Solo One Man Wrecking Crew (solo)

Xi heads out outside of the city to test out the gauntlets he recieved from gregor....With some surprising results.

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Known as the Celestial Seat, Nyka is a religious city in Northern Sylira. Ruled by four demigods and traversed by a large crevice, the monk-city is both mystical and dangerous. [Lore]

One Man Wrecking Crew (solo)

Postby Ximal on March 28th, 2013, 12:25 pm

23rd of Spring 513AV

A calm day...Fair winds and slow gently rolling clouds across a pale blue sky. Xi though on the other hand had dark thoughts on his mind. The seventeenth...Xi remembered how easily he was beaten after such a valiant effort he knew why and accepted it but that didn't mean he had to like it. Xi sighed though and pulled out the two stones he'd been given. Running his thumbs over them slowly feeling their smoothness. How could these turn into those ? Xi remembered what she said to activate them. "just place them in your hands and squeeze." Yeah...But how do i get them off again ? Is it the same way ?...Alright...Here goes nothing. Xi placed one into the palm of each hand and squeezed the stones hard, willing them to work. Then he felt something shift in his hands. The stone was moving. Wrapping around his palms and them down to cover each knuckle individually, then down each finger. Simultaneously it trailed up his arm segmenting in places for ease of movement as well as a fully rotatable wrist cover. Xi opened and closed his fingers slowly but found his movements to be much slower than he'd thought. He was sluggish compared to normal. he took a step forwards and found himself moving much slower. Almost as if his body was moveign in slow motion. It wasn't as fast as he usually was not by a large margin but having said that it was still a little faster than the average person. Xi rolled each of his hands before feeling the stone shift.

So this was why he was so much slower than me...I winder how fast he would have been without these ? Would he have been able to keep up with me? Would he have been faster? Then it suddenly dawned on him...He needed to train with these on, to make sure that he got his speed back up to the levels without them. If he could do that then would his speed without them increase as well ? What ever the case Xi balled his hands and decided to find something to test his force on now. Remembering the tremor and minor crater gregor had punched into a solid granite floor. Xi closed his hands and found the nearest thing ...A tree. Xi Closed his eyes and took a deep breath falling into his usual stance, with a little more difficulty...He might need a new one just for these. Still he'd think of that in a second. Xi took a sow deep breath and lashed out his hand slower than usual cutting the air and landing on the tree. What followed though...Was incredible he'd punched at the tree and smashed it. Not broken it in half nor punched a hole out of the side of it. but he'd smashed it he'd hit it hard enough that the tree buckled slightly and bowed with a few cracks,to the side threatening to fall on him. Now he was really glad that he didn't get hit by them. Xi took another breath and tossed a second punch still slow it thundered into the tree and then...A slow creaking could be heard with a loud crack as the cracks trailed their way up the side of the tree. Xi ducked out of the way as a thick branch fell off, only just before it crashed into him. It seemed as it if ALL of his speed had been cut.

Xi flexed his fingers again looking down at them. These gauntlets as evidently shown offered a lot of power...But at a hefty price. Xi wan't sure if it was a price he was willing to pay for the power...But...If he worked with it ? Could he get better ? Xi weighed the options in his head... And decided he would train. And train he did, for almost six solid hours , he just trained on throwing his punches, getting them faster and faster. Throwing kicks getting them faster and faster, but still he was nowhere close to his speed without these gauntlets. Xi went for a run just straight line sprints between the fell tree and the city wall. back and forth for as long as he could. Still it made little difference as he poured with sweat. He was faster than when he first started sure...But he was still so slow. Without them he was fast enough to have his hand almost disappear from sight. With them he was slow enough that he movements might be read. Still the sheer force they offered was staggering...He had to keep it up... He just had too. Xi now though would work on another stance.

One for just these gauntlets. Xi lifted his hands almost like a boxing stance but his hands held just below his eyes over his nose. One arm turned out to the side one arm flat against his face. both tight in against him, making a shield for his torso. His legs in their usual formation, the stance grounded and very stable. From here he threw a punch forwards, snapping out but it was again still so slow. Having said that it was easier to reset the positioning. He rolled his shoulders and crouched his torso a little lower. Giving as small a target as possible for an opponent to aim for. He wanted to train on his speed a little more but he'd do that another day. It was already getting dark, and if Xi didn't want to be in some harsh trouble with the monks...Then he'd need to head back now. Xi took a deep breath and focused his mind again squeezing his hands around the central stones. The hard stone shell around his hands retracting slowly feeding back into the smaller ones. This was...Astounding but then again...The aperture amazed him...As did everything within. He'd seen only very little of it...But still it was enough to spark his curiosity. He wanted to go back in. But would he be allowed too ? Would the monks let him go down there ? If so he'd take their challenge that he'd heard about. One of their trials to be a monk. Being down there with nothing but clothing and a water canteen for three days. He reckoned he might be able to do it. After all...He might get to see greg and the woman in purple again.

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One Man Wrecking Crew (solo)

Postby Balderdash on April 2nd, 2013, 5:13 am

Delicious rewards! Happy days and jubilation!

Skill XP Awarded
Bodybuilding 3

Lores: The Properties of Gregor’s Arms, Gregorian Defensive Stance One, The Aperture: Fascinating!

Items and Consequences: Nil

An interesting little thread. I look forward to seeing what you come up with. :)

If you have any questions or concerns about this grade, please PM me. A happy you is a happy Balderdash!

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