6th day of Spring, 513 AV Thirty-third chime of the eighth bell A soft hum echoed through the pathless streets of Avanthal, the sound drifted in the morning air and mixed with the stir of the cold Spring breeze creating a pleasant buzz. The voice belonged to a cheerful looking Vantha who was making her way towards the Skyglow hold. Trailing behind her is a young man, bundled up from head to foot with clothing, he walked with his shoulders slumped and eyes on the ground. “Come on Sef, walk faster!” crooned the Vantha, her eyes gleaming as she looked back at the man. Yousef merely sighed as he begrudgingly trudged through the snow. Ever since he’d mentioned to Silarial that he had a fascination for sculpting and pottery, she wouldn’t stop pestering him about it. The girl kept firing questions about his hobby and what he could do and how different were Yaheba’s sculptures from Avanthal and would he take her to see them one day. Yousef cringed each time she’d ask a new one, the questions were endless! He had to excuse himself and go to the washroom just to keep Silarial from talking his ears off. She even dared to follow him if her mother hadn’t scolded her. Once alone, the young man exhaled a breath of relief. True, he was thankful for the kindness Silarial had shown him, she offered him a warm bed and free meals, any traveler would be thankful. But her constant prodding set him on edge and it tested his patience. Every day was a challenge. Today in particular, he’d woken up to her declaring that she was taking him to the Aurora Showcase—which exhibited a multitude of the Skyglow’s handiwork apparently—and she promptly dragged him off his bed. His protests only fell on deaf ears, Silarial was not having no for an answer. Even her mother helped in convincing Yousef to go, saying that he did nothing but sulk and sigh since he got there. “Young people like you should enjoy your youth.” Areeyah declared as she led them out the door. He had planned to visit Hassan again today, but the gods didn’t want that to happen apparently. Instead they wanted him to freeze his ears off. The days had become colder when Queen Morwen arrived, her presence thickened the frost and strengthened the winds. It made the climate colder than normal. “Too cold…” he grumbled under his breath. Silarial seemed immune to the cold though, she was skipping lightly as she walked and even hummed along the way. This only dampened his already bad mood. Silly Vantha woman doesn’t know how uncomfortable the cold could get, she couldn’t possibly understand. “Oi! Silarial, how much further do we have to walk?” yelled the Benshira, Silarial was a few meters ahead and seemed to be lost in her little world again. Really, he couldn’t believe this woman. Am I in the company of a child? But not even children are this difficult. He quickened his pace to a jog, trying to catch up with the Vantha. “Hey, are we there yet? I feel like my ears will freeze if we stay out here any longer…” he whined as he rubbed the nape of his neck. OOC :
I'm really sorry you guys have to deal with me and my incredible inability to think of a creative title, but it was either that or 'Aurora Slope Sled Adventure' so um yes.
Another important note is that Yousef currently stays with Silarial and her mom, he sleeps in the spare room. Actually it was Areeyah's room but she vacated it and moved to Sil's room. Yes. Bless you hospitable Avanthal-folk. |