Closed The Singer and The Healer

[Iosha] Aradia goes to the Bent Arrow to practice archery, and meets a beautiful pale female attempting to do the same.

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

The Singer and The Healer

Postby Aradia on March 24th, 2013, 6:50 pm

14th Spring, 513 AV
Bent Arrow Archery Range

Aradia had only been in Wind Reach for a few days, she had obtained the status of a Chiet, making her a commoner, and had also managed to get a job as a singer. She felt proud of herself for getting a job so quickly in the season, and she could only hope that her brother, Red, was too. She enjoyed living with him, but the man really needed a space of his on, with out her there. After all, no brother wanted to bring a potential love interest back to his house while his sister was staying there. Soon she would have her own place though and would not be bothering her Endal brother much longer, even though he was barely home to begin with.

The Singer shrugged her shoulders as she walked on the worn stone path leading to the Bent Arrow Archery Range. She wanted to hone her Archery skills while at Wind Reach, maybe even attempt to go hunting if it were possible for her to do so. The sight of the stone walls were breath taking. There were a few hand holds for those who are frightened they may plummet to their death, and even permanent stone benches scattered around the edge. Aradia was happy that she came to Wind Reach, though she was sure her mother would not approve of such a decision, she was still happy she had. It gave her a chance to see her mother’s life, as well as visit her half-brother she barely knew, and maybe even meet someone new. Life was good for now, and Aradia was going to milk it for all it was worth.

The range was pretty well empty at this time in the morning, there were only a few others shooting arrows. Aradia had yet to learn how to discern castes well, so she assumed they were higher than she, and kept her head low to not bring any attention to herself. The wall was lined up with regular bulls eye targets with a few animal shaped targets scattered about them. The singer was happy to see such a set up; it sure beat shooting arrows into rotted pieces of wood. Aradia let out a sigh and got her bow out, along with a few arrows and placed them on the ground, stretching her muscles to prepare for the shooting lesson she was about to give herself.
Last edited by Aradia on March 28th, 2013, 1:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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The Singer and The Healer

Postby Iosha on March 24th, 2013, 7:52 pm

After the last week of week, Iosha was still overwhelmed with emotion from her ordeal with Endals, so today, she just wanted to clear her mind and shoot at a target until her fingers start to hurt. Iosha could feel the breeze of early on her bare stomach as she made it along the edge. She frowned to herself when she looked down the cliff to the tree tops below. She didn't want to fall, but the ice along the edge didn't help the konti's chances of making it across alive. She hugged the wall until she made it to the plateau. She walked on the stable ground, and she saw there outdoor archery range was already crowd with Inarta preparing for the spring hunts. She walked through the crowd receiving glances from the people passing by her. With her almost white hair, she always seemed to stand out in the crowd of red heads. Iosha looked at the large firing wall with targets lined a crossed it. She made her way to the director of the archery, and she asked softly, “My name is Avora Iosha, and I wanted to ask how long the wait is till a firing stall is opened?” The old Inarta looked at the Konti and smiled softly, “It should be about ten chimes, Avora. Their is few Endal and Avora in front of you, but I can bump a few chiets, so you can get into the range.” Iosha was starting to get used to the caste system of her father's people, but she still felt uncomfortable bumping a poor chiet or yasi because her higher station society. Iosha said with a smile to the director, “I will wait patiently for my turn.”

Iosha adjusted her bow and quiver as she made it to the waiting area. She scanned the crowd looking for a place to stand and wait. She saw a young woman stretching as she waited for her turn. She noticed she was a pretty human with her bright crimson hair. She made it to her, and she took off her quiver and bow and set them down by her feet. She started her own stretches, and she looked over at the woman and said with a friendly smile, “Hi my name is Iosha Moonchaser. What is your name?” She bent over trying to touch her toes with her finger tips. She was only able to make it to the top of her shin. She looked up at the woman and said through her white hair, “I should be able to get a stall in about ten chimes if you would like to join me? I would love to have someone to talk to while I shoot.” Iosha didn't know the caste of the woman, but she figured if the woman was part of the lower castes than she could help her out with finding a place to practice her archery.
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The Singer and The Healer

Postby Aradia on March 24th, 2013, 10:44 pm

Aradia was not sure how this whole waiting thing worked out, though she would admit she did not like it. She could understand everyone getting a turn, since all castes were welcomed to this archery place, but it seemed there were a few being looked over. She wanted nothing more but to speak up at the indifference, humiliate the bullies for treating others with such rudeness. She knew that the system was unfair, but some people did not let it get in the way of friendships with lower caste members, while others took advantage of their high status. It all made her sick, power ruined people.

Aradia tried to banish the thoughts from her mind, as she continued to stretch, waiting for some of the obvious Endals to clear out, as well as the Avora. Aradia sighed a little frustrated at the whole mess, about to pick up her things and go hunting for practice, when a white haired woman walked up introducing herself. Aradia knew she stood out from the Inarata herself, with her Vantha blood line it made her hair shimmer a dark pink like color in the sunlight, turning it from red to more of a magenta in color. Her eyes were violet with blue flecs which was also from her Vantha father, making her stand out from the other’s as well. She was proud of that fact, but this woman made her slightly jealous. She was beautiful with her white hair that laid stark upon her pale flesh, shimmering like a diamond in the sunlight. The woman who introduced herself as Iosha Moonchaser had beautiful eyes, a darker violet than her own. She was stunning, an angel in disguise.

Aradia felt a blush appear on her cheeks, when she realized that she had stood there like an idiot just staring at the woman. She shook her head a little and gave the woman a smile, ”I am Aradia, it is a pleasure to meet you Iosha Moonchaser.” Aradia spoke with a warm and soft voice, ”I would love to join you. I was worried practicing on my own would end in failure anyways. My brother was too busy today to come out and help me.” Aradia gave the woman a bright smile, her voice still soothing like that of a singer’s. She was not sure what caste the woman belonged to, she did not really know how to pick them out. Endals were obvious, the others were not. Though caste did not matter much to Aradia, they were all the same in one way or another, there shouldn’t be such a difference amongst people, and she would never treat another human being with difference whether they be a Yasi or a Dek.
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The Singer and The Healer

Postby Iosha on March 25th, 2013, 12:30 am

Iosha smirked when she saw the expression on Aradia face when she was staring at her. The Konti looked into the woman's softer violet eyes and wondered if she was only half Inartan like Kovac. She wasn't going to start asking about her heritage when she just met the woman, so pale woman just listened to her greeting. Iosha wondered to herself if the woman was chiet because she had trouble finding a stall for herself. Aradia already told the konti that she was failing in acquiring one for herself, so she had to be a chiet. It was fine with Iosha anyways because she thought the caste system was flawed especially after the debacle with the Endals last winter. She wasn't supposed to say anything about the case, so she quickly purged the thought from her mind. Aradia was beautiful in human standards with her pinkish magenta hair to her speckled blueish purple eyes, and Iosha hoped the woman didn't have any trouble with buffoons of the mountain city. Iosha smile brighten when Aradia accepted her invitation. It was still strange to be treated like a woman of importance, but she had to adapt to the human city or get claimed by fire of the mountain, wind eagle, and the people who dwell in the crater. Iosha said softly trying to control the emotion in her voice, “You have a strong and beautiful name Aradia. It is too bad your brother couldn't make it today.” Iosha laughed when she said her practice would end in failure, and the konti shook her head and said with a smirk,”Honestly, I am a terrible archer Aradia, so I will definitely make you look good by comparison.”

After her stretches, Iosha picked up her quiver and bow, and she waited for the director. The konti was about to say something, but the range director tapped her on the shoulder and said respectfully, “Avora, a stall just opened up and is available for your use now.” The pale young lady looked at Aradia and back to the director and said softly, “My friend Aradia will be joining me today in my stall, Director.” The old Inarta looked at the half breed and nodded slowly to Iosha, “Of course Avora. Lady Iosha and Lady Aradia come with me please.” Iosha turned to Aradia, gave her a wink and said softly, “I don't get called Lady Iosha; however, when I do, I think I am in a Syliras romance novel.” She blew a stray pieace of white hair from her face, “What brings you to Wind Reach? I can tell you are a foriegner because of the dress you wear. Don't worry I am foriegner too if you can't tell.” The Konti was starting to get a bit talkative now as she followed the director through the crowd. She knew she should let the Inarta woman get a word in, so she feel silent as she made her way to the stall. When they made it to the stall, the director turned to the two women and said with a smile, “Well ladies enjoy yourself. We have plenty of arrows in stall, so you don't have to use your own. If you run out, just yell for a Dek, and he or she should be able to get some arrows.” He backed up and nodded to them both and disappeared into the crowd. Iosha turned to Aradia and said softly, “Sorry, I tend to get nosy when I am curious about a person. Why don't you take three shots, and we will switch off.”
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The Singer and The Healer

Postby Aradia on March 25th, 2013, 1:32 am

Aradia gave the Iosha a bright smile at the compliment, she was not sure if she should compliment her name as well, or just let it drop. When Iosha spoke again about being a terrible archer, she decided to let it drop. She felt slightly awkward in such a social situation as this, but she was thankful for the company all the same. ”No worries. We will teach each other during the training, make a game of it to learn quicker.” Aradia said softly with a small smile. She was happy to have found someone to talk to, someone she did not feel threatened by. Or even someone she felt as though she had to act a certain way due to the caste system, it was a relief to be sure.

Aradia and the pale woman finished there stretches, both collecting their bow and quiver waiting for an open stall. As Aradia glanced over at the others practicing the director that she did not greet came over and spoke to the lady. He called her Avora, and Aradia almost became spastic. Oh no.. I have already made a fool of myself, what she to think of me now. Aradia thought as sweat began to gather at the base of her neck, her nerves shaking slightly at the thought of trying to act proper. She was not one who really had manners, she was respectful, but it seemed as though the Avora were treated with just a little bit more than just respect, and Aradia knew her own thoughts of the caste system would destroy that, would destroy the friendship that could of blossomed. Aradia was glad that Iosha still invited her to go to the stall and practice, telling the director that they were friends. It made her hopeful that she had not made too much of an idiot out of herself.

The director called her ‘Lady Aradia’ which was something she was not used to. So proper and polite, she could not help but wonder if Dek’s were called ladies. Seeing with her own eyes how the caste system worked out made Aradia’s heart ache for her mother, knowing that she was treated so poorly made her mad, knowing that she endured so much for so little made her almost blood thirsty. But she quickly brushed the emotions away, as Iosha spoke once again to her, Aradia keeping quiet like a good Chiet during Iosha’s conversation with the director.

Aradia chuckled brightly at the woman’s words about being called a Lady, she could not help but feel the same way, it was awkward to say the least. ”My half-brother Red is the reason I have come here. Hoping to make a life for myself here, at least for a little while.” Aradia looked down at her dress and made a mental note to go buy different clothing, as soon as it was possible for her to do so. ”Yes. I could tell from her beautiful hair and pale skin you were not from here. I hope I have not disrespected you in anyway thus far Avora.” Aradia glanced down at the stone ground, hoping her words had not offended the woman, she did not know how to act, she knew she was looking like a fool in her eyes already.

Aradia gave the director a thankful nod as he left the two of them at the stall. Saying the Dek would fetch their arrows. How lazy people are here. It is all about the shooting and the fetching to gain one’s exercise of the skill and to appericate it more. Aradia thought a touch angrly. She made a note that she would not allow a Dek to fetch her arrows; she would do it herself, unless the Dek absolutely wanted to for enjoyment. Her thoughts were broken once again by Iosha, and she looked over and gave the pale woman a smile, ”No worries, I do not find you nosy. I am an inquisitive person myself.” Aradia said with a soft giggle as she stepped into the stall. She was an inquisitive person, but she had yet to ask her own questions of the woman, out of respect to her caste.

Aradia cleared her head of all the going ons around her, slightly going into a meditative trance as if she were practicing reimancy or shielding, letting everything go around her and inside her, and focusing only on the task at hand. The Singer positioned her feet slightly apart, holding the bow with her left hand, and the arrow in her right hand. Her feet were spread out, about shoulder length apart, and got into a comfortable stance, standing with no tension, yet still being firm. Aradia exhaled slowly as she brought the arrow up to her bow, pointing the bow towards the ground. The Singer placed the shaft of the arrow on the arrow rest, attaching the string of the bow to the nock holding it steady on the bow. Aradia placed three fingers lightly on the arrow to hold it to the string, her index finger right above the arrow, the middle and ring finger held lightly below the arrow.

Aradia exhaled again, focusing on the task at hand, looking at the target up ahead she zoned in on the middle of the bulls eye. In one fluid motion she raised the bow and arrow, pulling the draw string towards her face, relaxing her fingers on the string the arrow flew out from her bow, soaring through the air with a whistle. It did not reach it’s intended mark, the middle, but it still hit the target even if it was the very outside ring. Aradia wiggled her arms and grabbed another arrow.

Performing the same actions before, she zoned in on the target, trying to aim for the middle. In one fluid motion she raised her bow and arrow, relaxed her fingers, and the arrow shot through the sky, and missed the target completely. This made Aradia sigh morosely and she grabbed another arrow, not letting her failure affect the way she shot. This time she raised the bow and arrow, then zoned in on the target, taking her time she aimed for the middle of the bulls eye. With an exhale of her breath, the arrow shot through the air, and almost landed in the middle. But it was on the outside of it, barely touching her intended mark. Still it made a smile radiate her face, almost jumping and clapping her hands with joy. She laid her bow in a corner, getting out of the stall to let Iosha have a turn.

Once out of the stall she saw a small figure running to retrieve her arrows, she called out to stop and the small figure turned and looked at her with an confused expression. Aradia gave the figure a smile and motioned for him or her to come hither. She was not sure if the figure was a male or female, but once the figure came closer she saw it was a female, with short cropped matted red hair, and a slightly dirty face, and a worried look in her eyes.

”Do not worry about fetching those arrows, I will do it myself, need the exercise. Plus my friend here still has to shoot.” Aradia said in a kind voice. The woman just nodded her head, the worry leaving her eyes as she walked away to a different stall to retrieve the arrows for them. She felt sorry for the little woman, but at least she did not have to run around with the stall she was shooting at, she looked like she did not need the exercise anyways, she was so small and frail looking Aradia wondered how she was able to run in the first place.

Aradia banished her thoughts and turned and looked at Iosha, ”Your turn to shoot, hope you have better luck than me.” Aradia chuckled softly, and crossed her arms watching Iosha take her turn at shooting at the target.
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The Singer and The Healer

Postby Iosha on March 26th, 2013, 2:14 am

While Inarta woman was taking her shots, Iosha was mulling over what she said about being Red Daghul half sister. She wondered to herself who was the parent they both shared. It would definitely be a interesting subject to bring up later. Iosha enjoyed Aradia since she reminded of her when she first arrived in Wind Reach two seasons ago. When Iosha came to the city, she was quite naïve on what to expect from her father's people. She didn't understand the caste system at all, and the people of the city made sure she understood it quickly. Iosha knew she had a big mouth on her, and in a city and society built on survival, pride, and status, she could have got into serious trouble with the Endals if she was more loose with her tongue. The Konti can't count the many times where she had to control her anger or be punished by a Endal. Iosha watched her second shot fly over the target, and she smiled to the young woman, and said playfully, “Well at least it went the right direction, Aradia...” Iosha watched as Aradia readied her next shot, and the Konti started to wondered why the woman was nervous to offend her. Iosha knew that Avora were one caste lower than Endal, but the woman seemed nervous to look at her in the eyes. She wondered if the woman grew up with horror stories from the city. Iosha's mother's stories about Wind Reach was relatively a happy and light hearted, but the blond realized that her mother was the lover of a Endal. Aradia's Inarta parent could have had a much different experience in the city than her mother.

Iosha thoughts went to Aradia as soon as she hit the target somewhere near the center of the target. The Konti gave her a clap in congratulations for the amazing shot, and she patted the woman on the shoulder and said to her with a giggle, “You must have threatened the next arrow didn't you. I do it all the time in Kontinese. When I do it, my archery instructor Kovac just looks at me like I lost my mind.” Iosha tied back her hair with some twine, and she said with a silly smirk on her face, “I am thinking of having a conversation with arrow next time just to see his reaction. I enjoy messing with him even when he is sulking. Anyways, I am rambling now. Let see how many of my arrows will hit the wall behind the target!” When her hair was tied, she looked back and gave her a smile, but the woman was talking to a Dek. Iosha was curious about the conversation because the Dek seemed kind of confused at the conversation. Iosha walked up to the line holding the bow in her left hand. When she got to line, she took a wide stance taught to by her instructor. She reached back with her right hand pulling a arrow from the quiver, and she placed the arrow in bow string holding between her index finger and middle finger. She rested the shaft of the arrow on the top of her index finger of her left hand holding the shaft of the bow. She lifted the bow aiming the tip of the arrow with the center of target. The Konti took a deep breath and pulled back the bow string back, but she made sure not to pull it too far back not wanting another incident like the on in the winter.

Iosha took a deep breath as she released the first shot. Keeping her bow up, Iosha watched as the arrow went straight, but at the end, it veered right, missing the target, and striking the hay and feather wall behind the target. Iosha swore to herself in Kontinese when she saw the puff of white feather fly into the air. The Konti aimed the bow at the floor and looked back at the Inarta woman with a smile on her face, and she said sarcastically, “Well if I was aiming for the wall than I could say it was decent shot..Is it OK if I blame the wind for the last shot?” She winked at Aradia indicating it was joke. She shook out her shoulders since the Konti could feel some tightness in her shoulders. Iosha rolled her neck trying to loosen up some more before her next shot. Iosha readied her wide stance again, and she went through the same procedures for the second shot, but she decided to do it slower making sure her moments were correct the second time. She realized was holding the bow to tight, and she didn't have her elbow in the right position. Also she realized her legs were two straight, so she bent them slightly, so the stance was more comfortable, and it helped with the stress on her small body. Iosha lifted the bow and lining up her eye with the tip of the arrow head with the center of the target. The silvery blond woman pulled back the bow string with a inward breath, and she released the arrow with a exhale. Iosha kept her bow up until the arrow struck the target or the wall. She watched the arrow sore threw the air towards the cent, but at the end the arrow started to veer up and hit the very outer ring of the target.

Before Iosha took her next shot. The blond woman pointed her bow at the floor, and she smiled at Aradia and said softly with twinkle of amusement in her eye, “I have to say, Aradia. You are far to pretty to be Red's sister, so how is he doing? I haven't seen the grizzled hunter or Daghul in ages. I am starting to miss the Endal.” Iosha turned looking at the target once more. She reached back to grab another arrow, and she thought about the man who saved her life. He was one of the first people. She met in the city, and she quickly befriended the kind and soft spoken Endal. Honestly, she wished he was here because she needed someone to talk too, but she knew he was busy feeding the city. It was more important than dealing with a moody Konti anyways. Iosha took a deep breath, and she decided not to analyze her shooting technique and just shot the damn bow. Iosha went through the motion like the second shot, but she decided to do them quicker and in a more fluid motion. The blond knew she didn't have to impress anyone, and she knew the proper procedure of firing a bow. The process took about ten ticks to complete from pulling the arrow from the quiver to firing it at the target. The shot wasn't perfect, but it didn't veer off either as the arrow struck the second ring from the center. When the arrow hit the target, Iosha yelled at the arrow in Kontinese, “Fear the power of your scaly overlord, arrow!” Iosha finished her getting a decent shot with a victory jig down to Aradia. She could feel eyes other Inarta on her, but she didn't care as she said in common in a playful voice to Inarta woman, “Your turn sweety..”
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The Singer and The Healer

Postby Aradia on March 26th, 2013, 2:50 am

]Aradia chuckled softly at the womans words, *”Yes, I did threaten it a little.”* The pale lady was quite humorous and made her relax a little, but she was still unsure of herself around the woman, since she was indeed a higher caste than herself. Aradia just smiled and nodded her head, giggling a little. She was not sure who she was talking about, but it was funny either way.

While the woman was taking her turn shooting the arrows, Aradia looked over at the under fed, and slightly dirty Dek that she had told not to worry about their arrows to. She looked so tiny, so frail. As if the wind would take her away if it blew too hard. The Singer could not help but wonder if she was the only one who ached over such a sight. She shrugged her shoulders, knowing there wasn’t much that she could really do about it, she did give the woman one less stall to run for though.

Aradia brought her attention back to the woman, who was doing a decent job. She was firing her second arrow, and it hit the target on the out ring. Her attention was brought back to Iosha solely when she spoke to her, asking her about her brother. *”Oh Red? He is always busy with his Endal duties. I barely see him myself. Usually when I do see him he is asleep.”* Aradia spoke in a sad voice, she missed her brother and wanted to spend time with him. After all that was her top priority coming to Wind Reach, but she understood how important his duties were to the city, so she didn’t pout or complain too much to the big bloke. Although there were times she just wanted to kidnap him and force him to do girly things with her. Maybe even practice putting make-up on him... It was a thought either way. Little sisters were supposed to torture their older brothers though, right?

The woman fired her third shot, and it hit the second ring from the center. She exclaimed her victory in a language that Aradia did not understand, but her body language spoke volumes as she did a little victory dance down towards her. The Singer gave her a bright smile, she knew that the others were watching, maybe even with disdain. But Aradia did not care, she was beginning to like this woman, to feel a little at ease around her.

When she said it was her turn she nodded her head. *”Alright. Let me go retrieve those arrows and I will take my turn.”* Aradia told Iosha, as she ran and retrieved all the arrows she could find. There were supposed to be six but she only came back with four. Aradia stuck the arrows in the stall, *”I told the woman that there was no need to retrieve our arrows. We are not lazy and it should be a part of our training to retireve them ourselves. Helps build muscle, good cardio, and builds responsibility.”* Aradia explained to Iosha.

The woman may have been a caste above herself, but she was going to express her opinion about this openly. She did not care if the woman agreed or not, it was something she felt strongly about.

Aradia gave the pale woman a nod and a smile, and went into the stall. She took her stance with her feet shoulder length apart, and went through the same motions as before, letting go of everything and everyone around her, going in a slight meditative trance as she pulled her arrow back and released it. The first arrow ended up in the wall, making puffs of white feathers just like Iosha’s.

*”We shall say that the wall was the target all along, just as it was for you.”* Aradia said playfully, as she retrieved another arrow, putting it on the string and pulling back all in one fluid motion. The arrow was released and soared through the air, hitting the outer ring of the target. Aradia snapped her fingers,*”Petching arrow.”* Aradia muttered in Vani as she placed her third and final arrow on the string, pulled back to her face, and released it in a fluid motion, watching it soar and hit the outer ring, right beside her second arrow. Aradia shook her head chuckling walking out of the stall.

*”Well at least we are actually hitting the target, so we are at least doing something right, aye?”* Aradia asked Iosha with a small wink. *”So tell me, do you know my brother… personally?”* Aradia asked in a warmed honey voice. She was curious as to what the pale woman’s feelings were exactly towards her brother, if they were just good friends… Or something more.
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The Singer and The Healer

Postby Iosha on March 29th, 2013, 2:21 am

Iosha looked at the woman when she offered to fetch the arrows for her, and she shook her head and said with a smile, “Well, I can't let you do all the work, so why don't I join you, Aradia.” Iosha waited for all the archers in the area to stop firing, and she leaned her bow against the stall indicating that they were retrieving their arrows. The blond woman fell besides the bright crimson haired Inarta, and she said with a laugh, “Yes, Red does have a whole city to feed, so he must be plenty busy.” The konti heard the sadness in her voice and said softly with a wink, “Aradia being the little sister gives you the right to annoy the hai out of your older brother or sister! Why don't you just sing as loudly as you could for no other reason than just being heard. I would do it to my half sister when I find her, but the Valintar might consider it torture since I can't sing very well.” Iosha pulled out her two arrows from the target and from the wall, and she fell besides Aradia as they walked back to the stall.

Iosha watched the Aradia take her next three shots, and the konti couldn't help herself from laughing out loud at her new friend when she started to play along with the wall being the “second target.” The blond woman tilted her head when she heard the Inarta speak vani. Iosha eyes brighten when she thought about her good friend Miria from Avanthal. Iosha giggled at the woman's joke, and the konti wasn't expecting to get blind sided by the woman's question about her relationship with Red. Iosha felt a flush go up the side of her next neck and into her face, so she had to look down at the ground to hide her embarrassment. The blond woman had been thinking about the hunter a lot lately, but he had been away on his duties for so long. She wasn't comfortable getting into a intimate relationship with him. Being his sister, Aradia had every right as a sister to question the woman her brother was smitten with. Iosha just wished she could give her sister a definite answer, so she said as honestly as she could muster at the moment, “Honestly, Aradia your brother Red is a sweet man, and I wouldn't turn him down if he wanted to bring our relationship to the next level, but I don't see him very often, so at this moment, Red is just my friend...” She grabbed her bow, looked up at Aradia, and said softly with a wink of her own, “If it anything does happen between us than you will be the first one to know, OK.”

Iosha walked up to the line, took her stance, and stared at the target with a determined look on her face. She went through the motion of archery, reached back placed the arrow on the string, lifted the bow, so the arrow head is lined up with the target, and she pulled back the bowstring and released arrow. Iosha watched the arrow soar just over the target as it hit the wall in puff of white feathers and hay. She signed to herself, and she grabbed another arrow, placed it on the string, and said softly to the Inarta woman, “Honestly, I won't wait forever for him since I have my own happiness to think about too.” Iosha lifted the bow, aimed her shot for a good chime, and released the second arrow. The arrow went straight towards the target and hit hard between the forth and third ring. Iosha reached back, grabbed another arrow, and said with a warm smile to the Inarta woman, “Well, I guess we are both past the acquaintance stage in our relationship since I am telling you about my love life now.” Iosha determined to hit the center of the target. In one quick motion, Iosha knocked, aimed, fired the third arrow at the target. She cringed to herself when she watched the arrow soar over the attended target and hit the alternate target, the wall. Iosha swore in Kontinese under her breath, and she aimed the bow at the ground and twirled around to face her friend, and said with a giggle, “OK, Aradia this is how you say petch in kontinese.” Iosha uttered the curse word petch as elegantly as possible for her new friend to understand. Iosha sat there for moment waiting for the girls reaction, and she ask softly, “I am going to guess you were raised in Avanthal most of your life weren't you, Aradia. I could tell when you started to speak in vani.”
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The Singer and The Healer

Postby Aradia on March 29th, 2013, 3:43 am

Aradia was happy that the woman was helping her. Maybe she felt the same way about the caste system, maybe she didn’t. But at least she was not arguing about it, and not talking bad about Deks. Every time someone spoke badly about Deks Aradia wanted to put an arrow threw their throat. Her mother was a good woman, even though she was a Dek when she lived in Wind Reach.

The pale lady made her laugh, a genuine laugh, not like the others she was holding back, ”I am a Singer, so he would enjoy that way too much.” Aradia sighed, ”No it wouldn’t work… I was thinking about attacking him with face paints though, and making him look pretty!” Aradia said, laughing again. The image of her half-brother Red with pretty make-up on like a girl was extremely funny.

Iosha’s answer to her question about her and Red’s relationship seemed honest, yet vague. She knew that Red was a busy man, but he really needed some femininity in that home of his. It was so…. Male. ” Ah I see…. Well… As long as you don’t hurt him then we will get along just fine. Speaking of.. I really need to get my own place. I think it would be odd if… well… things became intimate between you guys, and his little sister was present.” Aradia said these with a blush upon her face the whole time. She did not mean to be blunt, but the little singer did not know how else to put such things. She wasn’t exactly the best at social situations.

She watched as the woman’s arrow hit the wall behind the target, and she spoke once again about Red. Her words were understandable, she shouldn’t have to wait for the big bloke to wake up and realize her feelings towards him, ”That is understandable.” Aradia said simply with a smile. She watched the second arrow go into the target with a hard force. Aradia could not help but wonder if she put her emotions of her half-brother’s blindness into that shot, and almost laughed aloud.

She was happy to hear that they were not acquantances anymore, although she was not sure what they were, ”I would share my own, but I have no love life to speak of.” Aradia said with a sigh. Men made the innocent woman nervous, she fumbled over her words, made a fool out of herself, or they took her actions the wrong way. That sent her thoughts to the Vantha male she met earlier in the Spring. He took her the wrong way instantly, she half blamed herself, but also the fact that he was a sexual beast didn’t help matters either.

Aradia watched the woman shoot the third arrow in a very quick motion, and it missed the target completely and went to the other target’s wall. She heard the woman mutter something in that weird language again, and then turned to tell her it was kontinese. So that explained the white hair and pale skin, she was those healing Konti people she heard a brief mention of. She repeated the word, but it did not roll of her tongue as elegantly as it did the other womans. ”I will have to practice that a little more to make it sound at all intelligible.” Aradia said with a chuckle.

The conversation took a turn, and was not directed at her, and about her father’s home Avanthal. ”No my father left Avanthal before he met my mother. I was born in a place called Endrykas. A nomadic life style if you will. My mother is an Inarta, my father is Vantha.” Aradia said with a smile. She did not usually let others know about that, but since she wasn’t an Inarta she didn’t think the woman would tease her about it. ”So, my muscles are a little sore from all that shooting. I think I am going to call it a day for now. You could join me if you’d like?” Aradia offered with a small smile. She could feel her tense muscles swearing at her. She had not shot a bow in a good while. At least she got in some muscle building along with her training with the bow.
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The Singer and The Healer

Postby Iosha on March 30th, 2013, 9:12 pm

Iosha watched Aradia with quiet amusement as she watched the shades of red deepen with every word uttered by the nervous woman about Iosha's relationship with her brother. The konti was actually impressed with the frighten woman when she managed to threaten her about not hurting Red. It was hidden well in her pausing, but the Konti pick up on it rather quickly. She liked Aradia even if she was timid. The Konti smirked to herself wondering if she was konti in a past life with her demeanor. The blond woman was more Inarta than konti in many ways, and unlike most of her brethren, she wasn't afraid to be aggressive when she needed to be. Iosha heart softened when she heard the ginger woman when the woman understood her meaning her rambling. Honestly, Iosha didn't want to give her heart to someone if he or she was never around. It wasn't fair to them or her.

The blond woman listened to the Aradia voice sadden slightly when she said she didn't have a love life yet, and the konti nodded to her and reached out a webbed hand and put on her shoulder, “I wouldn't force it, Aradia. It will happen when it happens, and when it does happen, it will feel like a dream. You never want to wake up from.” Iosha ran a hand through her silver blond hair and said with a laugh, “I said happen a awful lot in the last statement didn't I Aradia?” Iosha smirked at the woman and added with a wink, “Besides, I might have a quicker chance of finding love because I enjoy the company of woman too.” Iosha giggles to herself and said with impish smile, “I like to keep all opinion on the table because you'll never know who will steal your heart. Anyway, I doubt you want to hear my philosophy on the love anymore.”

Iosha shot Aradia a amused look when attempted to say the word petch in kontinese. It was awful, but she didn't expect the woman to be fluent in the language in a instant. Iosha blew a piece of her hair from her face, and she said with a grin, “Well keep practicing it, and you will soon be able to swear like a konti sailor. I noticed in my travels that if you swear at someone in kontinese, people, not from our beloved island, think that I am giving them a compliment. It quite fun when you are talking to some feather-brained Avora or Endals.” Iosha smirks at her, slide her hair behind her ears, and said with giggle, “However, Aradia you need to say with a smile on your face, and it helps to give them a innocent look to ease their mind from your verbal bombardment.” After she was finished corrupting the innocent human woman, Iosha listened to Aradia tell her about the woman's brief family history. Iosha wasn't expecting the woman being from Endrykas and not Avanthal. She listened in silence when she told her that she lived a nomadic life in the plains, and Iosha started to wonder if Aradia had much contact with the outside world because of her quiet demeanor.

Iosha wanted to tell her about her parents, and she said with a grin, “Honestly, my whole reason for coming to Wind Reach was to find my father and meet his family. I know I have a sister in the city, but I haven't met her yet. My father was a Endal in Wind Reach, and my mother was a bard from Mura. She had a beautiful voice Aradia, and she played the lute too. I was meaning to learn how to sing and play the lute in honor of my mother, but I never got the opportunity with my studies in medicine and magic...umm I mean message therapy..” Iosha rolled her eyes at her horrible way to deflect her mistake in judgment. The blond hoped the woman didn't notice, but she pretty sure screw up there. Iosha ran her webbed hand nervously through her hair, and she said to her with a smile, “Yes, I doubt the wall can take anymore punishment from me, so I think we should call it a day. I wouldn't mind joining you, Aradia. Where would you like to go?”
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