Solo To Tell a Story with Music

Aradia goes down to the Twin Lakes to write a song and practice singing in solace with a serene vista.

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

To Tell a Story with Music

Postby Aradia on March 25th, 2013, 5:32 pm

2nd of Spring, 513 AV
Evening, Dusk
Twin Lakes

The Singer made her way within Mount Skyinarta’s Crater, high up in the ridgeline. Seeking out a calm and peaceful place, to practice singing, and to write a new song. She was told by a few locals that the Twin Lakes is the perfect place to go and reflect, to calm turmoil or raging emotions that are inside. So naturally the Singer thought it would also be the perfect place to seek solace so she could write and practice singing.

She had her leather bound book with its blank pages, her owl feather quill, and of course on this day she decided to bring her dark purple ink vial with her. She was wearing something similar to the other Chiets of Wind Reach, but slightly different. She came to Wind Reach wearing an Average green dress, that was quickly commented on by others, so she decided to change her clothing style quickly, to fit in better with the other Inarata. She chose a leather and felt Vinati style top, and a long flowing sheer skirt that resembled the Bryda pants. Though it was not exactly what the others wore, it was similar, just like she was. She was similar to the Inarata but different, and she liked that her clothing expressed that.

When Aradia finally made it to the twin lakes, there was a slight glacier breeze coming from the mountains. She hurried and made her way down to the grassy knoll of the smaller of the lakes, which was big enough to not disturb the Avora tending to the herd of mountain goats. There was plenty of space for her to relax and not disturb them, and for them to tend to the goats and not disturb her. Plus it was a great spot to enjoy the warmth of the sun, if only the sulfur scent wasn’t in the air, it would have been perfect. Aradia dismissed the scent though and brought her backpack around and dug out her writing supplies, placing them on the lush grass. She chose a spot close to the lake, the pure white sand, but still a nice lush green area to sit comfortably.

Aradia looked over at the pure white sand, which she was told the glassworkers used to make all that pretty glass Wind Reach was famous for. Aradia pondered the how-to of the sand, but coming up with nothing really logically as to how they did it, she banished the thought, and it was time to write a song.

Flipping the black leather bound book to the first page; Aradia got her owl feather quill out and dipped it into the dark purple ink. She sat there for a few chimes, listening to the wind talk around her, and smiled at the thought of the talking wind. She sat her quill down on the dry page, and began to write the first stanza.

The midnight wind whispers faintly to me,
As I lay lucidly beneath the trees.
The melodic voices upon the breeze,
Shroud me with their chanting tease.
Last edited by Aradia on March 25th, 2013, 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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To Tell a Story with Music

Postby Aradia on March 25th, 2013, 5:34 pm

She sat the quill down, staring happily at the dark purple ink lying stark against the beige paper. She was thus far proud of the quatrain she had written, with a little alliteration mixed into it. Each line had a nice ‘e’ sound to it and flowed like the wind around her. It was time to try and sing the stanza, and she sat their silently for a few chimes, wondering how exactly it should sound. In her head it sounded beautiful, but if she were to verbally sing it, it would probably not sound as great so she took her time, going over the different ways it should be sung.

After 10 chimes of humming to herself, she finally came up with the right tune. She patted her hand on her knee, as she began to sing the first stanza, The midnight wind whispers faintly to me, as I lay lucidly beneath the trees. The melodic voices upon the breeze, shroud me with their chanting tease. The first stanza came out in a mezzo-soprano, alto mix range, a perfect median of high and low, sounding almost whimsical. It was the perfect mixture of words and voice, since the first stanza was indeed a whimsical one. She felt like she strectched the words out properly, but to be sure she decided to sing it again.

The m(iiiiidniiigght) wind wh(iiiis)p(eeerrs) fa(inn)t(llly) to me, as I l(aaay) luc(iiid)ly beneath the trees. The melodic v(ooiiii)ces u(ppooonn) the b(rreee)ze, shroud me with their ch(aaaann)ting t(eeeaass)e.

Aradia nodded her head to herself, acknowledging that it did come out in a soft, soothing, whimsical style. So with that she decided that it was time to write up the second stanza. She dipped her quill into the colored ink vial once again, and looked over at the shimmering lake, opening herself up to the world around her.
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To Tell a Story with Music

Postby Aradia on March 25th, 2013, 5:35 pm

After 5 chimes, she placed the quill on the beige paper, just below the first stanza, and she began to write the second stanza.

Sweet murmurs lash my ears, as I listen intently.
And as I gaze up at the glistening sky,
The clouds begin to cry.
Crying black, oh so silently.

Aradia was happy once again with what she had written, it was still in quatrain form, still had alliteration, and still had the ‘e’ sound throughout. It was a great lyrical poem, giving reverence to the nature around her, but also it was beginning to remind her of the love story between Leth and Syna. Either way, it was turning out to be something she was beginning to adore, even if it turned out to be a small song, a singer could repeat stanzas to stretch it out, or give emphasis on certain lines or words.

With that written, it was time for her to once again to sing the words. The Singer cleared her throat, stretched her body in an upright posture, singing the words on the page.

Sweet m(uuurr)murs lash my ears, as I l(isss)ten int(eenn)t(llly). And as I gaze up at the gl(isss)tening sky, the clouds begin to cry. C(rrryy)ing black, oh so (siiil)ent(llyy).

The Singer stretched the vowels out to the constant a little less in the second stanza, her voice coming out in a more mezzo-soprano tone, as she reached the little climax ‘crying black oh so silently’ she went back to a more alto tone, weaving the words and her voice together in harmony. She felt like it was coming along fairly well, singing as she tapped the rhythm with her hand on her knee, she sung the two stanzas together repeatedly for 10 chimes, perfecting each note, each emphasis, making certain that the mellow, reverence, and whimsical nature of the song would get across to other people. She heard the goats bleating in the distance and chuckled, ”Well at least they like it. I hope anyways.” Aradia said to herself, with a bright smile, and a small chuckle.

Her throat was getting a little dry, so she walked up to the crystal lake, taking a sip of the water to moisten her vocal chords. If the goats can drink it, and the grass is green, it must be safe. I hope anyways. Aradia thought to herself as she made her way back to her comfy lush green area, sitting back down and grabbing her quill, dipping it into the vial, ready to start once more on the finishing stanza of her short lyrical poem.
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To Tell a Story with Music

Postby Aradia on March 25th, 2013, 5:37 pm

The singer inhaled a deep breath, keeping the story of Syna and Leth in mind, she began to write once again.

Tears fall from above, shooting across the sky.
Crying to the morbid lullaby,
That the mourning moon weaves.
Singing of the warm lover, which has been thieved.

She wrote the last stanza in 2 chimes, taking her time to write it so her writing stayed pretty and feminine, as well as giving thought and purpose to each word that was written. She was proud of what she had created down by the twin lakes, and told herself she would come here more often to find her muse when she needed to write new material to sing.

With the words written, it was time to sing them just as the other stanzas before. This time with an Mezzo-Soprano tone ending in an Alto tone.

Tears fall from above, sh(ooooo)ting across the sky. Crying to the morbid l(ullll)a(byyyy), that the m(oooouuuurr)ning moon weaves. Singing of the warm lover, which h(aaaas) be(eeeen) th(ieeevvv)ed.

A small tear formed itself in her eye, and trickled down her cheek when she was done singing the last stanza. It was touching to her, speaking volumes of love. She was not sure if other people would get it or not, but she hoped that it came across in the correct way. The whispering wind spoke rumors, lashing the ears of others, spreading lies to try and bring forth the demise of the moon, and his love of the sun. He listened to the lies, but quickly banished them and held on to his warm lover, but was punished by only getting to see her for a brief moment in the sky, when he was rising and she setting, the moon felt as if his love was thieved from him, from the chanting teases of others lies.

Maybe it would come across that way, maybe others would see the story behind the words, Aradia could only hope. She did know that she loved the song and it’s meaning, and she was proud of herself. So with that, she gathered her things, stretching her muscles and began the walk back to her half-brother Red’s house, to get something to eat and rest up for the following busy day. Life in Wind Reach was proving to be beneficial after all, she was happy she came with her brother on his Wind Eagle here.
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To Tell a Story with Music

Postby Whimsy on April 13th, 2013, 8:37 am



Experience Lore
+1 Observation The Twin Lakes of Mt. Skyinarta
+3 Writing The Use of Sand in Glassblowing
+3 Music Composition Putting Words to Song
+3 Singing Singing to Mountain Goats
+1 Wilderness Survival Drinking From A Lake
Telling a Story Through Song

I don't know why you apologised for having no plot, this was absolutely lovely to read. A nice change to read something so light-hearted and creative. PM me if you have any questions or concerns.


"Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away."
Louis de Bernières

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