the path back towards Wind Reach, especially with clothes that cling uncomfortably. Kitchi shrugged, continuing to move forwards. What did it matter any more? Her mind was made up, she was already soaked as it was, no more water would be absorbed into her clothes even if the rain continued to howl in displeasure. Weigh from the water added to her burden, holding her down and hindering her movements. It was certainly more difficult to move silently with the squelching of soil beneath her feet. At least the rain was noisy enough to cover my movements Her thoughts continued as she moved forwards. An occasional branch would shelter her from the drops desperately beating against her skin. The cold shock of the rain made it feel like tiny pin pricks piercing through her skin. Eventually she would stop feeling the sting from but for now she focused on continuing to move. Blue eyes continued to scan for any trace of animals, a track, a rustle. It was difficult to tell what was rain and what might be animals and Kitchi found herself starting to doubt her abilities. The movement of time made her more and more certain she would not get a kill today. Part of her was pleased that she did not have to take an animals life but another part of her argued that she needed the meat, Wind Reach needed the meat. Every scrap was important and helped them to survive. Slowly her bow began to lower, more and more she began unprepared for an animal and more like she was merely strolling through the rain splattered forest. It was almost relaxing once the sting against her skin had stopped. As she strolled she noticed a small alcove between trees. It was tucked against the roots of one and another tree's branch managed to cover it. The ground was obviously still dry underneath and the strong roots also appeared dry. Although she becoming used to the rain the possibility of shelter made her face light up. She started to move towards it, her bow slipping into its hold on her quiver. The shelter from the branches was delightful however she felt herself start to shiver. The cold of the rain soaking its way to her skin. It was unusual for her to react to weather, Inarta's were typically very tolerant to weather. She allowed her quiver to roll of her back, settling it against one of the roots. She stood for a moment, watching the pattering of rain slightly away from her. Another shiver clung against her body and she continued to wonder what she was suppose to do, how would she deal with it? The clinging of her clothes against her skin was uncomfortable, it made her skin feel unnatural. Eventually she started to shuffle her clothes around, attempting to unsettle the discomfort. With a sigh she started to unbutton her cloak. At least with less to cling to her the feeling should decrease. Soon her cloak found itself settle on one of the dry roots. It was still soaked and slowly dripped water to the ground. It seemed to alleviate the feeling slightly but not enough for her to feel comfortable. For a moment she merely stood with blue pearls staring out into the leaves. The rain was still hammering against them, flattening and twisting the delicate leaves towards the ground. Briefly she wondered how long the rain would continue, she would prefer to wait till it had stopped before heading back. Aside from the pounding rain it was silent, no life seemed to be present around her. She knew that live must be about, but hiding like she was in small dry alcoves. Her clothes still clung to her uncomfortably and ever so often she would attempt to move them, allowing the wet patches against her skin to move. perhaps I could? her blue eyes turned to nervousness as she scanned the environment once more, ensuring that nobody would be around to see her. Her fingers started to pull at her clothes, stripped her body of the soaking fabric and placing them against the dry roots. Kitchi shivered against the cold which now brushed against her body. An unusual will blooding through her and she tentatively took a step out from the cover of the branches. The rain stung a lot less then it did before, it seemed more relaxing then she could have imagine earlier when it bitterly pounded against her. She was uncertain about her behaviour, it was risky as it was and she had little knowledge in the area. Once completely in the rain she stood still, half contemplating what to do next. Her bare foot stepped forwards, pressing into the muddy ground. Her arms raised around her, flailing in the splatters of rain that danced along besides her. The recent three gashes on her arm stung as she moved but she ignored them, they would heal in time so it was senceless to train herself to rest her battered shoulder. She really had no idea how to dance, and had never naked in the rain before. It was strangely liberating and she found herself laughing despite the cold that traced her exposed body. this is insane She giggled internally as she continued to dance naked in the spring rain.