Basic InformationRace: Human - Benshira
Birthday & Age: 53rd of Winter, 492 AV, age 17
Gender: Male
Physical DescriptionTalib is a rather small being, weighing a measly 125 pounds and standing at just above 5' 5". He has yet to grow a beard or much other body hair, and lacks most formal muscle mass. He does have strength to use, though, as there is little to no body fat over what muscle there is. His light tan skin and pale yellow eyes give him an odd aura that shows off his arcane side.
Character ConceptTalib has always been a scrawny kid. As he's just growing into a man and truly discovering himself, he has set out upon a quest to understand himself and the people he knew. He believes that his fate is to understand society through the magic given to him. He believes that all knowledge can and should be universal, and is quick to pick up a book about nearly anything. To him, magic and mechanics are all perfectly explained by logic.
His goal, currently, is to master all the forms of magic, or at least hold intimate knowledge of them, and to use this power to figure out his past. His natural anti-social behavior makes traveling alone and searching out his answers easy.
Character HistoryTalib was born to the tents of Numair, of the tents of Zahir. While he was part of a very traditional family, after reaching the age of 10, he began to understand that he was different from most of his family. While he respected tradition that his family and friends honored, he felt no connection with them. His intelligence made him feel like he didn't belong, like an outcast. At the age of 14, he left his tents in the desert to find a library to provide him with more knowledge.
At 15, he had come to a block in his path. While he could read and read all he wanted about magic and gears, clocks and extra-planar creatures, he could do nothing with the sciences he knew about. His search began again for a proper school to teach him how to control and manipulate magic, and to bestow it upon him. By luck or fate, he came across a school in the mountains near Syliras that was willing to train him in exchange for labor. Without a second thought, he accepted. He was given a special robe with many pockets for storing scrolls and a place to sleep and eat.
After djed had been bestowed upon him, he began his work, toiling crops and chopping wood by day, studying at night. It was grueling, but worth the effort. He excelled in Reimancy and Glyphing, proving that he had much potential and willingness to learn. As he began to learn Voiding and Auristics, he also began to notice a peculiar grooming of the students. The teachers would almost... push them towards the unethical. Threatening of sentients for personal motives, without actually saying to or doing much more than mental conditioning.
Talib saw the true side of the wizards who taught him not long after his first year had ended. A tradecart had made its way through the mountains, hearing of a wizardry school there. Without a second thought, one of the sorcerers lit the cart aflame and killed the man before voiding the evidence away and walking away as if nothing had happened. Not wanting to follow in the footsteps of evil, he took all he could from his school possessions, stole a horse, and fled as quickly as he could. To his knowledge, he hasn't been followed.
Since his ordeal, Talib has mostly camped alone, venturing through the Wildlands near Syliras to keep his mind clear and study his craft by his own means. He also picked up tinkering with everything he could crack open, particularly things that moved. Something about how they worked intrigued him, and pulling them apart made him think. Putting them back together wasn't always as easy, and he eventually gave up on the most intricate of things. He continues to wander though the forest, training his mind and small body and praying that Yahal might give him direction.
Training, Skills, and LoreReimancy - 21 (15 Racial)
Voiding - 5 (5 Starting)
Glyphing - 6 (5 Starting)
Auristics - 5 (5 Starting)
Riding - 8 (5 Starting)
Metalworking - 5 (5 Starting)
Gadgetry - 5 (5 Starting)
Mathematics - 5 (5 Starting)
Carpentry - 5 (5 Starting)
Drawing - 5 (5 Starting)
Quarterstaff - 10 (5 Starting)
Wilderness Survival - 4
Meditation - 1
Lore of Recognizing Evil Intent
Lore of Anti-sociality
Lore of Creating Glyphs
Lore of Backlash of Weapons
Lore of Taldera(Partial)
Lore of Fighting a Forest Cat
Lore of Edibles in Taldera(Partial)
Lore of Jamoura(partial)
Lore of the Spires(Partial)
Lore of Tah'moor
Lore of Care for Living Tools and Armor
Lore Of Losing a Friend
Lore Of Brulla
Lore of J'halla
Lore of Losing a Fight
Lore of Using Jamoura Spore Pods
Lore of Being Dependent on Others
Equipment and PossessionsSet of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included)
1 Waterskin
1 Insect Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel
1 large tent (4 person), large tarp, 100 ft of rope, flint & steel, lantern, 2 torches, bedroll, blanket, fishing tackle & hooks, a full set of tack, and a large set of saddlebags.
Quarter Staff
25 Leaf Parchments
2 Squid Quills
1 Set of winter clothing and cloak
Mount: Tah'moor
Heirloom: Deep Pocket Robe, given to him during his apprenticeship. He finds that while his masters were truly evil, that the robe represents his learning, rather than their intent.
Ledger-1gm (Quarterstaff)
-8sm(2 vials of ink)
-2sm(4 quills)
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