[Verified by Siren] Shadow River

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Shadow River

Postby Shadow River on March 26th, 2013, 6:29 pm

Shadow River

What is on the outside


Race: Black Leopard Kelvic
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years
Birthday: Spring, 510. (The date is unknown)
Birthplace: Ravok, Sylira

Shadow River takes after mostly her mother. She has slim hour glass figure and brown skin. Or how she refers as the perfect shade of mud. Her hair is like her personality: wild and curly. It falls a little past her shoulders. Shadow River does have some her cat features in her human form. Her eyes are a pale grey like most black panthers and her pupils have the signature cat trait. Her canines are slightly sharper than normal. Also her vocals are form so she can hiss and purr but never roar. Maybe her most admire feature, other than her eyes, are her plump soft lips.


All About Her

Shadow River is a person to approach with caution and no judgement. She will not take the side of evil or good. Because now of days she's not sure which one is which. This young Kelvic has no real interest in politics or Gods. No interest in making everyone her friend or acquaintance. She wishes to have one or two people in her life. To love her not as pet but, rather a equal. Yet, if she can't get that love she will gladly be someone's little kitty cat.

Shadow River is what her what her implies and more. Most of the day you will see this Kelvic lurking in dark spaces. She often jealously watches from the sidelines- by her choice of course. It's so confusing how Shadow wishes to be love while still hoping never to get to close to anyone. Or how she sits in her little pool of loneliness while she breathes in her air of pride. To sum it up, this cat will not stop lurking in darkness until someone picks her up.

When Shadow River is out her cage, she's often a unpredictable wild cat. One moment Shadow will be so temperamental and hard on herself that the smallest things will frustrate her. At times the young Kelvic will hiss and give cold statements to anyone. Even the ones she cares for. Then on rare days, Shadow River seems to be monster from the evilest of places.

But never fret. Shadow River can also be a happy camper. Sometimes one may find in her happiest of moods, spinning around with flowers in her hair. Often the young Kelvic will randomly have moments how deep thoughts. Or you may find her bouncing off the wall. Where she just wants to play with everything and everyone. And you may take in any which way you want.

In conclusion, Shadow can be anyway person she wants to be.

Things that are dead and gone. (History)


Only being in the world of Mizahar for three years. There is nothing much for this Kelvic to tell. Currently Shadow is the only one of her kind, in her family. All her four brothers,two sisters, five aunts, six uncles, two sets of grandparents are human. There is no one like her. The only other person that was Kelvic, was her great grandpa. Who, do to his animal, lived a very short life.

Shadow oftens wonders about her great grandpa. Who was he? What exactly was he? Did he love his life? Did he honor his bondmate? Did he want a bondmate or was it something he couldn't shake;like a bad cold? And most importantly why is he so forgotten?

Shadow River's training history is not so... great. Do to being a unbound Kelvic, she has a history of almost hurting her family. Most of the times were either misunderstandings or accidents. Nevertheless anytime Shadow's family hurt her, it was on purpose. Her family, like most people is Ravok, they were twisted.

Most of her childhood she was locked in a dark room, trying her best to understand herself. She even thought herself to read and write. Even though those skills are poor. Shadow had hope that one day she would be truly happy. That she have someone to love.

That's all in past.


Fluent Language: Common, Feline
Basic Language:
Poor Language:


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Wilderness Survival +7SP 7 Novice
Unarmed combat +26SP 26
Reading +7SP 7 Novice
Storytelling+5SP 5 Novice
Dancing +5SP 5 Novice
Hunting +10RB Novice


1) Syliran Culture
2) Syliran Geography


1 Set of Clothing
- Dress with a leather vest
-Simple Undergarments
-A Coat
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (wood)
-Brush (wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
600 Gold Mizas

Heirloom: A simple blue dress ( well she actually stole it)


Location: Syliras City

House: She is staying with her brother (who is never there) in a Stormhold 20x20 apartment. Until she either runs away or finds her bondmate.


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Beer (5) -1GM 99GM
Hunting Kit -25GM 74GM
Throwing Axe -8GM 66GM
Backpack -2GM 64GM
Bath -2SM 63GM 8SM

Thread List

1st of Spring 513 AV

18th of Spring 513 AV

The 26th of Spring 513 AV

The 26th of Spring 513 ( Afternoon)

[url]The 26th of Spring 513 ( Night )[/url]

[url]The 27th of Spring 513 (Morning)[/url]

28th of Spring 513 AV

The 31st of Spring 513

The 43rd of Spring 513 AV

[url]The 45th of Spring[/url]

Last edited by Shadow River on April 11th, 2013, 5:06 pm, edited 17 times in total.
We all want to be different. I guess that makes us all the same. No?
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Shadow River
The Shadow of My Own Life
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Joined roleplay: March 26th, 2013, 4:23 am
Location: Syliras
Race: Kelvic
Character sheet

Shadow River

Postby Shadow River on March 29th, 2013, 9:48 pm

Shadow River

What She Currently Wears

-A plain brown tight dress
-A leather vest
- Simple black boots
-A eating knife, hidden under Undergarments
-10 Gold Mizas in her vest pocket (inside)
- A diamond earring

Her Currant Mood

Shadow is in a place in life were, she's simply looking for friendship and maybe someone to call her lover. Shadow is considerably very young, I mean she is three years old. So right now, Shadow will be friendlier than towards people than usual. So please abused (not in bad way I hope) that because it's not going to last long. In a second, Shadow can become the coldest woman alive. So best to be friends before that Shadow makes a appearance.

Random Things You Should Know

1) When she says; "You're so cute, I could eat you!" SHE MEANS IT! Be careful... she bites.

2) She will always purr (no matter the mood) when you scratch behind her left ear.

3) Just because you don't see her... doesn't mean she's not there.

4) If you are truly her friend. She will eventually bite you. Don't ask.

5) She likes cookies.
We all want to be different. I guess that makes us all the same. No?
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Shadow River
The Shadow of My Own Life
Posts: 79
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Joined roleplay: March 26th, 2013, 4:23 am
Location: Syliras
Race: Kelvic
Character sheet

Shadow River

Postby Siren on April 6th, 2013, 1:24 am


Hey there!

I'm Siren, the local and completely harmless Character Sheet Liaison. In order to help you get the most out of your experience on Mizahar, I have taken a look at at your Character Sheet to make sure that everything is up to par!

Unfortunately, there are a few changes that have to be made before we can move forward! Please see the tabs below for details on these issues. Once the issues have been addressed, feel free to send me a private message, let me know you've fixed what I've pointed out and I will gladly remove the intervention!

Kelvics are allowed to have two fluent languages, one of their choice and one of their natural animals language. This would mean that "Feline" could be your second fluent language and you could choose another basic.

You are only allotted 30 points maximum in one skill. Since you have 36 in hand combat, you'll have to take some out. :) Also, the skill is called "Unarmed Combat"

Unfortunately, a diamond is far far more than the 50 GM you're allowed for a heirloom item. Please choose another :(

I see that you have listed housing but have also chosen to turn in the housing allotted you in the Starting Package. However, even if your PC is staying in a house of a family member, even if she does not own it, or any kind of dwelling that isn't a public residence provided by the City/Domain, than it counts as housing and you can't claim the 500 GM

Write on!
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