Closed A Slippery Situation [Svasra & Silarial]

A trip to the Aurora Showcase that ends up in the Sledding Slope.

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

A Slippery Situation [Svasra & Silarial]

Postby Yousef on March 24th, 2013, 7:26 pm

6th day of Spring, 513 AV
Thirty-third chime of the eighth bell

A soft hum echoed through the pathless streets of Avanthal, the sound drifted in the morning air and mixed with the stir of the cold Spring breeze creating a pleasant buzz. The voice belonged to a cheerful looking Vantha who was making her way towards the Skyglow hold. Trailing behind her is a young man, bundled up from head to foot with clothing, he walked with his shoulders slumped and eyes on the ground. “Come on Sef, walk faster!” crooned the Vantha, her eyes gleaming as she looked back at the man. Yousef merely sighed as he begrudgingly trudged through the snow.

Ever since he’d mentioned to Silarial that he had a fascination for sculpting and pottery, she wouldn’t stop pestering him about it. The girl kept firing questions about his hobby and what he could do and how different were Yaheba’s sculptures from Avanthal and would he take her to see them one day. Yousef cringed each time she’d ask a new one, the questions were endless! He had to excuse himself and go to the washroom just to keep Silarial from talking his ears off. She even dared to follow him if her mother hadn’t scolded her. Once alone, the young man exhaled a breath of relief. True, he was thankful for the kindness Silarial had shown him, she offered him a warm bed and free meals, any traveler would be thankful. But her constant prodding set him on edge and it tested his patience. Every day was a challenge.

Today in particular, he’d woken up to her declaring that she was taking him to the Aurora Showcase—which exhibited a multitude of the Skyglow’s handiwork apparently—and she promptly dragged him off his bed. His protests only fell on deaf ears, Silarial was not having no for an answer. Even her mother helped in convincing Yousef to go, saying that he did nothing but sulk and sigh since he got there. “Young people like you should enjoy your youth.” Areeyah declared as she led them out the door.

He had planned to visit Hassan again today, but the gods didn’t want that to happen apparently. Instead they wanted him to freeze his ears off. The days had become colder when Queen Morwen arrived, her presence thickened the frost and strengthened the winds. It made the climate colder than normal. “Too cold…” he grumbled under his breath. Silarial seemed immune to the cold though, she was skipping lightly as she walked and even hummed along the way. This only dampened his already bad mood. Silly Vantha woman doesn’t know how uncomfortable the cold could get, she couldn’t possibly understand.

“Oi! Silarial, how much further do we have to walk?” yelled the Benshira, Silarial was a few meters ahead and seemed to be lost in her little world again. Really, he couldn’t believe this woman. Am I in the company of a child? But not even children are this difficult. He quickened his pace to a jog, trying to catch up with the Vantha. “Hey, are we there yet? I feel like my ears will freeze if we stay out here any longer…” he whined as he rubbed the nape of his neck.

I'm really sorry you guys have to deal with me and my incredible inability to think of a creative title, but it was either that or 'Aurora Slope Sled Adventure' so um yes.

Another important note is that Yousef currently stays with Silarial and her mom, he sleeps in the spare room. Actually it was Areeyah's room but she vacated it and moved to Sil's room. Yes. Bless you hospitable Avanthal-folk.
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A Slippery Situation [Svasra & Silarial]

Postby Svasra on March 24th, 2013, 10:41 pm


Was it the sixth already today? It couldn't be. If it was, that meant only four days until she left. That meant only four days before Svasra departed from her house, home, and parents for an unknown expanse of days. She dared not think of the prospect of not returning. Her fingers twisted together behind her back as she walked, bending in almost impossible angles that Svasra didn't register as her brow furrowed in thought. It had to be the sixth today though, because it simply was. The days would not slow down because of her own trepidation.

The thought of leaving was the drive that pushed Svasra into the cold alone today, rather than stay at home and relish the time with her parents. Even leaving her quills, ink, and journal at home (she had to admit, she felt oddly naked without them), Svasra's intention today was purely to ... remember Avanthal. Commit every step, every house, and every smiling face to her memory. Time was quickly coming to a close, and the meek Vantha wanted to ensure she could walk through these streets in her sleep on those nights where Avanthal was far away.

First on the list, was the radiant Aurora Showcase, located by the Skyglow Hold. Every artist in the city dreamed of their works being presented in the tent-like designed display area, though Svasra would be happy enough just to stare at the beautiful outside, let alone the wonders that lay within its icestone walls. Though she has visited the Aurora Showcase many times, any admirer of art would, it changed so many times, Svasra found she never walked into the same Showcase twice.

As if on cue of thoughts on the comeliness of Avanthal, the sunlight suddenly shot out from the clouds, throwing the city into a multitude of different colors. Not only did the buildings begin to glitter with the innate regalia of their pearly walls, or crystalline windows, but the Vanthas themselves seem to burst into brilliant shades. What was previously a mill of cheerful men and woman, tan of skin, black of hair, became something else entirely. Hair lit in every color of the Aurora, streaks suddenly became visible, and halos of pinks, blues, and golds surrounded every head as they walked. Svasra's own dark strands became streaked with dark green hues that only showed when her hair shifted as she walked, teasing the eye as they disappeared beneath the top layer of plain black. Gold did the same little trick, affecting single strands versus groups, and appearing only if the sun hit in just the perfect way.

Svasra watched as around her smiles widened, faces upturning to glance towards the sun as people went about their ways. With Morwen home Svasra found herself less a convict, and more ... family. Somehow, with just her presence and the way she didn't mention Layota's accusation, Queen Morwen drew Avanthal's tattered strands hesitantly back together. Of course some still stared, and she was not oblivious to the whispers that murmured against her back. Yet, Svasra found herself nodding politely to those who's eyes she happened to met, and found it automatically returned. It was enough to lighten her footsteps on these last few days within the city she was born and raised in. The Vantha storyteller rounded the corner that brought her to the Aurora Showcase, and let herself stop to admire it's simplistic elegance for a few moments.

Though Svasra had never been anywhere else, she had a hard time imagining any place more beautiful than her home of Avanthal. What could possibly beat the view of the Aurora Showcase glittering in stark morning sunlight, with the chill of Morwen breathing against Svasra's neck and the whimsical music of Snowsong drifting lazily along the breeze, and the call of wares in the lyrical tongue of Vani? It made Svasra reluctant to leave yet ... it was a challenge. It was a challenge to the rest of Mizahar. Find something more beautiful. See something more breath-taking. Experience somewhere that spoke of the love of a Goddess, and the devotion of her people. She called Mizahar to answer it!

Until then, Svasra could only walk forwards to the entrance of the grand Showcase. She was just about to reach the door when someone approaching the Aurora Showcase as well made her heard turn. 'Lo and behold, a familiar Vantha was trotting towards the ice-y building. "Silarial," Svasra called warmly, smiling brightly at her friend. Her eyes, grey-blue with figments of pink, green, and slowly filling with amber turned to the man who followed Silarial. She assumed it was a man anyways; it was slightly hard to tell with the number of layers he wore. "Hello there," she added with a slight bow of her head, seemingly amused by the amount he covered himself with. She paused for a moment to order her words correctly in the less elegant tongue of Common. "I am Svasra Snowsong ... Welcome to ... Avanthal!"

Note: "Svasra speaking Vani", "Svasra speaking Common"

oocMy title would have been: "A day with little desert boy and dancer", so I really wouldn't worry about creativity problems. xD

Wonderful! Glad Silly [Hm, yes, I shall call Silarial that from now on ..] has a fun little guest ^o^

Though, I was perusing your CS, Yousef, and noticed Wilderness Survival as one of your skills. You need a lore to go with that, if you don't want an intervention. Like Wilderness Survival: Lore of Finding Shelter in Syliras, type thing. Also, you've come all the way from Yahebah, but have no skill in riding. xD Just little notes I thought I would mention. C:
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A Slippery Situation [Svasra & Silarial]

Postby Silarial on March 30th, 2013, 11:33 am


Come on Sef, walk faster!” she called out to the tall grouch dawdling very horribly after her. How many days had it been since the Benshira had lodged at their arvinta, three days? She cannot remember anymore. The days seem to drag too long whenever she’s with Yousef. He’s just too darn miserable for his own good that she knew she had to do something!

It was a good thing her mom was adamant in letting him take his mind off from so many things. However, she would’ve been happier if Areeyah didn’t lecture her about the intricacies of proper manners between young men and women. ‘As if Yousef counts as a man. He’s no more than a boy, a spoiled one at that, who keeps complaining about every single effort I give in helping him cheer up! At least I’m doing something at all while all he’s been doing is cry out about how miserable he’s been feeling!’ Silarial internally ranted, keeping a fast yet steady pace a couple of feet away from said person.

Clearly, she had been feeling frustrated that she had been unable to significantly lift up his mood. Silarial honestly didn’t know what to do anymore. Luckily, however, he had mentioned that he held this interest in sculptures and potteries. Silarial giggled at the thought, remembering how he was making a horse impression the first time they had met too. So with his fascination for these forms of art in mind, she decided that Yousef should definitely see the Aurora Showcase and all that it has to offer.

Come to think of it, she had not been able to go see the showcases since the last winter or two. She had been too caught up with the Hold tensions, her work, and learning all the practical skills that could come handy when traveling. Yes, she was going to leave Avanthal soon, sad as it may be. The only thing, person rather, that was keeping her from setting out right then and there was Areeyah. Honestly, she do not know what she’d do without her mom, but she had already decided quite some time ago about the matter, and as much as she loved Areeyah, she felt it was time to go. Such thoughts, however, are best reserved for another time, so Silarial hopped on instead, skipping lightly as she went while humming a cheery tune to entertain herself from dismal thoughts.

The Benshira cried out to her and asked impatiently whether they were at the Aurora Showcase already. “Shh desert boy! You are like a baby. You whine too much. Just laugh it off and have fun.” Silarial threw back, sticking her tongue out playfully at the man.

The two had not even gone inside the Showcase when a familiar voice called out to the Vantha. Silarial turned her head curiously towards the source of the voice, and almost immediately her face filled up with a toothy grin. “Svasra!” she answered, her voice filled with warm affection for her friend and fellow Snowsong. Svasra then greeted Yousef in broken Common, and watched as the two exchanged their greetings. After that was said and done, she turned to Svasra once again and spoke excitedly in the same colorless language they were conversing in, “Svasra, it is a surprise to see you here! Are you here to see the showcases too?” She glanced at Yousef for a moment before looking back at her friend, and hurried to add, “Do you want to come with us and see all the displays together?

Note:This is Common” and “This is Vani

Wow, I've been waiting for someone to call my character 'Silly' for a long time now. Not even Sef did. *whines* For calling her Silly, you're the best ever, Svasra!

And to the Storyteller who would be grading, Yousef and I talked about how my character would've pestered him all day long, so yes, he had my permission to control Silarial and the npc Areeyah. :p

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A Slippery Situation [Svasra & Silarial]

Postby Yousef on April 9th, 2013, 4:06 pm

“Shh desert boy! You are like a baby. You whine too much. Just laugh it off and have fun.” A-a baby?! Yousef thought indignantly. Of all things to compare me too it has to be a baby?! He wasn’t a baby, he didn’t need anyone to watch over him and he certainly didn’t crap his pants. No he was a man.

The Benshira looked repulsed but his traveling companion couldn’t see his expression. The nerve of this woman. He rolled his eyes and pulled his scarf closer to his face, muttering under his breath as he did. “Oh, very mature of you, calling me a baby, you—you cold blood!” he clicked his tongue and crossed his arms around him in a desperate attempt to warm himself up. Well this desert boy wasn’t up for games today. Not in this weather at least.

As they made their way to the Showcase, Yousef could make out the form of the building from a far. It was shaped like a cluster of tents, large enough to hold at least 75 families—pets and extended relatives included. It shimmered faintly in the morning light, “Icestone…” he whispered to himself—an attempt to say it in Vani. That’s what it’s made from, he remembered the gates that welcomed him into the frozen city, the building was made with the same mineral, and its pale lights were of the same hue. He continued to plow through the thick snow but his gaze was fixed on the dancing spectacle of lights ahead of him.

The Aurora Showcase towered above them, he had a clear view of it by this time. The Icestone building glimmered in a multitude of colors under the rays of the sun. If there was one thing he’d never get used to in Avanthal—excluding the freezing weather—it would be its display of lights. Everything seemed to glow its own unique set of hues, for a while the Benshira just gaped at the building. Finally, he murmured, “Wow.”

“Hello there.” Rang the unfamiliar voice of a woman, Yousef snapped back into his senses. The stranger introduced herself as Svasra Snowsong and she seemed to know Silarial as well. He stood awkwardly as the lady Svasra bowed her head slightly and welcomed him into the city, instantly, Yousef found himself bowing back to her. “Oh, ah. Hello Miss Svasra…” the Benshira drawled, unsure if he pronounced the Vantha’s name properly. “I’m Yousef from the tents of Ish—” No, wait, no! There’s no need for that. “I mean, er, Yousef. Just, Yousef. Nice to meet you. And um,thank you for welcoming me into your city.” He smiled sheepishly, biting his lower lip as he did so.

His eyes darted from Svasra to Silarial as they conversed, he fumbled with the buttons of his coat and let his gaze explore the building as he did, not wanting to disrupt their conversation. Silarial was inviting Svasra to join them, he didn’t mind. The other Vantha seemed calmer and more in control of herself as compared to Silarial. And with Svasra with them, Silarial’s attention would be divided between the two of them—thank Yahal.

Silently he marveled at the intricate structure of the large building, his eyes widened at the delicate features and the small details that made the Showcase more charming. A shine caught his eye and he took a sidelong glance, setting his gaze on the entrance. Two large animals embellished the entryway, half of the creatures looked like a land animal while the its other half had tails like a fish. The sculpture looked so life-like that he wouldn’t be surprised if the carving jumped out of its place and walked around. “Wh-what are those things?” the young man said to himself, still lost in thought and admiration.
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A Slippery Situation [Svasra & Silarial]

Postby Svasra on April 23rd, 2013, 6:40 am


Svasra smiled as the strange man inclined his head in return to her greetings, her soft gaze studying the boy with a blatant amount of curiosity. After all, it wasn't very often she saw someone so ... bundled up! His Common was lilted with an accent Svasra had no idea where to begin to place, though its foreign burr made her feel she was not the only one less familiar with the language. "Oh, ah. Hello Miss Svasra..." Miss Svasra? Miss? Is that a type of honorific? Svasra's eyebrows tilted downwards in her confusion, but dared not call him Miss Yousef as she had no idea how to use such a term properly. Maybe it was a Common thing for Vantha? Biting her lip to keep herself silent, Svasra listened to the rest he hesitantly said, "... And um, thank you for welcoming me into your city." The man bit his lip in a mannerism that seemed nervous, or shy, but the smile was warm. As warm as the little wrapped up boy could be, good Morwen, Svasra would be melting if she wore that many layers!

Smiling in return, Svasra murmured a soft response, "Much welcome. Ah, Miss, is ... Miss is a ... title? Er, no, um, polite name?" before she turned her attention to Silarial who spoke up now, her bubbly personality and toothy grin simply wriggling into Svasra's heart. Four days. It seemed too short.
"Svasra, it is a surprise to see you here! Are you here to see the showcases too?" Seeing she spoke in Common, Svasra returned in kind, for the polite benefit of the man she assumed knew little to no Vani. Shame, really.
"Yes, course, what else would I come? Ah, come for?" Svasra responded with a nod of her head, the excited sparkle in her eye reflecting the persona of every Vantha when it came to the looking at their art. "Something to calm mind, and relax spirit," she added idly, though it was more to herself than the two companions.

As Silarial offered to see the beauty together, Svasra glanced towards Yousef, though he seemed impassive about the option. Perhaps he'd already given up trying to fight Silarial when she got her mind wrapped on something. "Sounds lovely," Svasra finally said with an accepting nod, beginning to stride towards the tall Icestone walls.

Svasra had forgotten Yousef was most likely new to its radiance though, as he paused to inquire of the animal carving outside. "I do not know name in Common. In Vani we call seal," she offered, smiling apologetically at her broken knowledge of Common. "Skyglow are wonderful at sculptures, yes?" she cooed with a whimsical grin, running a hand over the side of the seal. If she didn't know better she would have sworn the seal was breathing. "You think this is pretty, wait until you go indoors."

The Vantha woman took Silarial's hand and Yousef's wrist to tug them both through the door, looking at the foreigner to see his expression when they entered through the small door beneath the massage arch. This was her pride and joy, the Vanthas, the place where their tangible art was set on display and for the world to see and admire. Svasra knew her own hands were not of the Skyglow's delicate accuracy with every stroke and every chip, and loved coming here to see the achievement of her fellow Avanthalian. Svasra was part of the inside though, frequenting these areas as one native to Avanthal would. As her gaze pinned Yousef, she could only wonder what went through his mind. Her hand tensed around Silarial's, and tightened around the man's wrist as well, caused by excited anxiety. "What ... what do you think?"

Note: "Svasra speaking Vani", "Svasra speaking Common"
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A Slippery Situation [Svasra & Silarial]

Postby Silarial on April 29th, 2013, 2:21 am


Upon hearing Svasra’s inquiry, Silarial nodded. “Miss… it’s a way of addressing a woman, equivalent to how we use miss. For men, you would have to use mister.” Although not a fluent speaker of Common, she knew more about the basics of the language due to the nature of her upbringing. In fact, she learned it first before she came to know Vani. Thinking back on it, she should have studied the Common tongue more when she was younger.

She was more than ecstatic when her fellow Snowsong accepted the invitation to view the showcases together. Unconsciously, Silarial swayed side to side on her foot, her emotions well obvious on her face. It was proving to be such a promising day for the three of them.

As they were entering through the door, however, Yousef paused to stare at the pair of seal sculptures in awe. His reaction is completely understandable. Even Silarial, who had seen the sculptures for so many times as she grew up, still admired the deft hands of the artists who had brought shape and life to a large chunk of ice. This is only one of the many things that makes her proud of her mother’s people, one of the many reasons why she wished she was full Vantha instead.

Biting her lips as she slightly fell into thought, her attention was directed to Yousef, who asked in curiosity as to what manner of being the sculpture depicted. Just as she was thinking earlier, she should have taken more interest in Common. Like Svasra, she didn’t know how to translate the word from her mother tongue. And so she resorted to comparing it to the closest animal she can think of.

A seal is like a... a badger? Which lives under the sea, but with tails. Or were those fins? I’m not sure.” No, that didn't sound right. 'What was a badger again?' It’s good that Svasra quickly took the conversation to another -yet completely relevant- topic.

Silarial could not agree more with the woman’s compliment of their people’s work.“Yes, Skyglow art are one of the best, if not the bestest, in the whole world!” She did not care too much if her words came out sounding egotistical. She was proud of city’s artists, just as she was proud of the hunters who provide everyone’s food and the cooks who turn it into the most wonderful experience for the palate.

She was a Vantha, and these are her people. No one can deny her the right to claim so. Morwen welcomed her, even blessed her as she did all her children. What was she hesitating for at this time, then?

Shaking her head as she brought herself back to the present, the Snowsong let herself be dragged by her equally excited friend. She wondered how a simple visit to see the showcases caused them to feel that way. Maybe it was the pride of sharing her people to a visitor, or it could be the knowledge that she shared the same blood that courses through the veins of these great artisans.

And so when Svasra asked what the Benshira thought of the structure’s interior, which was no less than a master’s work of art, Silarial could not help but gaze at the man’s face as well. She wanted to know what he thought. Silarial wanted him to cheer up and forget his worries, even for a while, and she would be really sad if the showcases’ beauty didn’t do the job well.

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